Dimitri, the aerospace mechanoid, shifts his gaze toward the frail young girl who has distanced herself from the others.
Miss Yula...
Letting out a soft sigh, Yulia waves her hand once more.
Knowing that her silence is approval, Dimitri turns to Hanying and speaks deliberately.
Pardon my forwardness, Hanying. While I'm grateful for your help with Nia, there are still some matters that I would like you to clarify.
Back at the Foundation Plaza, I saw you entering the city with Governor Aleksei.
Do you know him?
I ran into him in the woods outside the city. It appeared that he had recently been attacked by humans, protected by mechanoids at that time... Then, I came to the city with him.
Hanying waits patiently as the mechanoid in front of her processes her words for truthfulness, its screen flickering.
...Hanying, thank you for your honesty.
A brief green light flashes across Dimitri's screen—he has verified that Hanying is telling the truth.
This could be favorable for us.
So the one you're hiding from is... Governor Aleksei?
That's correct.
But Aleksei is human. Why do you...
...Why do we have to hide here? Why do we have to struggle so hard... just to live?
The wheelchair slowly turns around, yet Yulia's voice remains as distant as ever.
She looks around at the dozens of people squeezed into the cramped factory floor. Despite being called a sanctuary, the facility is so rudimentary that multiple people must share a single blanket for warmth.
Though Aleksei is human, he bears the label of "machine," which is why he's targeted by humans but protected by mechanoids.
He's nothing but a puppet, manipulated to maintain the facade that humans are still in charge of Aerospace City while acting as a convenient intermediary between mechanoids and humans.
The one we really need to steer clear of is the true ruler of Aerospace City standing behind him—Veronica.
You know her.
Yulia fixes Hanying with a piercing stare, her hand resting ready on the holstered gun at her side.
Is Veronica the friend you've been looking for, Hanying?
I'm sorry. I never expected things would turn out like this.
To be precise, I've never actually met her. I only know her by name.
She arrived here a long time ago to search for one of our kin. After reporting their death, she was never heard from again.
The place where I lived... suffered turmoil. When I ended up in this area by chance, I heard some news about her, so I came looking...
Little did she know that Veronica was directly responsible for the uprising in Aerospace City.
After scrutinizing Hanying's expression, Yulia gradually lets her guard down.
Mechanoids don't lie. While they may sidestep certain subjects or employ awkward evasion tactics... they don't lie.
This... fellow mechanoid of yours has managed to overthrow the entire regime of Aerospace City and set up mechanoid-led rule all by herself.
Since then, there have been minor skirmishes between humans and mechanoids. However, today's direct attack on Aleksei, while Veronica holds authority over the city, is nothing short of a blatant provocation.
As the conflicts keep escalating, things are only going to get tougher from here... Dima, we should start getting ready to relocate to another hideout.
Understood, Miss Yula.
By the way, Hanying, about that other mechanoid Veronica was looking for—is it SDC-39?
In the Gray Tower's database, she had come across it—"SDC-39", the ID of the former "Hanged Man". It disappeared from existence before ever having a true "name" of its own.
The lost mechanoid who was never brought back, the countless bodies at the dumping ground, and the city now taken over by mechanoids... She has nearly reconstructed the entire puzzle from these scattered truths. The only missing piece is a conclusive confirmation.
What in the world happened during that time...?
Bifrost happened.
Dimitri opens a slender crevice in the window. Through this minute opening, a colossal bridge stretches across the heavens, visible even from this confined factory space.
A magnetic acceleration track for spacecraft, Kowloong's codename for it was "Bifrost"...
I see someone has already told you about it.
It's a magnetic acceleration track designed to boost spacecraft launches more efficiently. A remnant of the Golden Age, built to pave the way to the stars.
Back then, humanity saw the starry sky as heaven itself. That's why this magnetic track came to be known as Bifrost...
Tsiolkovsky Aerospace City, or the Tsiolkovsky Launch Center as it was also known, was built under the supervision of Dr. Tsiolkovsky.
Right from the start, a multitude of mechanoids were stationed here to manage a majority of the miscellaneous tasks. They were ideal for preserving confidentiality—never divulging details about ongoing research projects, diligently executing their duties with steadfast devotion.
