Story Reader / Floating Record / ER07 Soaring Beyond

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

ER07-1 Rusty Snowfield

Staying curious about the future is the basic requirement for a researcher.

ER07-2 Key and Firefly

The future of the church might lie behind the door that this key opens.

ER07-3 Fading Signals

She leads the forest guards to the place where the sun rises.

ER07-4 Tomb Passage

The black chocolate in the pocket still has the warmth of the human girl.

ER07-5 Lost City

It is a wonder that is more magnificent and brilliant than what humans have dreamed for thousands of years.

ER07-6 Grant Me Protection

You can't always count on the outsider to be kind.

ER07-7 The Negotiator

This city is too small for a real war.

ER07-8 Shadow of the Past

Everyone pays for their own choices.

ER07-9 What Selfishness Means

In my opinion, this is my entire world.

ER07-10 Equivalent Exchange

Murder is a false concept that mankind invented.

ER07-11 Masquerade

His moves are fierce but not smooth.

ER07-12 Balance Beam

This council hall that shapes the future of mankind has an atmosphere of an arena.

ER07-13 Her Footsteps

I just want to make sure that I always witness the final scene.

ER07-14 Internal Conflict

The fire of bullets and beams flies across the smoky sky.

ER07-15 Beacon in the Mist

The girl holds the bright light up high at the gate of courage.

ER07-16 Her Resolve

You'll have to go over my dead body if you want to stop me.

ER07-17 Buried Among Stars

Earth is small, blue, and looks so lonely.