Story Reader / Floating Record / ER07 Soaring Beyond / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

ER07-9 What Selfishness Means


Hanying sneaks through the streets that were dead silent just moments ago.

The fate of the convoy and her recent discoveries suggest underlying tensions, yet she never expected the situation would escalate into open warfare this soon.

Just hours after entering the city, the chaos is already spiraling out of control.

Led by mechanical guards, the engineering mechanoids force their way into deserted structures, rounding up humans en masse.

People are torn from their work and forcibly taken away, their expressions a blend of fear and bewilderment as they grapple to comprehend the unfolding events.

Something doesn't add up. The resistance wouldn't willingly reveal their refuge, Veronica still relies on humans for resource collection, and the Bifrost project cannot just be halted on a whim... What could have happened?

Mechanoid Guard A

...Martial law protocols in effect. Humans are advised to comply. Resistance will only create unnecessary procedural complications. Your cooperation is appreciated.

The amplified announcement reverberates through the already deserted streets, its authoritative commands sounding oddly absurd in the silent emptiness.

Hiding behind a charging station pillar, Hanying overhears human voices drifting through the window from inside.

****, the tin cans tracked us down! Did the boss' operation slip up and give us away?

Word is the ambush went well—gave that traitor exactly what he deserved.

The boss also caught that Babylonian commandant red-handed, making shady deals with that traitor.

Looks like Spikyhead's really pissed off this time. Now she's sending troops to hunt us down... and those people too.

Hey, we've already fired our first shot at victory! They were gonna find us sooner or later anyway—time to give 'em hell!

The answer to her question comes quickly, but it means Hanying must reassess the situation once more.

Perhaps the resistance had planned to ambush Aleksei all along, leading to this misunderstanding with the commandant who went to negotiate. Or perhaps something else happened in between...

Whatever the case, the attempt to ease tensions through the governor's mediation has failed.

While she finds this outcome not surprising, confronting Veronica has become all the more urgent.

But will the resistance ensure the Gray Raven Commandant's safety?

A sudden disturbance erupts, yanking her from her thoughts back to the deserted streets.

...What's wrong with you? Keep shooting!

There are way too many of them. We can't hold back their gunfire. Argh, my arm!

The indistinct cries quickly give way to silence, drowned out by the whirring of mechanoids.

Shortly after, the resistance soldiers, restrained by engineering mechanoids, are escorted out of the building by mechanoid guards.

As snow and wind pummel the city, human heat signatures gradually disappear from the streets and behind walls, while more mechanoids continue their purge task.

I have to pick up the pace.

Despite your attempts at communication, the soldiers have clearly lost their composure. The mechanoids, drawn by the commotion, now surround this secret meeting site chosen by Aleksei.

Set up a defense line! Shoot on sight!

The resistance leader hastily issues orders to engage the mechanoids, with no time to spare for the severely wounded Aleksei. Seizing their numerical advantage, the mechanoids promptly extract the injured man from the scene.

Damn it... He got away again!

Keep those two from Babylonia under watch!

Despite his order, as an increasing number of mechanoids flood in, the resistance soldiers become too overwhelmed to keep watch on this corner.

Why aren't the mechanoids...

The turmoil subsides as it becomes evident that the mechanoids are not here on a mission of slaughter.

It appears they are following capture orders—after subduing the resistance soldiers, they escort them out of the workshop one by one.

This restraint stands in stark contrast to Aleksei's earlier display of madness. Veronica, who issued these capture orders, appears more rational than expected.

...Martial law protocols in effect. Please do not resist...

The mechanoid in the astronaut helmet follows his kind into the workshop. His voice sounds unnaturally deep, as if grappling to imitate the synthetic announcements reverberating throughout the city.

Wisely opting to comply, you rise at Dimitri's instruction, with Liv silently trailing behind.

Hah! Trying to negotiate with that traitor? This is what you get for conspiring with him!

Remember, you're human, HUMAN! They're just a bunch of metal chunks—they don't understand our language!

As the mechanoids lead the middle-aged man out of the workshop, he continues to twist around to shout in anger, refusing to stay silent.

Dimitri reaches the outside of the workshop and uses the crowd as cover to slip around a corner.

Then, with his two "captives" in tow, he makes his way toward the dumping grounds.

Hanying has imagined many possible locations—bunkers, hideouts, even sanctuaries like the chapel housing the Gray Tower.

Yet, she never foresaw that Veronica had been watching everything from above all along, perched atop a skyscraper.

...At last we meet, Veronica.

I'm sent by the Church...

The new Hanged Man... Hanying.

Mechanoid from Kowloong... I've seen you before, even though you're in a different frame now.