As per Dr. Tsiolkovsky's request, Dr. Landau, who was then still based in Kowloong, supplied the AI systems for the majority of the mechanoids in the city.
The final test...
Initialization patterns danced across the screen of the small astronaut-like mechanoid as it prepared to power on for the first time.
Hmm... Please repeat the following sentence.
The Earth was small, light blue, and so touchingly alone!
The Earth—was small, light blue—and so touchingly—alone—source: Alexei Leonov.
Haha, you're still as amusing as ever.
Ah... Professor.
Before Landau could give the little mechanoid in front of him a name of its own, he hurriedly stood up.
You've finished calibrating this batch of small machines, right? Care for a drink?
Yes, they're good to go. This is the final batch, but Professor, we're still on the clock...
Ha! Aren't I the one footing the bill for your paycheck here anyway? Come on, there's this drink mixed by a mechanoid that really hits the spot. It's right in Tsio—heh, it still feels weird calling a city named after me myself...
Sharing a laugh, the two made their way out of the door.
The Earth was small, light blue, and so touchingly alone!
SDC-39, you're, repeating that sentence, again.
During the outbreak of the Punishing Virus, SDC-39 swiftly exhibited unusual "intelligence" after being inspired by Sage's murals.
It all began when SDC-39 voluntarily brought medicine and a glass of water to the deputy director, who couldn't issue commands due to an asthma attack.
Later on, people found out that he often sneaked off to Bifrost during his designated sleep mode hours.
When forcibly reactivated, Dimitri found himself dragged here once again by SDC-39.
My power levels should be insufficient to activate—
I helped you recharge.
Having "awakened" earlier, SDC-39 clearly had a better grasp of language.
You're my kin, Dimitri. It is my duty to help you.
Why, here?
Though Dimitri struggled to voice his doubts, SDC-39 clearly perceived his confusion.
This place... it's beautiful.
Just like this...
He lifted Dimitri's screen—one identical to his own—tilting Dimitri's visual module upward.
Yes, stars.
The Earth... Would it look like this from space? A tiny, blue star...
Once Bifrost is built, we'll be able to go see it for ourselves...
Yes, we, humans and mechanoids, we.
After the Punishing outbreak, Aerospace City sealed itself off entirely once the Central Purification Filter was completed. With the assistance of mechanoids, the construction of Bifrost advanced rapidly.
SDC-39 always worked hard, teaching us many things during work breaks. But humans were too consumed by fear back then to care about what mechanoids were thinking.
All they wanted were obedient slaves. Having our own thoughts was an error. Taking our own actions was also an error.
They took 39 away.
He falls into an unusual silence, seemingly unwilling to speak more of the past, as Yulia turns around with a sigh.
They... The research team of Aerospace City, led by my father, discovered traces of the Punishing Virus in SDC-39's analysis report.
...That's impossible. Awakened machines wouldn't...
But they disposed of SDC-39.
Yulia will never forget the sight of that frenzied female mechanoid breaking out of the central laboratory. She seemed like divine retribution personified, sent to punish all the absurdity of this place.
Dad... who is she...?
...Be quiet.
Yulia, with her mouth covered by her father, was shoved into the storage room of their home.
Soon after, the female mechanoid who called herself Veronica took control of the central command system, swiftly overthrowing human dominance and establishing a mechanoid society.
...I'm sorry.
You don't need to apologize for her actions.
Yulia's face remains expressionless.
In order to maintain communication with humans, Aleksei, once a human researcher, became the puppet governor of the city.
Of course, humans weren't about to bow down to mechanoid rule... They banded together to create a resistance force and forced my father to become their leader.
She speaks these words with evident detachment, as if she herself stands apart from humanity.
And so, he died at the very spot where SDC-39 was executed.
As I said, there's no need for you to apologize.
Every wrongdoing must be accounted for, and every action comes with a price.
But... some tragedies should never be allowed to repeat themselves.
She doesn't specify what she's referring to, simply gazing at where Dimitri stands in silence.
I understand, Miss Yula. But with the ongoing conflicts, many refugees have been displaced. Apart from Aerospace City, there are hardly any safe shelters around here for humans...
