Story Reader / Festival Event Story / Solitary Longings / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

Going Ashore


A crisp sensation envelops Lamia's dulled senses, while the fragrance of herbs and flowers gradually brings clarity to her hazy mind.

The sunlight streaming through the gaps between leaves falls upon the water and gently caresses the girl asleep within.




She opens her eyes, waking from her dreamy haze to a scene before her that she finds both familiar and foreign.

Lamia nestles quietly in the flowing water, slowly gathering her thoughts.

Are you awake?

A woman in an elegant robe kneels by the pool's edge and helps Lamia to her feet.

She raises her hands and tenderly tends to Lamia's face as she drifts in and out of consciousness.

Mmm... The ritual... How far did it go?

It's already over. You fell asleep during the ritual.

Eh? Uh, I... How did I...

...Um... Will I... will I be punished like before for falling asleep during such an important occasion?

Uhm... Is there a way to make the confinement shorter this time? I really don't want to go back to that place again...

With a gentle laugh, the priestess helps Lamia out of the pool.

Relax. The ritual went smoothly—you did well this time.

...I don't even remember when I dozed off, though?

Yes, and it doesn't matter that you fell asleep since you carried out the most crucial part of the ritual excellently.

Here, dry yourself off. We wouldn't want you catching a chill.

As she speaks, the priestess beckons behind her. A group of guards appears by the pond, bringing a cart full of fruits, vegetables, and meat.

Greetings, Your Holiness. We're done collecting everything you need.

Allow the guards to escort you home now. The people of this city will remember your contribution.

P-please don't say it like that! I only did what I was supposed to.

Lamia, however, can't help but steal a glance at the cart behind the guard.

With a knowing smile, the priestess waves her hand again—and with it, more carts with fruits, meat, and vegetables emerge from the forest.

Given your flawless performance, the Temple has prepared additional compensation for you. We'd be most grateful if you could accept this token of appreciation from us.

Lamia's eyes widen as she nods repeatedly with enthusiasm.

Would you be so kind as to provide your service again should the Temple require your assistance with future ceremonies?

Of course. I'd be most honored.

Lamia sits in the carriage as it gently sways along the winding stone path. The soft sea breeze and low calls of seagulls bring a soothing comfort, and she finds herself closing her eyes in contentment.

Such peaceful languor is so rare that Lamia finds herself drifting into a dreamlike state, her thoughts as light as the floating clouds.

She savors this feeling—who wouldn't cherish such a bright and gentle dream? Even a fish accustomed to the dark depths of the ocean could use some fresh air every now and then, if only to glimpse the sun-drenched world above.

But... would it really be okay for a fish to stick its head out of water?

The bumpy ride interrupts Lamia's fleeting moment of doubt as a long coastline appears on the horizon, along with the first glimpse of a fishing village's rooftops peeking through the distance.

Oh, Lamia, you're back! How did everything go at the Temple?

It went very well! And check out all these gifts I got from the priests.

Lamia hops down from the cart, carefully selects the finest items, and hands them to the old man standing before her.

Would you like to try some? You can't find fruit this fresh even at the morning market in town. And the meat—it's all perfectly smoked.

How wonderful... I wonder if you're going to live in the Temple like the other priests someday, Lamia.

The idea tempts Lamia, but her self-doubt weighs heavier than her hope.

I'd love that, too, but I'm afraid the Temple wouldn't want some fisherman's daughter. They only need me for the ritual, nothing more.

Hey now, nobody knows what the future holds, right? If they're already giving you such fine clothes, who's to say they aren't going to allow you to stay there next, right?

Uhm, it's probably not as simple as that, though...

Lamia mumbles these words while keeping her hands busy arranging and rearranging the produce on the cart, trying to suppress the tiny spark of excitement rising in her heart.

But you never know. The ritual is crucial to our city's safety, and I'm sure your chance is just around the corner since you've taken part in it so many times already at such a young age.

Well, guess it doesn't hurt being a little more optimistic... But becoming a priestess still feels so far away... But, um... If I did become one, would people from the village have to do as I say?

Of course! You'd get to decide everything—what each household eats, what they do, when they go fishing, when to hold festivals—it'd all be up to you.

