**** it! Why!
Karenina shot open the door in a fit of rage and slammed on the desk a stack of paper stamped with red ink.
This is the third time they rejected my internship application. Is the Science Council ****ing nuts? I was the top scorer among all the candidates on the written test!
She growled with rage and let herself slump heavily into a chair, pulled on her hair, and mumbled something unintelligible.
Wise stood in silence and finally scanned over her rejected application before folding them up and feeding them into the shredder.
In the fourth question, the formula you used to calculate the angular momentum of celestial bodies is the wrong one. I thought we reviewed Kepler's laws two weeks ago.
That was a stupid mistake... They rejected me anyways, so that question wouldn't have changed anything.
Doing random jobs won't help with anything. The council won't let you lay a finger on any important projects.
Why? Do they have something against Cosmos Technicians Union?
No, not that. It's because you're a Construct.
The war against the Punishing is getting worse, and Construct tech is an important area of research.
They'll never let a Construct in on such important research data. Just think about how they've treated you these past few years.
Constructs are not allowed to access these research reports and academic papers. That's the rule.
They're for Dr. Wise...? Okay, give me a minute. I need to fill in a form.
Your audit application was rejected. Professor Samuel's team is already full.
Which squad do you belong to? Constructs shouldn't be wandering around here after hours. Don't you know you might get charged?
A reserve member of the Cosmos Technicians Union...? When did they allow Constructs to join? I need to confirm your identity.
Well, I thought things would be different when you brought me to Babylonia...
Turns out they're just as prejudiced as they come... What right do they have to treat Constructs differently? I was as much of a human as they are before I was modified!
Before the Golden Age, humans discriminated against each other based on everything, like skin color and body type. Constructs have a totally different body makeup from humans, so that's all the more reason for humans to treat Constructs the way they do.
Complaining about the injustice of the world is not going to do you any good. If you don't like these people, forget about what they think or say.
And if you don't have the power to change your situation, then shut out the world outside so it doesn't get to you.
Well, why are you so talkative all of a sudden? It's not like I didn't know that...
What about you?
Karenina stretched lazily and sat up in her chair. Turning to look at Wise, she decided to talk about him for a change of mood.
I don't know what Grandpa was studying in the past, but I know he was the greatest scientist who's ever lived. From what you said, he must have been an important person in the Science Council!
So why didn't you join the council if you respect him so much? Why are you drawing blueprints day in and day out here? Oh, I get it. You're just not good enough to get in, huh?
Wise froze for a moment as emotions flashed across his face, but vanished in a split second.
...I used to be part of the Science Council but resigned.
So you—
Did you review all the concepts this week? There is going to be a live experiment next week, and I want to check your progress on engineering.
Babylonia introduced new regulations for Constructs living here, which makes it impossible for you to stay in the Cosmos Technicians Union forever. The Engineering Force is a better choice for you than the Science Council.
Once you join the Engineering Force, you'll earn the right to reside in Babylonia as a technician. After that, you can focus on perfecting your skills.
And that's that.
Wise finished his speech in a monotonous tone before collecting his few personal belongings and exiting the lab.
...Geez, why does he have to be like that?
Karenina shrugged with indifference as Wise disappeared from her view.
Karenina's relationship with Wise and the way they communicate had never changed since day one.
Wise always sounded aloof. He only taught Karenina academic knowledge and never said a word about anything else.
Wise was Karenina's second mentor, in a sense, but he never cared for Karenina the way Kalon did.
He seemed to have built a giant wall around himself and locked away his heart with it—so people wouldn't see his heart.
That was, however, something Karenina found relatable—because that was exactly what she had been doing for a few years after getting turned into a Construct, in a world that was dominated by humans.
Both Karenina and Wise kept their hearts sealed for different reasons, and yet they somehow managed to figure out a way to respect each other. Karenina eventually came to accept the way they interacted.
The Engineering Force, huh?
That doesn't sound too bad.
Grandpa, the roof is leaking again... The food we hoarded is all moldy now. We have to dump it.
Oh, Katie, don't make that face. We'll just go out and find more when the sun is out.
But how are you going to...
Cough, cough... Don't worry about me. Wait, I have an idea! I know exactly how to make my Katie happy.
We'll just measure the distance here... Calculate the time it takes to go one cycle and draw out the framework...
Come on, Katie, come decorate the house with me. We'll make it beautiful!
They followed the diagram drawn by Kalon and used materials from the dump to create a simple drainage system for their hut.
That's amazing... That fixed the leakage, and we can even collect rainwater with it...
That, my dear, is the power of science... Remember, science is a tool to a better life for all...
So the crazy-looking explosives you were making before... Are they supposed to make our lives better, too?
Ah, hahaha, yes... But they're only half-done. I'm old now and can't remember everything... They are important, but I just can't get it done... Cough, cough...
Grandpa... take it easy. I'll finish them for you if you can't figure out how to finish them! I know you're great, but I'll become even greater than you!
Because I'm the granddaughter of Kalon!
"Structural Concepts and Systems", "Practical Stress Concentration Handbook", "Introduction to High Energy Physics"... and "A Brief History of Time"?
That last one is just for entertainment. Same old. This card.
You have 15 days. Overdue books will result in a three-month freeze of your account.
The librarian took a quick glance at the Construct in front of him and grabbed the card with Wise's name, before scanning every book and tossing the card back.
Karenina ignored him and carried off the stack of books reaching her chest.
