Story Reader / Arcade Anima / Heart Compass / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

Zero Adjustment



Third Central Bridge

Before a giant window wall of the bridge, a few operators from CC gather around a Construct that's busy working away on the virtual panel.

Dozens of variables for coordinates flash under the pair of amber eyes. After carefully verifying the data, the Construct lets out a sigh, and the Inver-Device on her head sags down.

She does a quick wave to close the virtual panel and turns to face the anxious operators.

Um... The coordinate data calculation is bugged, which means that every observation results in a thousand-kilometer error in distance.

So it is a fact that our Interstellar Observer is malfunctioning and can no longer be used for military strategy and real-time ground surveillance.

That... that won't do.

Cold sweat gathers on his forehead as he looks at the ceiling.

With a holographic image projected onto the center of the bridge, the giant dome is speckled with countless dots of light.

It is a military map based on Earth used by CC to issue missions to the Task Force on the ground.

Operators are tasked with recording real-time data received from the map and use this data to make decisions for battle strategies. Any error will have disastrous results if they give the Task Force misdirected instructions.

All of this relies on the accurate coordinate calculation system, which is supplied by the Babylonia Interstellar Observer.

Any error in this device will cause a complete breakdown of operations in CC and the Task Force.

How long would it take the Engineering Force to fix the Observer? City 043 is in a critical stage in its battle. We've sent in five elite squads, and every order given is of monumental importance.

The system is very complicated. I need to first figure out the cause of the issue. The Optical Atomic Clocks inside the Observer is a highly delicate device and will take some work to repair.


Sensing the despair in the operator's voice, Karenina clenches her fists and changes her attitude.

She clenches her teeth and thumps her chest with a little pride.

Well, who do you think I am? It's nothing more than a mega GPS. Any intern from the Engineering Force can fix it.

How much time do I have?

With the battle going on on the surface, at most 48 hours...

Twenty hours. That's all I need.

Really? Holy, you're a godsend, Karenina! If we can't get it back to normal, we might have to give up on everything we have at City 043—

Alright, alright, totally caught your drift there. I gotta head back to the Engineering Force to fetch some equipment now.

Karenina's had enough of this emotional operator and quickly exits the bridge onto the hallway.

She scans her surroundings to check that she is alone and turns on her communication device.

Hey, hey! Teddy! Are you there? How many guys do we have stationed at Babylonia right now?

That totally came out of nowhere, but let's see... 24 here on their shift. We're all in the workshop at the factory, testing out uh... something interesting.

Hey, intern, too much fuel. Are you trying to blow us up?!

On the other side of the line, Teddy is with members of the Engineering Force. She seems to be supervising their work.

Count everyone that's on vacay, too. Oh, and you. Get over here immediately.

This sounds urgent. What happened?

Duh! You think I'm just fooling around?

Babylonia's Interstellar Observer is malfunctioning and needs fixing immediately. It affects the deployment of ground forces, so I want the entire team on it.

The entire team? That sounds super serious. Oh, I see what's going on now... You can't get it done by yourself, right?

Uh... Well, be that as it may, how does that help with the situation in any meaningful way?

I'm just making a wild guess, but did you happen to tell people there five minutes ago that you can "fix this in my sleep"?


Okay, I'm done. I'll get everyone to head over right now.

Listen up! Captain wants all of us to head down to her designated location at once.

Teddy gathers all the members with a clap of her hands.

We'll be there in five minutes. Use that time to come up with a plan, Captain.

...Thank you guys.

Realizing that it's not a fair order to some of the members, Karenina nods to Teddy to express her gratitude.

Well, not the first time. Just remember to keep your promise.

Teddy gives Karenina a smile and hangs up.


World Government Association of Art

Ah... here it is. Here's your last copy as usual with the signatures from the main production team.

Bianca nods in thanks as she takes the collectible movie disc set box from Ayla.

Thanks a lot, Ayla. It must have been a lot of trouble to get this for me. This movie seems quite popular in Babylonia.

Don't worry about it. An old fan like you deserves some special treatment, and you're always too busy to make it to the releases.

I watched this when it came out, and I liked it so much that I really wanted to keep a copy in my collection.

I'll let the crew know. I'm sure they'll be delighted to hear that.

But I do feel bad for asking you to do this for me every time...

