Story Reader / Festival Event Story / Solitary Longings / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

Sea Foam


The raging waves crash and spray as Lamia desperately twists and turns through the turbulent waters.

A piercing whistle cuts through the air as a vengeful, crushing blow tears through the waves, bearing down with inescapable force.


Right when Lamia closes her eyes and grits her teeth to brace herself for the impact...


The harpoon fired from the whaling gun on the fishing boat strikes the Sea God's arm, causing it to recoil in pain and miss its attack.

[player name]?! Why are you here?! Go back!

You... I... uhh... no... no! It's too dangerous for you!

I... I can handle this alone! Really, trust me.


By a hair's breadth, the second harpoon that the human commandant fired hits the Sea God spot on.

You... you...! Fine! Fine!