That... that actually sounds amazing!

Oh right, they'll come to you with neighborhood disputes, too. You'll need to judge all sorts of cases—from petty thefts to domestic squabbles, you'll have to decide who's right and who's wrong.

Lamia shivers at the thought of being surrounded by villagers every day, all talking at once with their endless questions.

But, uhh... Can we just pretend I never said that? I'm perfectly happy with my carefree lifestyle now as it is...

Lamia makes a devout bow toward the Temple, then immediately turns to leave the cart to the old man before her.

I'm going to hang out with my friends now. Could you help distribute the stuff from the cart?

Haha, go on, go on! They're all down at the beach gathering shellfish right now.

As the old man approaches the cart, his smile gradually fades, his countenance growing calm.

Yes, play as much as you like, play to your heart's content... When children feel happy hanging out, they wouldn't think about going home.

Wouldn't think about going home...?

A chill runs down Lamia's spine as she turns back, but the old man is already out of sight, having moved behind the cart.

Hmm... never mind...

The wind whispers endlessly and the waves roll non-stop. The ebb and flow of the tide creates nature's own melody.

Lamia walks through the surf, following the half-submerged footprints along the beach until she spots the villagers gathering seafood by the shore.

From afar, a petite figure waves enthusiastically at Lamia, bouncing cheerfully as they run over.


Lamia runs up with a smile. Stopping by Lamia, Begonia is slightly out of breath as she holds up her bucket in excitement.

The bucket brims with all sorts of seafood, their listless movements a futile dance for freedom. Lamia's eyes light up at the creatures inside.

Woah, this is a whole lot of seafood... I can probably just laze around in the sun for days on end with all these!

Hehe, jealous? Come on, let's go together! Hunting for seafood is a no-brainer now with all the stuff the tide's brought in with it.

Sounds great! Pretty sure I'm going to come home with more than enough food to last you-know-who for days who skips meals when work gets busy.

At the very least, we can dry and roast them into snacks. Perfect for emergency rations anytime, anywhere.

Huh? Um... Lamia, who's this person you were talking about who skips meals when work gets busy? Is there someone like that in the village?

People are crazy during mealtimes, and kid you not, but you won't be able to find even a single crumb of food left if you're ever late for the feasts!

Uhm? What's their face again... Uhh...

Lamia feels a little confused, but she seems to remember a certain someone who fits that description—this person who's always buried in administrative work and too busy to even eat properly.

But... "administrative work" is probably the last thing anyone could find in a tiny fishing village like this.


The thunderous crash interrupts Lamia's thoughts as blinding lightning tears through the rolling dark clouds above. Even the waves seem to fall silent for a moment.

The humidity in the wind grows bold as the smell of a violent storm rides the ocean currents toward shore.

Eek—thunder! Lamia, let's hurry up and head back already!

Grandpa says the Sea God is going to show up and eat us up if we stick around at the beach at times like this!

Begonia tugs at the hem of Lamia's clothes, ready to dash back home.

But as Lamia turns to leave, she catches something right from the corner of her eye.

Begonia, wait!

Uhm? The storm's coming! Don't worry about the seafood—we can always come back when the storm is gone. Pretty sure there's going to be plenty more then!

No, look. There's someone over there, right?

Following Lamia's pointing finger, Begonia sees it—amid the rising and falling waves, a figure lies motionless on the beach, their body being washed by the incoming tide.

With no time to hesitate, Lamia, with Begonia's help, hoists the person onto her back and frantically makes her way home before the storm hits.

The storm arrives as though on cue, and the building sways under nature's might like a small boat adrift at sea.

Lamia removes the wet clothes from the person they rescued and places them on the bed, while Begonia makes sure all the doors and windows around the house are tightly closed and locked.

Finally... I'm exhausted. The weather changed on us just like that, and for a moment there I thought we wouldn't make it back.

Grandpa says the Sea God's temper has been getting worse and worse these past couple of years. It was never like this before.

The Sea God... do They ever get tired of stirring up such huge storms all the time?

Guess we should bring that question to the priests, no?

Say, will you be able to stop storms with just a wave of your hand like the priests someday?

The little girl's innocent imagination puts a smile on Lamia's face.