Don't worry about it. I know you'd do the same for me if I were the one asking for help, Bianca.

Of course, if it's something I can do.

Oh, and that reminds me...

Says Ayla with a suspicious smile.

That I do have a favor to ask of you.

Ayla digs out a package from under the counter. It is an item sealed in a WGAA box that looks old and dusty.

What's that?

I heard someone asked WGAA to keep it a long, long time ago. It's long past its storage period, but nobody came to claim it, so we don't know what to do with it.

They went through the usual process of searching for the owner of the package, but he left Babylonia long ago.

So you want me to find the owner?

...I don't think you'll need to look for him. You probably know who he is.

I was a little curious, so I asked Sica to look into Babylonia's database for me, and...

Wait, I know this person? But if it's been so long...

Bianca takes the package and studies the faded letters on the seal.


Ring any bell?

Bianca silently reads the long-forgotten name that brings to mind a series of memories.

Yes, I've heard the name... and I sort of know him, too.

Light flickers in her eyes as past memories stir up a wealth of emotions.

He was part of the Cosmos Technicians Union, a renowned physicist and engineer.

And he was also Karenina's mentor... in the past.

When she opened her eyes, she was in another world.


One that's unfamiliar and cold.


What... in the world is...

Vital signs stable. Inver-Device successfully implanted. Infection rate within a safe range.

The operation is over. Well done, everyone.

Construct surgery operation success rate has increased by 80% thanks to Professor Kalon's technology, should the host demonstrate adaptability to Tantalum-193.

Constructs are our best countermeasure against the Punishing. This is a significant breakthrough. We'll be able to manufacture Constructs more efficiently and use them to battle the virus.

Well... what's going to happen to this kid, then?

Should we let her join the Construct defense team? The success rate looks good now, but we've still got to have the adaptability issue figured out.

Only a handful of humans can make it.

...No. We'll respect her will. We've benefitted greatly from Professor Kalon's technology. This will count as a small compensation.

Grandpa... are you in there...?

Grandpa... don't... don't leave me...

Her pleas are not answered.

Darkness devours her eyesight and leaves only unbearable pain in her mind.

Argh... urgh!


She jolts awake from her sleep.


Karenina looks down at her still unfamiliar "new body" in silence.

The tiny heart that beat silently in the dead of the night inside her feeble body is gone.

Her frail physical form and senses are replaced by hard metal.

The way she sensed the world had changed completely. Like the "Ship of Theseus", she can't be sure if she is still the same "Karenina".

She should have died with Grandpa Kalon the night they were ambushed by the Corrupted.


When she woke up, her surgeon gave her an overview of the process and briefly explained the idea of a "Construct".

Afterward, she was sent to live in a Ground Defense Force base. The manager told her that she could do as she pleased while getting used to her new identity.

But that proved to be much harder to do than said. Many days had passed and she still felt lost.


She thought about sneaking back to the slums where she lived with Grandpa, but as a Construct, her every move was carefully monitored by the army, and they forbade her to visit infected areas.

She drew open her tent and saw hungry refugees lining up for porridge nearby.

Karenina found herself drawn toward the line by the aroma.

Hey, what are you doing here? Constructs don't need food. You aren't going to fight us for the food here, are you?

Yeah... there isn't even enough to begin with...

Geez, did I even say I came for the food? Cut me some slack already.

She was in no mood to squabble with these people... because she never felt "hungry" anymore.

She didn't need to eat, would never get sick, and had physical capabilities many times those of a human... These were the difference between a Construct and a human as explained to her by a technician.

What he didn't tell her, though, was the difference in mentality and identity that she would be experiencing.

If having Katie and Tom call her an "outcast" back then hurt, what she was experiencing now was definitely more heart-wrenching.


She wandered around the empty space like a feral cat in an unfamiliar territory, surveying the area with wary eyes.

In response to her unknown anxiety, heightened senses and increased vigilance were imposed upon her.

Mom, do you see that girl over there...?

Shh, be quiet. Come here.

A girl about five or six of age gave Karenina strange looks before her mother quickly shepherded her away.

Yeah? What the heck are you looking at...

The mother couldn't help but stare at Karenina's exposed metal arm and Inver-Device. Noticing the stare, Karenina shoved her arm in annoyance into her deep pockets and turned to leave.