The "pleasure" that only humans can appreciate. Despite being kin, they're still willing to plunge the peaceful lives of others into the thick darkness of gunpowder and smoke.
Yulia! Resistance activity has been spotted at the dumping ground!
Weariness floods her hollow eyes.
How many times have they come knocking at our door now?
Before Dimitri can speak, a deep voice cuts in with the answer.
Hahaha, what a question! Looks like our visits have been giving you quite a headache, Yulia.
The leader stands confidently outside the factory entrance, gesturing for his soldiers to lower their weapons.
Sure, we might have been a bit of a nuisance before. But things have changed this time. Relax, Yulia, no need to be so impatient.
But things have changed this time. Relax, Yulia, no need to be so impatient.
She mechanically echoes the leader's words.
This is your fifth visit, and I've heard that line four times already.
You bet. That's because I'm quite the persistent one.
He lets out a few raspy, self-satisfied chuckles, evidently content with his own behavior.
Let's cut to the chase. Our successful strike against Aleksei shows that our uprising isn't all hopeless.
You clearly have a misguided understanding of what hope means.
She has already heard this bad news from Hanying.
I get what you're itching to say—that Aleksei is just a puppet, and our resistance is pointless as long as Veronica stays in charge.
But just like in chess, we need to move our pieces carefully, one step at a time. At the very least, we've made a strong move by putting a good scare into that traitor to humanity.
In that case, congratulations.
I'll take that as praise from our future ally.
Yulia, what I'm saying is that your strength is just as crucial. If you join us in the fight, we can move forward together, taking another big step.
One piece alone on the board seldom wins, but if we unite our forces, I'm confident we can win this game. I promise you, we won't let the tragedy that befell your father repeat itself!
My father?
Her smile freezes, tinged with a touch of coldness.
Yes, Leonid was someone I deeply admired! He fought bravely, putting everything on the line for the future of Aerospace City and all of humanity! As his daughter, I believe you carry just as much strength as he did.
...Hah, this noble cause of yours was exactly what pushed him into the limelight, causing his miserable death at the Foundation Plaza.
And now you expect me to join forces with you using the same old rhetoric as back then?
What a shame, Yulia. Here I thought you turned us down before simply because we hadn't shown enough promising results.
But even if you refuse to join us, do you honestly believe Veronica will let you off the hook?
Now that we've attacked that traitor, she won't allow humans to live peacefully in Aerospace City anymore. Wake up and face reality!
...You're threatening me.
I'm inviting you, to witness the rebirth of Aerospace City.
With just the handful of people you have?
And of course, there's your group too, Yulia.
The resistance leader steps forward, his eyes gleaming with menace.
Upon thorough consideration, intervention appears necessary to you. With Yulia at a disadvantage, there is a possibility of the resistance group surrounding the area, putting both Liv and yourself in danger as well.
...And who might you be now?
The middle-aged man fixes his menacing gaze upon you.
After checking your credentials, the man speaks again, though skepticism still lingers in his voice.
Babylonia...? Hah, the high and mighty showing up here? Surprising to see you mingle with us refugees.
And what brilliant insight do you have to share?
Apart from Veronica's combat prowess, the refugees armed with these rudimentary weapons would likely be torn apart by the mechanoids long before they could even reach the central district.
...That's true. Even with your armor-piercing rounds, there are far too many mechanoids...
Oh? So, you're here too... Then you must know what those mechanoids have been forcing us to do!
Working around the clock, forced to battle Hetero-Creatures, and if we fall even slightly short of the demanded materials, they cut our dinner rations...
Well, I guess none of this concerns you in the slightest... Whether you're a girl from Kowloong or one of the high and mighty from Babylonia, these issues are probably beneath your attention, right?
He lets out a few derisive chuckles.
What if I told you that spiky-headed witch's targets aren't limited to just us here in Aerospace City... Would you still stand idly in that case?
That Bifrost thing is a magnetic accelerator track. You don't seriously think spacecraft are the only things it can launch, do you?
Heh, as expected of a Babylonia officer. Sure, it's a magnetic accelerator track, but no one ever said it could only launch spacecraft.
I'll be frank—I've heard that Veronica plans to activate Bifrost and launch a vanguard fleet to strike Babylonia.
