Story Reader / Festival Event Story / Solitary Longings / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

Tide's Kiss


The next day, with the storm gone, the sky stretches on for as far as the eye can see without a piece of cloud, and the long coastline is strewn with treasures from the deep sea.

Lamia, along with Begonia and the young person they rescued yesterday, are happily absorbed in digging holes in the sand and sorting through fish and shrimp.

Still can't remember anything even after getting some rest? We could help you look around, but without any leads to go on...

What about names? People, places... You haven't forgotten your own name, I hope?

Lamia slows down as she gently repeats the name she heard.

...I feel like I've heard this name somewhere...

Doesn't sound like one of the names I've heard around here.

Huh? Someone with the same name as me?

The little girl's eyes grow even wider as she quickly rolls up her sleeve and holds out her arm.

Does this... look right?

What a coincidence... Do people who share the same name and traits really exist in this world? I always thought those were stories that people made up.

But how do you even know who I am when we've never met?

Hearing what she said, you offer a gentle smile without saying anything.

...Hmm, I still can't remember anything useful.

When we head into the city in a few days, I'll have a talk with the priests at the Temple about your situation. They're well-versed in many things, and I bet they know how to help you find your way home.

You guys have no temples or priests there? But what do you guys do when the Sea God gets mad?

Ah... Counting on luck, huh... That's sad...

Begonia's eyes are filled with sympathy. Lamia pats her shoulder, then turns around and points to the horizon opposite the coastline.

Rising mountains pierce the horizon in the distance, and atop the highest peak stands a magnificent structure.

As I was saying—look, that's the temple, but... don't even think about going in there.

That place is heavily guarded, and the sentries there are fiercer than you can imagine. I'm only allowed inside because the priests chose me to conduct their rituals.

Yes, it's how the priests appease the Sea God's wrath and drive away storms. That storm you encountered yesterday—it probably only cleared so quickly because of the ritual the Temple had just recently performed.

Usually, these storms last at least three to five days... Hm? What are you doing?

Lamia watches with confusion as you pull out a terminal and point it toward the distant Temple.


Take pictures as a gesture of respect...?

Before Lamia finishes what she has to say, you've already sent out another message with your terminal, all the while with Lamia looking at you in bewilderment.

What are you trying to—

Before she can finish her words, a clamor of voices suddenly rises from behind you.

The quiet beach gradually comes to life with activity.

Ah, this is no good! People are awake now—we need to hurry up before they take all the good stuff!

Without waiting for you to say a word, Lamia grabs your sleeve and runs down the beach, heading toward somewhere in the distance.

Lamia walks along the beach with a bucket in hand, scanning her surroundings.

At some point, Begonia has fallen behind and disappeared, yet their new acquaintance continues to follow behind closely.

With a keen eye, Lamia spots the perfect spot and quickly digs a deep hole with a couple of powerful scoops.

Here... hold the bucket for me... There, got it!

Lamia stands up, her hands full of razor clams.

Let's cook these for dinner tonight. Do you like razor clams?

Hehe, I love them too. Looks like we have similar tastes.

I see... Don't worry! The bucket's full of seafood—we'll find something you like.

Lamia places the razor clam in the bucket and pauses briefly in thought. She then changes direction and presses on without any sign of stopping.

Hm? Are you feeling okay? Want to head back? We can sit for a bit if you're feeling tired.

Just a bit longer. We don't get chances this good very often. A little extra work today means we can take it easy for days to come.

That's a weird question. You're making me sound like an outsider. I was born here and have lived my entire life here.

Wait a second... Are you trying to figure out how old I am?


Instead of answering your question, Lamia sets down the bucket of seafood, tugs your hand, and starts walking toward the sea.

Yes, right here. Step up on this—but watch out for the rocks because they're super sharp.

Now, do as I do.

Lamia takes a deep breath and starts shouting toward the sea.



Can't you see that I'm letting it all out? Super helpful when you're feeling down!

Well, I'm obviously not the one feeling down here. I mean, you've got this serious look and all these serious questions. What's bothering you exactly?

Ah, I get it. I was super nervous myself when the priests first brought me to the Temple. But you know what? You get used to it eventually.

Feel free to stay here, though, if you really can't find your way home. Pretty sure I won't go broke trying to keep you fed.

Lamia takes your lack of immediate response as your being afraid to ask.

You know... See, looking at you, I get the feeling you're the type who pushes themselves too hard...

Since you can't remember anything now, why not just think of this period of time as a long vacation the world has given you? Take a breather.

That's right! Just forget about all the annoying stuff. I mean, we didn't come to this world to endure suffering. Keep that face up, or you'll end up with wrinkles all over your face in no time!

Lamia gives you a hearty pat on the shoulder. Seeing you all dumbfounded, she tilts her head and breaks into a gentle smile.

I thought you were trying to find out if I liked my life here now, no? You'll find out soon enough in a few days when I'm done showing you around!

Satisfied with the response, Lamia nods contentedly, then leaps off the reef and gracefully treads through the water back to the shore.

Let's go. It's getting late—let's pick up some more before heading back.

By the time the two of you return, night has fallen. Awaiting you is a rather lively evening gathering.

Having lit up the nighttime sea, enthusiastic villagers generously share their catch from the day. They sing and dance around a bonfire, celebrating the day's bountiful harvest while showing their appreciation for the gift from the sea.

You and Lamia sit at the edge of the bonfire's light, keeping a comfortable distance from the crowd.

What a shame. I was totally going to make you dinner and show you what I can do in the kitchen.

But hey, we got a free meal without having to lift a finger. Can't complain about that, right?

As she enjoys the grilled food passed over by the villagers, Lamia stretches comfortably.

As she is about to yawn, a familiar figure shows up before the two of you.

Ah, there you are! Why are you sitting so far away from everyone else? We're having so much fun there! You should come and join us!

You know what, just leave me out of whatever you're gonna ask us to do. I'm too tired—don't ask me to do anything that takes more than two movements.

With an exaggerated groan, Lamia tosses away her skewer and flops down dramatically onto the sand.

Gee, you party pooper! Hey [player name], want to join in the fun?

Well, have you got any other talents? Singing works, too.

Hahaha, you're funny! You do realize that everyone here is a fisher, don't you?

Whoa, that's actually pretty impressive!

The statement draws a gasp of amazement from the little girl and makes Lamia tilt her head slightly, her lips parting in surprise.

A second later, you give her a knowing look she doesn't quite understand.


But fishing still doesn't count since you can't show it off here! Come on, sing us a song then. Don't be a party pooper on a night like this!

Eh?! Me?

Alright then, I'll sing a song that I learned from Lamia.

Begonia straightens her clothes, walks over to the bonfire, and clears her throat.

Da... dada... dada...


She nods gently, her expression growing slightly serious.

...I don't know, and... I think it came with lyrics, but I can't remember them.

Watching Begonia, Lamia begins to hum to the melody.

Da... dada... dada...

After a brief silence, you join them and sing along. Unlike their vague humming, however, you sing out the lyrics of the song with perfect clarity.

Uhm...? Wait... this song... do you know it, too?

Could you teach me the rest of the song? When you led just now, I managed to sing a few lines, but I can't remember anything beyond that.

You open your mouth slightly but hold the words at the tip of your tongue.

After a long pause, you give her a single-word response.