Story Reader / Festival Event Story / Solitary Longings / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

Masked Bliss


Under the human commandant's leadership, the villagers, having launched a surprise attack against the Temple's forces, manage to repel them and capture both the priestess and the intended sacrifice for this ritual.

Meanwhile, Lamia finds herself in a desperate battle. This isn't reality—there is no way for her to get help from the human commandant here. The notion of fighting together reveals itself as a hollow promise...

Fighting through the excruciating pain and suppressing her urge to flee, Lamia takes one last glance at those on the beach before gritting her teeth and throwing herself back into battle.

Begonia pushes through the crowd, ignoring the priestess' venomous glare while walking straight to the little Lamia.

Is there any way you can help Lamia?

There's nothing I can do, Begonia.

Little Lamia lowers her head just slightly, her eyes void of emotions but her fists clenched tighter.

The one who made those wishes was Lamia, the one who answered was Lamia, the one who took was Lamia, and the one who sacrificed was Lamia, too.

One cannot win and lose at the same time.

People can do that, but not Lamia.

Little Lamia looks up, her eyes fixed on the commandant.

Lamia's never going to get better because she only wants to run away when things get too challenging. It's not the most honorable thing to do... but it works.

The commandant smiles gently and reaches out to pat Little Lamia on the head.


But... what about you?

With it, the human commandant sprints straight toward the biggest fishing boat on the shore without looking back.