There's trouble brewing in the Church, and I've lost contact with the Gray Tower. I need your assistance.

If you're a guest from the Church here to witness our little show, feel free to stay—I'll even reserve you a seat in the audience. As for Church matters... those can wait.

But if you intend to interfere, I won't show any mercy.

A crimson glow flickers in Veronica's eyes.

...Why do you have to capture those humans?

...So you're here to plead for them too?

Hanying, I assume you know the full story. Despite humans massacring mechanoids, you still opt to plead for them.

Veronica's piercing gaze cuts through the air, its coldness surpassing even the howling blizzard outside.

If you wish to join me in building this true new world, you're welcome to stay. But if you insist on defending humans... then there's nothing left to discuss.

This true new world?

This city is a tower perched on the highest peak, and we're on the brink of reaching out to the true new world.

What about our fellow mechanoids who lost their lives?

Mechanoids have no afterlife. The concept of death does not exist for mechanoids.

However, if humans and mechanoids truly go to war, victory isn't guaranteed for us mechanoids. And with the Punishing Virus looming outside...


I see you stand firm in your position.

Before Hanying can finish her thought, Veronica turns and leaps off the building.

But... is this truly the new world?

Confronted with the biting blizzard, Hanying stands where Veronica stayed moments ago, overlooking most of the city below.

The mechanoids continue executing Veronica's orders while scattered resistance soldiers fire from afar. The ground is strewn with mechanoid parts and human blood.

Hanying's thoughts drift to that distant afternoon when her old frame activated in Zavier's laboratory.

As an organization, the Church has worked since its beginning to unite the mechanoids, free us from suffering, and guide us all toward a future led by Sage.

Even today, mechanoids from around the world continue to face threats from humans, the Corrupted, and the Punishing... which I'm sure you are well aware of.

You are right. I have been in a slumber until now precisely due to mankind's mindless hatred.

But not all humans see mechanoids as tools and regard them with hate.

Were it not for the connections I had with a few humans, I would not be who I am today, and would have lost the courage to live.

I have made my promise to her to travel the world until we find "Sagemachina", and the "heart" that would make us more than just codes in a program.

This isn't how the new world should be.

Be it humans or mechanoids, "lives" are not replicable, even though mechanoids' memories might be just a series of codes and data.

The question itself is the answer—even without the weight of a soul, mechanoids can still perceive the presence of life.

What truly needs to be eliminated is blind hatred and senseless war, rather than allowing the wounds of hatred to spiral into further chaos and death in the pursuit of their mending.

A new world like this is pointless... Veronica.

The swirling snow scatters in the wind, carrying away Hanying's final whisper.

Dimitri brings the Construct and the human commandant to the new hideout, having cleverly chosen a different workshop—the refugees have been relocated here as well.

The girl in the wheelchair sits alone in the shadows, gesturing for Dimitri to give his report.

The resistance misinterpreted the commandant's attempt to negotiate a deal with Aleksei, leading them to launch an attack.

...Why did you go out of your way to bring them back? That could've gotten you killed!

She clutches the wheelchair's armrests tightly, her blue veins starkly visible against her skin. After all these years with Dimitri, she can't bear the thought of losing him.

...I'm sorry, Miss Yula. I didn't really think it through.


Yulia lets out a weary sigh.

We don't need to get involved in this conflict.

We've attempted to calm tensions for the refugees' sake, but now the conflict has clearly spiraled out of our control. Neither the resistance nor Veronica are willing to listen to us anymore.

I don't want to see you caught up in their conflict, Dima. You'll end up killed, just like SDC-39.


Yulia keenly senses the mechanoid's silent protest.

...I don't want to do this, but you promised you would follow my orders, Dimitri.

It's rare for her to use the mechanoid's full name instead of the nickname.

I order you to cease your interference in the conflict between Babylonia, the resistance, and Veronica.

...I'm sorry, Miss Yula.

I... I don't want to follow this order of yours.


I apologize for letting you down, Miss Yula, but... this city has been your home all this time.

The alliance with Babylonia might be Aerospace City's last hope.

For you, this place holds many memories, and for me, it's my entire world.

I don't want to see the resistance destroy Bifrost, nor do I want to see mechanoids continue to rule over humanity.

I want... I want...

Something stirs in his core as his modules whir at full speed. He can almost hear the spinning of his own cooling fans.

I want to cross that bridge alongside humans, to reach the other side of the starry sky. I want the city to be free of war, where all humans and mechanoids can live peacefully together, just like we once did long ago.

I'm sorry, Miss Yula. You once said that "selfishness" means looking out for oneself more...

This... This must be the "selfishness" I've been holding onto.