...Just as I thought.
Commandant, since entering the city, our communication devices have been experiencing significant magnetic interference, causing us to only receive intermittent signals.
Yes, Commandant. Since entering the city, our communication devices have been experiencing significant magnetic interference, causing us to only receive intermittent signals.
It must be because the magnetic acceleration track has started charging up...
Ready to discuss collaboration now, Yulia?
...Yet Yulia remains silent, seemingly still hesitant. Unfazed, the leader shifts his focus to you.
...Tch, what about you folks from Babylonia?
For the esteemed officer of Babylonia, I suppose I can elaborate a bit more on our plan.
Bifrost runs on a cold fusion reactor. If we can seize it, Bifrost will naturally lose its ability to charge energy.
The Central Purification Filter in the city has been working fine. In this godforsaken place, even that damned virus can barely survive.
Once we drive that spiky-headed witch away, we'll find a way to blow up that damn bridge. Then you can go your way, and we'll go ours...
This is the most efficient way to shut down Bifrost, obviously. The bridge has no alternative power source, and those metal freaks have reinforced its structure. Taking over the reactor is our only option.
If the clash gets out of hand, won't the reactor...
Nothing comes without risk, and here, we can only choose the lesser evil... Or would you rather watch them strike Babylonia using Bifrost?
Talk things out? You're human too. She won't offer you any special treatment simply because you're not a local.
Not everyone has the luxury of "talking things out" with her, like that traitor Aleksei. Even having one human puppet is one too many for her, let alone more—
Your gaze locks with the Kowloong-garbed mechanoid. While no official alliance has been established, an unspoken understanding appears to pass between the two of you.
Hmph, I don't buy these diplomatic games. The only thing I believe in is armed backup. I won't stand to see another traitor to humanity in this city.
But a military operation to shut down the reactor has a failure rate of 73.23%.
In these few days alone, numerous lives have been thrown into suffering. Many humans and mechanoids... have died because of your "resistance."
This city is too small for a real war.
And our hearts are just as small, with no room for grand notions of peace.
All I know is how it feels to work yourself to death, only to still go hungry...
All I know is how it feels when the mechanoid guards cut our rations for falling just 500 grams short of the daily recycling quota.
All I know is how it feels to watch a young recruit die right before my eyes, barely days after she joined!
I just want to drive Veronica out and take back the city that's rightfully ours! That's my answer—that's my sincerity right there!
Now it's your turn to show some real sincerity. Bifrost charges in phases—once this phase ends, the magnetic interference will disappear. That's when you can reach out to Babylonia for reinforcements.
Don't wait until it's aiming at Babylonia to regret your choice.
Drawing his weapon from its holster, the resistance leader turns and walks away in silence, his followers close behind.
His silhouette creates a striking image against the backdrop, like something straight out of an action movie.
And in his mind, he envisions himself as the hero who can move mountains and change the tides.
With bullets as his light, he shall shatter the darkness and deliver salvation.
Boss, why are you being all nice and saving those Babylonia bigwigs? Even if we shut down the reactor, it won't change the mechanoids' hold on power. If anything, they'll just come down on us even harder.
They claim they're from Babylonia... Regardless of which force they belong to, Babylonia won't stay quiet once they activate Bifrost.
I'm unsure about that person's identity, but...
Once we pull in Babylonia's reinforcements, they'll be in this, whether they like it or not. Do you really think they'll just stand back and watch Aerospace City fall to mechanoids?
When the time comes, we'll wipe out all these mechanoids in one fell swoop... Dimitri, Veronica, all of them...
This place... must be ruled by humans.
To hell with those... cursed supplies for that damned bridge!
...How's the collection of supplies for Bifrost going?
We still need 43.89% more to meet the required fuel supply.
Additionally, we're missing some composite materials... The last batch helped cover some of it, but we're still short about 20%.
Send out the cargo teams to search for more.
Yeah... Only by activating Bifrost can Aerospace City truly make its mark in this world.
When that day comes, this place can shelter all mechanoids... just like that Church of Machina you once told me about.
Only with enough military strength can we stand on equal footing with humans and make our voices heard...
The female mechanoid's figure vanishes into the blizzard.