Story Reader / Festival Event Story / Solitary Longings / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

Caught in Storm


The next morning, shadows of the forest dance across the pristine white stone walls. Following Lamia's lead, two people pull a cart through the city gates.

The bustling sounds draw closer as the atmosphere grows lively. People of all kinds gather in the streets and set up their stalls to begin another day.

Let's stop the cart here. Ugh, I'm exhausted. Come on, let's sit down for a bit.

B-but... I've been following you around all this time, you know? Getting up this early takes a lot of energy.

I'd have been able to sleep for as long as I wanted to if it hadn't been for you... Yawn.

Lamia lets out a lazy yawn, tugs at her sleeve, and leans against the shoulder beside her, her head nodding drowsily.


Hmm? Of course, we need to set it up... that's why I left it to you... Mmm... don't move... let me sleep a bit more... so sleepy... Zzz... zzz...


Zzz... zzz...


Excuse me, how much is this?

Listening to the conversation between you and customers, noticing how you deliberately soften your movements, apparently being mindful of something...

Lamia's lips curls gently upward as she makes an almost unnoticeable adjustment to her posture, looking even more at ease.

Waking up early seems not as bad as she thought at all.


The soft mechanical whirring wakes Lamia. She rubs her eyes, taking a moment before she can make out what the person beside her is doing.


Mmm... what are you doing?


Yawn... Didn't you say this is how people show respect in your homeland?

This is just an ordinary marketplace, isn't it? Nothing special about it, right?

Your homeland's traditions seem pretty casual... By the way, is everything selling just fine? Huh? W-wait, everything's sold out already? That's fast! We were here last time until evening before we sold everything.

Ahem...! W-well... guess you can count that as my contribution, yeah?

Eek—D-don't stare at me like that... I-I was just saying whatever came to mind!

Oh, uhh... Look over there! The food at that stall looks so delicious!

Lamia starts looking around in an obviously exaggerated manner, making a clumsy attempt to change the subject.

Soon enough, her eyes light up as if catching something truly interesting, and she starts dragging you from stall to stall.

By the way, the only spare outfit that you have now is the one Begonia brought you from home, right? Want to get some clothes while we're here?

As she speaks, she keeps moving from stall to stall, peering at all the merchandise and browsing through everything with eager interest.

Heheh... This one's really cute! Want to try it on?

Ah, this statue looks just like you—frowning and everything. It's got that "I'm thinking about important things, don't disturb me" look down perfectly.

Seeing you all speechless, Lamia finds herself experiencing a sense of joy that she's never felt before.

Um, s-sorry... Was I getting too carried away? L-let's just buy this and head back.

Hmm... Maybe it's because I've never really explored the market with anyone before. I'd just pack up and leave when business is over. Even when I go to the Temple for rituals, I'd always just go there and head straight back home without stopping to rest.

Lamia answers thoughtfully while counting the items she has bought.

Suddenly, she freezes in place and tilts her head, as if listening to something.

Ah! Um... I'll be right back!

Lamia hurries away. After a while, she returns holding something in her hands.


Hm? You don't know what a conch shell flute is? I thought everyone living by the sea would know what this is.

Fishermen play shells and conchs as musical instruments all the time, kind of like a little game for them.

As she speaks, Lamia gently closes her eyes and begins to blow into the conch.

Da... dada... dada...


A melodious tune fills the plaza. The people at the market pause their activities and turn to look this way.

The music ends shortly after. Lamia purses her lips and holds out the conch shell flute.


Here, it's yours. Thank you for helping me with the stall earlier. And didn't you teach me a song before?

Consider this my gift to you for being my music teacher.

Hesitantly, you, too, begin to play to the tune you just heard.


Lamia closes her eyes, seeming both to listen to the song and to look for something in its melody.

She sways gently to the music as she slowly draws closer to you.

Before the song is halfway through, you can already feel the warmth coming off Lamia.


Lamia moves even closer.

Her long eyelashes quiver slightly as the wind carries her hair to brush against her cheeks.

You're trying to decide if you want to stop the music to talk to Lamia when...


Thunder crashes through clear skies and, in an instant, the world becomes void of all colors.


The deafening thunder is an endless stream of crashes, each boom louder than the last.

This is no natural phenomenon. Dark clouds materialize on the horizon, their terrifying presence slowly bearing down upon the city.

Beneath the dark clouds, an ink-black tide surges toward the coastline like a living creature.


Trembling with fear, Lamia presses close for comfort.

The marketplace freezes as if someone hit pause, and then erupts into chaos.

Cries of fear and prayers blend into a cacophony that rivals even the thunder above.

You cover Lamia's ears, lean down to meet her eyes, and mouth words in a hushed voice.

Having swayed unsteadily for a moment, Lamia finally comes to her senses, her face cold in panic.

N-no, this isn't just a storm. The Sea God is angry. But why does the Sea God get mad when we've just done a ritual...?

No, it's not like that at all. I—we need to go back. We must hurry. The village is in danger.

Lamia's bag slips from her grasp with everything in it scattering all over. Leaving everything behind, Lamia grabs your arm and rushes toward town city gates without a word.