Story Reader / Floating Record / ER02 Cinder Burns

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

ER02-01 Withered Grass

The dead life has decayed. I exult over its decay, because from this I know that it has not been empty.

ER02-02 Glass Cradle

The baby's glass cradle is clear for people to look through at any time and made to be broken at any time. It is under good protection.

ER02-03 Lost at Night

If anything, an ordinary person is exactly the type that would fall on the wrong side of justice, since they've got nothing that would help them land on the right side of it.

ER02-04 Muscle Memory

It seems like a piece of memory buried deep inside his body.

ER02-05 Pandora's Box

That thing is more than a Ponzi scheme. There's gambling, and it can really eat you and your family up whole.

ER02-06 Deaths of the Innocent

Our path to the future is full of dead fire of life.

ER02-07 Incomplete Confession

if you still think what I did was wrong many, many years from now, then remember to never do what I did, okay?

ER02-08 Choice of the Death Fire

If life is a fire that will eventually lead to death, the boy will definitely choose to burn out than freeze out.

ER02-09 The Beggar and the Giver

When I come across a beggar, I do not give him alms. I have no wish to give alms. I stand above those alms-givers. For him I have only disgust, suspicion, and hate. When I become a beggar, I do not receive alms. I do not see any wish to give alms. I only receive disgust, suspicion, and hate from the one who stands above those alms-givers.

ER02-10 Farewell of the Shadow

There is nowhere to find him in the carriage full of light.

ER02-11 Awakened Memory

I'm sorry. Forgive me... then forget all of this. We'll start again, and we'll make up then.

ER02-12 Plausibility

Shrek? I think that name has to be associated with some ogreish monster! But I suppose there's nothing wrong with calling you a "monster" when you're the Construct the Ascendants are "feeding" in a jail cell.

ER02-13 Passerby

What's beyond the grave?

ER02-14 His Whisper

Naughty children need to be disciplined.

ER02-15 Books as Firewood

Don't be the fools who burned the books to stay warm.

ER02-16 Wildfire of Life

Every life on Asslam—privileged or poor—is dissolving like an ice cube amidst fire, wailing and roaring in despair.

ER02-17 Mistaking a Deer for a Horse

You thought those who mistake a deer for a horse are stupid, but that's their cleverest trick. People who tell the truth... are often the first to die.

ER02-18 Dead End by Nightfall

The kid who wanted to become a hero is now a sinner, responsible for hurting innocent people.

ER02-19 Melting Away

People only throw their names away when they want to forget their past. Are you one of these people?

ER02-20 Firefly

Winter does not take, for some would light fires with their souls.

ER02-21 Breaking Free

Despite the scars all over his body and the constraint that makes him hard to move, all his memories are back, and he is no longer lost.

ER02-22 Old Dream Inscription

Please allow me to keep the sorrows of the past. Please forgive me for being helplessly ordinary. Please let my heart die when it's still alive... For these are things that drive me forward.

ER02-23 Cinder Burns

Death and decay already arrived. Grass was burned down to ash on the ground. Sparks of the fire bring about fireflies, guiding the survivor to the future.