Temporary Camp
Cheryl's Tent
Bridget suddenly slams her fist onto the table, causing the already unstable video feed to flicker and blur for a moment.
H-hey, calm down. It's just a simple exchange of resources and information. There is no need to get so worked up about it.
As Support Force Captain, shouldn't you prioritize your people's safety above all else?
Rather than obsessing over research data that came from Kurono, or that small amount of tantalum resources, wouldn't a potential safe passage be far more valuable to you all right now?
I don't have the authority over the tantalum, but just as you've already pointed out, I don't mind letting it go if it means we can all go home safely. If Kurono can convince Babylonia and Norman Mining Corp to shell it out, then so be it.
But we've got no reason to share the research data with you. Kurono themselves should know full well how many secrets are buried in there.
What you just said concerns me more than the research data does. What are you... I mean, what exactly is Kurono up to?
...Ah, my apologies. Being vague during negotiations is indeed a bad habit. Which statement are you referring to?
While there might be a secure escape route, there's a high probability that a few individuals may perish due to unexpected incidents during the evacuation. Let's not dwell on it too much and withdraw as soon as possible...
Bridget recites these words with an ice-cold tone.
What are you getting at? What exactly are you trying to say?
The figure in the projection forces out an awkward laugh, clearly caught off guard by someone with the guts to openly question these deliberately ambiguous statements that are usually left unaddressed.
After this exchange, the councilor's tone loses all pretense of friendliness and turns hostile.
I have no idea what you're talking about. What, do you think these mines are some kind of pleasure resort? Anything can happen when you're in a place as dangerous and complicated as that.
Especially those researchers who spend all their time in labs and rarely exercise... Pretty sure they'd be the first ones to lose their lives in sudden accidents due to slow reflexes, no?
Bridget's face contorts with fury at these words.
Why don't you just name An Jie or whoever else you want? When we retreat, I can help make sure they all stay behind in the mine. How does that sound?
Oh my, what a cruel thing to say. Bridget, you're the Support Force Captain—how could you even suggest doing something so outrageous?
An Jie is a valuable talent of Norman Mining Corp and a precious asset to Babylonia. I'm sure Kurono wouldn't just stand idly by if something were to happen to someone so important, would they?
Of course we have to save everyone we can, but there are times when we're powerless—when certain accidents happen, there's nothing we can do about it, right?
A bitter laugh escapes Bridget's lips as she barely contains a cold sneer between clenched teeth.
...Since we have the Gray Raven Commandant here with us, perhaps we could arrange for a... smaller accident? What do you say?
Hah... If you two think you can get something for nothing, then we have nothing left to discuss.
That being said... Babylonia isn't the only party behind this operation, is it? Shouldn't you consider Norman Mining Corp's opinion before making such decisions?
Whatever Gray Raven Commandant decides to do, that would be our decision, too.
After a burst of static, another person joins the communication channel.
I like what [player name] said—I don't care how you slice the cake, those who remain have to stay alive.
Norman Mining Corp has always been a family that prioritizes employee welfare over corporate profits. We can overlook minor gains, but the safety of our employees has to be guaranteed.
The councilor in the video feed now lets out a bitter laugh, obviously infuriated.
Victoria... I feel like I can see exactly what's going through your mind even through the screen. Employee welfare over corporate profits... Oh boy.
This is not the stance you took during our previous discussion.
Previous discussion? Hmm... I thought someone was just saying how we should make ourselves clear during negotiations, no?
Norman Mining Corp is a vast enterprise with countless verbal agreements and written contracts. I can't possibly keep track of every single detail.
Regarding the mining operation, Norman Mining Corp did indeed have prior contact with Kurono. However, since this concerns an industry we've previously collaborated with, preliminary preparations were simply standard procedure.
After a moment of silence, the councilor quickly regains composure and speaks with measured emphasis.
So negotiations are off the table, then?
Don't forget—you're undeniably involved in the death of Mister Skych, who was not only Norman Mining Corp's butler but also family to all of our brothers and sisters.
As those words hang in the air, the councilor in the projection straightens his posture.
The councilor knows full well that the mere utterance of these words leaves no room for further negotiation, no matter how much Victoria values Skych the butler.
Very well. If that's how it is, then this is where the deal comes to an end. I deeply regret this outcome. You see...
Without Kurono's support, the mine will only become more dangerous, not less. It would be a shame if an accident were to occur and the death toll exceeded our expectations. Wouldn't you agree, Commandant?
Without waiting for a response, the councilor promptly terminates the communication, their holographic image vanishing instantly.
With this, Bridget slams her fist on the table once again. Wells, who has remained silent this whole time, seizes the moment to speak, dispersing the thick tension in the air.
You made the right choice, Bridget. There's no need to be frustrated just because you hold yourself to higher moral standards.
Let's try to be more practical here, Victoria. Do you have any additional intelligence from Norman Mining Corp?
As much as I hate to admit it, in this particular matter, Norman Mining Corp simply cannot offer better terms than Kurono.
The most I can do is provide auxiliary support. Norman Mining Corp has already dispatched an integrated team of geological surveyors and engineering experts under our coordination.
Let's proceed with Karenina's original plan then. Can you hold out, [player name]?
Contact me immediately if anything changes.
Wells nods and disconnects from the call. On the other end, Victoria gives a courteous bow before her hologram fades away.
[player name], I'm sorry... Was I being a little too reckless?
With a smile, you pat Bridget's shoulder and speak softly as she gradually regains her composure.
Got it, but... should we tell them everything?
...Alright then!
The mood at the temporary camp shifts with the arrival of new intelligence, but there are no severe repercussions thanks to Bridget's and Support Force's swift response.
When you meet up with Bridget again, she has already finished pacifying everyone. The camp is back in operation, with everyone's tasks reassigned to better coordinate with Engineering Force operating in the field.
While the situation has inevitably dealt them something of an emotional blow, everything remains under control.
[player name], how's everything looking there?
An Jie sits before you, clutching her arm with one hand, her face drained of color.
Did they really say that? They really want me dead ASAP, don't they...
It may not be that obvious, but given what's happened before, you should be well aware of your situation.
Well, then... I'll hand over everything, just please spare my life.
An Jie bites her lower lip and trembles as she shrinks back toward her luggage.
This is a Norman access card modified by Kurono. With this, you can find what you're looking for on your own.
Instead of taking the card, Bridget fixes her gaze on An Jie with intent.
We'll protect you regardless, An Jie. [player name] and I didn't bring you here so we can scare you soulless.
We're not Kurono, and you don't have to be either. We're all survivors now—we should be in this together.
Take it easy, alright?
An Jie's lips quiver as she struggles to speak. After a long moment, she lowers her head slightly and reaches into her backpack, retrieving some patches. She hands the patches over to Bridget along with her own hand.
...What are you doing?
These are prints of my fingerprints and palm patterns. Along with my expertise, I'll cooperate with your operations.
If all they needed was an access card and my palm print, they would've just cut off my hand and done everything themselves by now.
...Thank you for trusting me. I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe, An Jie.
An Jie doesn't answer, but gives an emphatic nod instead.
All right then...
Just as Bridget is about to stand up, a figure darts into the room.
Commandant, we've got a situation with Cheryl.
Cheryl has been working on something following that lead ever since you mentioned the power issue.
Just now, they detected a momentary blip of vital signs on the radar.
The signal's amplitude differs from both those of human and Construct. Cheryl suspects it might be an equipment malfunction and is attempting a second scan, but I don't think that's necessary.
Commandant, your judgment is correct. There are people in the mine besides Kurono and Support Force—we should move out now.
Roger that. I'll make the arrangements right away.