Well... the answer is no, unfortunately. I mean, not even the priests can do that. They have to do these rituals to please the Sea God.

How do they do it, though? By the way, I don't think you've ever told me what happened at the Temple.

The child's question catches Lamia off guard. Just as she's about to explain that she has fallen asleep and remembers nothing, Lamia finds herself suddenly awash in fragments of memory.


Ngh... please... don't... ugh... gurgle... ngh...


Huff... Please... spare me... no... please... I beg you... let me g—AAGH!


Mmh... so this... this is how I can be with Him? How wonderful...

Muffled shouts and rippling water flash through her mind, interspersed with glimpses of crimson.

Lamia furrows her brow and gives her head a few knocks, which doesn't seem to help at all.


Mmm... The Temple... The Temple would be decorated like a festival, with beautiful flowers and all sorts of delicious food laid out.

Then the priests would dance, while the guards would handle all sorts of ritual procedures. In any case... the ritual is quite an intricate process.

(It was so complicated I fell asleep halfway through.)

Oh, I see... I thought the priests would do things as amazing as people say they do, but I guess I was wrong...

We're lucky that everything ended peacefully. You see, there are some disasters that humans can't even delay or fight against, let alone stop them...

What kind of disasters are these... that we can't fight against?

What kind of disasters? Uhm, you see, they're... they're... What disasters were they again?

Begonia's question stops Lamia in her tracks. She begins to question herself, a hint of confusion crossing her face.

Is she just tired from conducting today's ritual? Why does she keep blurting out these weird things?

Before Lamia can dwell on it for too long, she hears Begonia's excited whisper beside her.

Ah, you're awake! Lamia, come here!

A hoarse murmur breaks the silence. Lamia instinctively looks down, her eyes meeting those of the person before her and her movements slow.

In those eyes, Lamia notices a hint of lucidity with lingering confusion.

Are... are you alright? Can you hear me?

It's the most ordinary of questions, yet Lamia senses something wrong in the way it was asked.

As if the question wasn't asked for its own sake, but rather to confirm something else entirely.

But quickly, these other feelings overshadow this subtle sense of wrongness.

Despite the unfamiliarity of this face, Lamia senses a profound connection as if she has known this person for years, instilling in her a deep sense of trust and familiarity.

My name is Lamia. This kid and I found you on the beach and brought you here before the storm hit.

Do you remember how you got here? Any recollection at all?

Seeing you grimace in pain while rubbing your temples, Lamia quickly reaches out to stop you.

It's alright. Let it go for now. It's going to take some time since you just came out of the water.

Wearily, you pinch the bridge of your nose before giving your answer. Lamia's eyes fill with sympathy as she reaches out to wipe the sweat off your forehead.

Don't worry if you don't remember what happened. It's going to take some time since you just came out of the water.

You should rest for now. Let me get you some warm water.

Lamia fails to notice that your expression returns to one of perfect calm the moment she stands up.

Well, what else was I supposed to do? We all make our living from the sea. I can't just leave you die there.

Lamia answers casually, unaware that her words would trigger the reaction that follows.

Eek...! Are you alright? Did you burn yourself? Easy there with the hot water.

Hm? What did you just say?

With a cup in your hand, you open your mouth—only to close it again without saying anything, carefully weighing your words.

...Was that meant to be a compliment? Does it make you happy that I'm different from whoever this person is that you know?

Lamia mutters under her breath, a hint of irritation in her voice.

Well... you do look familiar. Maybe we've met before at the market?

Of course. In fact, I can even show you around. Don't worry, this isn't some remote place in the middle of nowhere.

It's too late today. The storm is still out there, and you've only just woken up. I'll show you around when you feel better tomorrow.

You look at Lamia with a furrow, not saying a word.

Perhaps it's because of the promise Lamia has made, or because of the calmness inherent in your nature.

With it, you let out a sigh of relief and, without saying another word, drift into a deep sleep.


Seeing this, Lamia quietly takes out a blanket and bedding, carefully lays them on the ground, and then silently gestures for Begonia to come over.

Before lying down, she takes one last look at the person sleeping nearby, then gently blows out the flame on the table. With it, darkness instantly floods her strange flutter of emotions.

...Good night.