Story Reader / Floating Record / ER07 Soaring Beyond / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

ER07-8 Shadow of the Past


After the resistance group leaves, Yulia closes her eyes wearily.

...What a lively scene.

Despite her words, there isn't a trace of liveliness reflected in her expression.

The Kowloong mechanoid, the organized resistance force, and the two officers from Babylonia.

The lady from Kowloong comes looking for someone, while the resistance group comes seeking alliances...

As for you two officers, while I haven't directly asked about your intentions, I have a fair idea of why you're here.

Since you didn't bring any notable combat units with you, it's obvious you're not here to join the resistance in battle... I suppose you're just on a reconnaissance mission of this city.

Isn't it frustrating? Getting pulled into such a mess out of the blue.

How flattering that someone bedridden like me could be of any use to you.

Yulia's voice remains perfectly calm, betraying no emotion.

But in the end, I'm just someone confined to a wheelchair... If not for that, we might have met at the resistance camp instead of you having to settle for this rundown shack.

She remains noncommittal, as if waiting for sufficient leverage to emerge.

She closes her eyes, taking a moment to contemplate.

I am willing to provide essential intelligence, just that and nothing more.

Thank you for your understanding, Yulia.

The resistance leader might have stretched the truth on many counts, but there's one thing he was spot on about.

By siding with humans, you will never get the chance to speak with her directly.

Her prejudice against humans runs far deeper than you can imagine. That's one reason why, despite holding real power, she has installed a human puppet as a figurehead. Essentially, it's a way to minimize the hassle of dealing with humans directly.

Of course, this could also be an opportunity for us. That "traitor" Aleksei... he might be someone we could have a real conversation with.

...Yes. Despite being branded a human traitor, he's done a lot to alleviate the tensions between humans and mechanoids ever since they assumed control of the city.

Initially, under Veronica's rules, humans were subjected to mechanoid work standards—working twenty hours a day with only four hours allocated for "recharging."

It was Aleksei who continuously pushed Veronica's boundaries, eventually negotiating it down to twelve hours.

Yes, what I said was only the beginning.

Recent policies have become increasingly harsh. Working hours have been stretched to a full twenty-four hours, with only minimal rest allowed after finishing a shift.

Human cargo teams are also being forced to enter corrupted zones to gather resources... This is why the resistance has been growing more radical lately.

I believe Aleksei can only act as a mediator. Although he may not have the power to directly sway Veronica's authority, he could still negotiate to some degree.

If you're thinking about having a conversation, this is pretty much your best bet.

As dusk settles in, shadows begin to stretch across Yulia's face, veiling her features in darkness.

I'm telling you all this just to show you how difficult your goal truly is. The conflicts in the city are escalating by the day—it's already a struggle just to survive amid the chaos.

I won't help you any further. All I want is to look out for myself.

Hah... If you're that curious, I could share even more—when my symptoms flare up each day, how much it hurts, how long the pain lasts, and why I'm bound to this wheelchair. These are the things I know best.

But what's the use? Fixating only on my illness won't help me survive in this city.

Everything I know is just another leverage to keep myself alive in these chaotic times.

As she says "myself," her gaze unmistakably drifts toward the mechanoid named Dimitri—perhaps her definition of "myself" extends beyond just herself.

As for everything else, I have no desire to get involved whatsoever.

Yulia turns away, and the aerospace mechanoid by her side gives a subtle bow before trailing after her into the shadows.

Commandant... what should we do now?

Tsiolkovsky Aerospace City holds things Babylonia needs—from the launch data of Dawn-III to the fusion reactors stored here, and even "Bifrost" itself.

Regardless of the city's current stance, establishing contact with its ostensible leader is imperative to gather further insights. While this action carries inherent risks, it's worth attempting since you have the means to retreat safely if necessary.

...Even if Aleksei agrees to the peace proposal, Veronica, the one with real authority, may not necessarily follow his suggestion.

I'll try to speak with Veronica.

You turn to look at the Kowloong mechanoid, locking eyes with her as she walks toward you.


Commandant, Liv... I don't wish to see this city descend into conflict between humans and mechanoids, either.

I can speak to Veronica. There are a few things I need to confirm with her anyway.

No... that's not your fault, Commandant.

It's not that I can't understand Veronica's anger—those mechanoids are my kin, after all.

A flicker of hesitation appears in Hanying's eyes, but vanishes just as quickly.

I'm merely a bystander in all of this. While I can feel the sorrow of the mechanoids, I've also witnessed the suffering of humans.

The dark chocolate in her bag stands as a testament to that short-lived friendship.

It might sound hypocritical... but I really want to work toward peace in this conflict.

Even in a place like this, the possibility of humans and mechanoids coexisting still stands... don't you think?

She gazes at the factory in the distance.

The refugees are preparing to relocate while Dimitri, having settled Yulia, navigates busily through the crowd.


So, I believe we can figure out a way for mechanoids and humans to live together peacefully in this city.

I'll talk to Veronica as a fellow mechanoid. We share a common background—I'm sure she'll at least hear what I have to say.


...Rest assured.

...That's our current plan, Cervantes.

Bifrost's interference persists, causing the communication signal to fade in and out.

...I [bzzz]... heading to your location...

What's the situation with the Church?

It's complicated [bzzz]... explain when we meet... everyone is fine...

By the way... should I tell the Gray Raven Commandant about the "key"?

[bzzz]... you can... Sage said [bzzz]... the Gray Raven Commandant can be trusted...

I see...

Before Hanying can continue speaking, the communication cuts off again.

...At least the message got through.

And now...

She gazes up at the Administrative Hall nearby. According to Yulia's intel, Veronica often handles her affairs there.


Dark ripples spread from the center of her visual module, while a subtle ache seeps through her sensors.

Could it be... the after-effects of forcing my frame to activate...?