Story Reader / Floating Record / ER06 When Day Breaks / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

ER06-12 Lost Connections


Temporary Camp

When the mission assignment meeting comes to an end, a figure shows up and stands in your way.

[player name], do you have a moment to talk?

As those words hang in the air, Lucia comes to a halt next to you.


After a brief nod to Lucia, you move with Trojan to a quiet corner of the camp.

Well... there is something... um... about what comes next...

Trojan's hand traces circles in the air as she speaks, then freezes mid-motion before dropping. Gradually, her tense posture loosens.

Sigh... Never mind.

You're not really who I think you are. I thought you'd be more empathetic and encourage people to open up about their troubles.

...Fine, I'll cut to the chase. What intel did Bridget—or should I say, all of you—get from An Jie? She's been avoiding me all day.

I tried to interro—I mean, I tried talking to An Jie, but she seemed genuinely clueless. The answer has to lie in those documents she brought back.

Getting no answers, Trojan switches to a more tactical approach.

To be honest, I find it hard to imagine... Scoff...

But just as she begins, something seems to cross her mind. She lets out a tired laugh, palms turned upward.

That sunflower-like fellow actually taking the initiative to use their head for once... What exactly is in those files?

Trojan catches the hidden meaning in the response. After a long silence, he softly lets out a single sentence.

I always thought the sun never set in Bridget's world.

Ah... um, hello, Bridget. I'm Trojan.

Trojan quickly recites her own words from before the operation, not waiting for you to speak.

Yes, I remember. I know what you're talking about. I'm not familiar with her, at least not as far as my current memories go, but... this feeling can't be wrong.

The question seems to tear through an invisible veil. Despite her extensive interrogation experience, Trojan realizes she's being led along by a simple verbal maneuver.

The conversation has long since shifted from what she wants to know to what you want to know. But...

It doesn't matter anymore—since what you want to know happens to be what she wants to know, too. With this thought, Trojan opens up a little.

Same difference. Both Bridget and the mine give me the same uneasy feeling.

Every piece of information tells me, reminds me, that our paths have crossed before. But no matter how many times I search through my memories, I can't find the answer.

But I guess I'm fine with not remembering things since I'm already struggling trying to get by each day, but...

Trojan turns to the side, looking at Bridget who is busy working nearby.

Bridget seems to notice Trojan's gaze, her body tensing for a moment. Instead of turning around, she awkwardly walks further away.

Would you want to be a hidden bomb? The kind that could go "BOOM!" at any moment?

To be honest, I don't care about who I used to be, but...

Trojan raises her hand toward Lucia, then pulls it back. It's obvious what she's getting at.

Right? When a bomb goes off, it's one thing if it just destroys itself, but it wouldn't be right for people around it to get hurt because of the explosion.

I can't speak for others, but I'm sure you know exactly what I mean since you've been through so much yourself as the Gray Raven Commandant, no?

All I want is a safety pin. That's all.

Just as you're about to speak your mind, a figure who has silently approached you interrupts the moment.

Um, [player name]... and... and Trojan.


[player name], I'm here to speak with you since Cheryl has made some progress. It requires your immediate attention, though, and I was wondering if... you know... if you wanted to head over now...

Bridget and Trojan face each other, their voices gradually trailing off until only a wordless gaze remains between them.

Trojan is the first to break the silence, raising both hands in mock surrender.

Alright, alright, I'm not gonna probe any further. Let's just drop it here. This is starting to feel like some cheesy drama scene, and it's getting a bit too awkward.

Let's go and check on Cheryl. Wasn't there something urgent we needed to handle?

As Trojan steps forward to walk past Bridget toward the camp, Bridget suddenly grabs hold of her.



...You didn't do anything wrong.

...Huh? What do you mean?

What I mean is... you've never done anything heinous, at least according to the records.

While I can't be absolutely certain whether you're a ticking time bomb or not, but...

At least for now, you're not keeping gunpowder under your hat.

...Got it.

Trojan silently pulls her hand away.

Well... never mind, let's leave it at that. Doesn't matter if I don't get it. Thanks.

With those words, Trojan walks straight away.



Temporary Camp

Cheryl's Tent

Cheryl and several Norman researchers are gathered around a piece of equipment, working intently.

Cheryl and her team found a radio in the mine. With help from these researchers, we've modified both the transmitter and receiver.

After multiple rounds of calibration, we can now pick up Babylonia's communication frequencies.

As the team works diligently around the silent radio, your mind begins to drift elsewhere.

Is something wrong? The equipment is working fine. We've already made contact with Babylonia—we're just adjusting our settings to match their parameters for a more stable connection.

Cheryl, who has been hunched over the radio equipment, rises to her feet with a heavy sigh.

Some circuits in the mine are still operational, so we've connected them to the working power sources. Is there a problem with that?

Instead of answering Cheryl's question, you exchange glances with Bridget. Her expression shifts from that of a momentary surprise to deep concern.

There shouldn't be any power source here. Even if there were some residual power left, I don't think it's nearly enough to run all this equipment—certainly not with the current level of stability.

Which means there's something in the mine...



A piercing electronic screech interrupts the conversation as a distorted image gradually materializes.

Sensing what's happening, Cheryl and Norman's researchers set down their tools and quietly leave the quarters.

You seem to be holding up well. This is better than I anticipated.

Babylonia took immediate action after losing contact with your team. Engineering Force has already arrived and set up camp around the mine's perimeter.

We've completed our survey of the mine's outer layer, but the situation isn't looking good. Even with the blueprints provided by Norman Mining Corp, well...

...Karenina is working on alternative solutions. If the existing path proves impassable, we'll dig a new tunnel from the side.

Are there any hostile entities threatening your safety in the mine?

...I see. Give me a second.

Right then, another voice forces its way into the communication channel.


Time is exactly what [player name] lacks right now. Why are we not taking my proposal into consideration here, sir?


The already unstable image warps and distorts as another figure slowly materializes.

I am the one who can help you out of this mess. A pleasure to meet you, Gray Raven Commandant.

Since neither Engineering Force nor [player name] seems capable of resolving the current situation, why not hear out my proposal?

The voice pauses for a moment, and their gaze seems to pierce through the distorted video feed, reaching all the way to the mine shaft behind.

Despite the poor visibility, there's no mistaking the searching and eager intensity in their gaze.

The mine shaft blueprints in Norman Mining Corporation's possession are actually incomplete. After all, Kurono is the one who truly lives and operates in these underground facilities.

We possess more detailed and comprehensive information. Perhaps some of it could help Support Force and you, Gray Raven Commandant, find your way to safety.

Woah, easy there! You're a distinguished figure in Babylonia, Commandant, and we go way back, right?

Of course, this information represents Kurono's investment of both effort and capital. As much as I'd love to just share it with you at no cost, our regulations simply wouldn't permit such generosity.

Very well, very well. I suppose life underground has made you rather... tense. I was merely trying to lighten the mood with some pleasantries.

Rest assured, we don't need much. Just a small piece of information will suffice.