Hey, you—

She approached a group of boys playing in a clearing, but they quickly tensed up and backed off when they noticed her.

Wha—What do you want...?

...I have a few questions to ask.

I—I don't know anything!

Hey... let's go somewhere else...

You-you-you... Don't follow us!

The boy led the group and ran off in the distance, leaving Karenina all alone by herself.

I swear to God...

She squinted her eyebrows and pulled down her hat to conceal her conspicuous "Inver-Device".

She shouldn't have minded all the strange looks because this wasn't anything new to her.

She was able to completely forget the senseless hostility back then because she knew that someone in the world cared about her.

She would listen to Grandpa Kalon's wild fairy tales every night and try crazy science experiments together on their days off.

Hurtful words and looks coming from some of the children her age were nothing compared to all the wonderful times she got to spend with Grandpa.

And now, she found herself alone in the world once again.

And now...

Are you Karenina?

An unkempt man who looked about 30 came up to Karenina from behind.

What? Who are you? What do you want?

Karenina turned around to look the man over.

The man's attire reminded her of the surgeons who turned her into a Construct, and she never really liked them.

My name is Wise.

How long have you lived with Professor Kalon? Did he ever tell you anything about himself?

The man spoke with a cold, indifferent, but sharp tone.

You... Do you know my grandpa? Is he still alive?

Professor Kalon is gone. He cannot come back from the dead.

Looks like you don't know anything. I'm not going to waste my time.


Karenina pulled on Wise's hand, gritting her teeth with an aggressive glare, like an injured fierce cat.

It's true that I don't know anything! But you do, right?

Tell me about Grandpa Kalon! What did he do? Why do you call him "professor"? And who are you?

I'm under no obligation to answer any of that.

But I have the right to know!

Karenina's yelling rang in his ear and he stayed silent.

...And what do I stand to gain from telling you?

Nothing, and that's why you have no right whatsoever.

...Then what should I do?! I didn't ask to become like this!

I know Grandpa was a great man. He always writes impressive things in his notebook. I didn't understand half of it, but...

I lived with him for so long, but know close to nothing about him... And I'll never get to talk to him again because he's gone...

I just want to know a little more about him! Nothing more! Is that too big of a favor to ask?!

...You said you didn't under half of what he wrote. Does that mean you understood the other half?

S-so what if I did? Grandpa taught me things here and there. What's wrong with that?

...Let go.


Let go, and go get some clean sheets of paper and a pen.

For what?

A test.

A test to see if you have the potential to access the world Professor Kalon gave his life for.

47% correct... As for each topic... A good understanding of Newton's laws and analytical mechanics... A basic grasp of electromagnetism, but almost no knowledge of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics...

And terrible at all other basic sciences...

A bare pass.

Wise took one last glance at Karenina's answer sheet, carefully folded it, and put it away.

She never had a proper education and was using many theories and formulas incorrectly. Without rigorous scientific training, her methods of proof were anything but methodical.

But these skills could be perfected with practice since Karenina already had what it took to become an outstanding researcher.

Perhaps it was from the influence of Professor Kalon, or perhaps Kalon adopted Karenina because he saw her potential...

Wise lowered his head and was lost in thought as he reevaluated the girl.

Hey! You said I passed. So you will tell me about Grandpa now?

With Wise keeping his silence, Karenina grew impatient.

No, I cannot tell you, and neither will I.

Are you ****ing with me?

To achieve something, you first have to be able to do it.

Professor Kalon was a renowned scientist. His world is not comparable to a girl born in the slums.

If you want to understand who he was and what he has done for the world...

Then you first have to be part of the world of science.


The grandpa she knew sounds dramatically different from the person Wise is describing.

He was a normal old man who sometimes seemed a bit crazy when he talked about profound-sounding things that nobody could even begin to understand.

He didn't have a halo above his head, and she never knew he had incredible achievements.

In front of her is an unfamiliar path leading her to Kalon's past and her future.

What do I need to do?

I can take you to a place...

Where you can learn everything you need to know.

Wise reaches out to Karenina as an invitation to "the world" that they belong to.

Karenina did not hesitate. She pulled out the cold, metal arm in her pocket...

And grabbed the equally cold hand of the man.