Excuse me, passing through.
A slim, blond woman was standing by the bookshelves to make way for Karenina, who was heading straight for the back of the library without lifting her head.
That lady has been coming here every day, right?
The blonde lady approached the counter with her book and asked the librarian with a faint smile.
I don't know and I don't care. Which one do you want?
This one.
"Salome"? Why would a Construct be reading—
The librarian's mockery stopped mid-sentence. He made a small noise before scanning the book and passing it back to the lady.
Thank you.
The Construct maintained her smile throughout, giving no reaction at all to the librarian.
Babylonia Library.
Construct Common Space
Under a river of simulated stars in a virtual night sky, a tiny candle burned brightly.
So I'm supposed to calculate the flow volume of a viscous liquid with laminar flow in a round tube...
I need to use that law... Urgh... What was his name again...?
I feel so tired... Wait, am I supposed to feel tired when I'm a Construct...? What's the ****ing point of this body, then...
Karenina shifted her head off the arm that was supporting it and put her head and shoulders straight on the table.
Having been studying for hours on end, she looked up at the Babylonia sky that was stained in a dark blue and felt her M.I.N.D. slowing down.
Forty more concepts to go over...
Would it be easier if I just joined the Task Force and showed them my brawn? ...Nope, not gonna work.
No, I didn't join the Engineering Force to stay in this place. I came here for...
Karenina knew that she didn't come for the past—but to expand her future.
Alright, moving on...
Karenina gave herself two gentle slaps on the face and propped herself up to dive back into her books.
That was when she smelled a deep fragrance.
If you feel drowsy, give this a try.
A hand with slender fingers pushed a cup of steaming brown liquid in Karenina's direction.
Looking up, Karenina saw a blonde lady smiling politely at her.
What's that?
Caffe-like electrolyte... and it's an energy boost, like your normal coffee.
Thank you... Wait... who are you?
...My name is Bianca. Relax, I'm a Construct, too.
Bianca takes off her glove to reveal her metallic hand and waves it at Karenina.
I've seen you here all alone until very late a few times, so I thought I'd come and say hi. It's rare to meet another Construct outside of work.
May I?
Um... sure. Go ahead...
Bianca pulled out the chair across from Karenina and sat down. Bianca was holding a hardcover in her hand and, from the visible half of the title, it seemed to be some book on art Karenina had never read.
Ah... phew... urgh! So bitter...
Karenina took a tiny sip of the drink. Unlike its pleasant fragrance, its strong bitter sting spread in Karenina's mouth, forcing her to stick out her tongue.
Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you might not be used to the taste. Let me get some syrup or milk for you.
No, it's—it's fine.
Karenina shook her head as she lifted the cup to her mouth and drank it in one giant gulp.
Phew... Ha—
The bitter sting of the drink made Karenina bite her teeth and squint her face together. Suppressing the lingering taste, she smiled proudly at Bianca.
See that? All in one gulp!
Well, there isn't a competition here... And honestly, it's kind of wasteful how you just chugged it down like that.
Phew... But I don't feel a thing. Are you sure it really works?
...You'll need to give it some time. Why don't we talk for a bit? It'll help you relax.
Uh... Would you like to chat? But we don't know each other.
We will once we finish.
We're also not supposed to talk in the library—
Karenina scanned the silent space—and paused for a moment when she realized that there was no one else around.
Against the warmly lit library interior, this area felt cold and deserted.
The space was designated space for Constructs, except only a handful has ever visited.
Most Constructs in Babylonia belonged to the Task Force. They could get called to the frontlines anytime, hence their lack of leisure to idle around in the library.
The space, however, had become something of a safe haven for Karenina, who came here all the time to study for the test she would have to take to join the Engineering Force.
She felt as safe here as she did back in the hut where she lived with Grandpa Kalon.
...I guess we could chat for a bit, but only for a bit.
Thank you.
So, I see you're trying to get into the Engineering Force...
The old man who adopted you will surely be proud of the path you have chosen.
Maybe... but I'm not doing this to make Grandpa happy.
I made a deal with that jerk to come here so I could know more about Grandpa, but now I just want to find my own path.
The learning process is long and boring, but that is what makes a "skill" valuable.
Karenina glanced at the stack of notebooks on her table. These were the cumulation of her notes and comments since she started studying systematically.
She couldn't even write letters properly when she started. All the formulas she copied looked crooked. The information she was learning was disconnected, so it took her a long time just to get the basics down.
But she never once thought about quitting. Her idea of "science" was given to her by Grandpa Kalon—and the mysterious world of science was the first thing she actually found beautiful about this world.
Science is for the betterment of humanity... I've never really gotten along with anyone in my life and I don't fully understand what Grandpa meant by that.
And I'm not really sure what I should do... but I have a feeling that I need to perfect the skills first before I can help people I care about.
I really admire people like you who can move down the path of what they want to do without worrying about what people might think of them.
I'm sure you will figure out what you want to do one day.
What about you? You are a Construct of the Task Force, right? Do you have to fight the Punishing on a regular basis?
I'm sure I'll be going on missions with the Task Force once I join the Engineering Force, and we'll probably get to work together sometime.
And... I'll probably know enough things to be of help to you by then.
This drink you gave me was terrible, but it was a gesture of kindness nonetheless... and Grandpa taught me to always return a favor when given.
...I do belong to the military, but I don't think we will see each other at work.
But... if there ever is anything you could help me with—
I will definitely come and ask you for help.