Story Reader / Event Story / Book of Toro / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

Book of Toro - 6


You have almost walked around the entire town, but it looks just as peaceful.

Speaking of which, Kamui, are you familiar with this movie? Anything worth noting?

Not really... If a movie is always so peaceful, I'll get bored really soon... Wait, what's that?

Kamui is pointing to a footprint trail that leads to the north of the town.

Let's go then.

Feels like we are those typical bold young people in horror movies... Hey, wait for me!

ia! ia!

ia! ia!

A white rocky ground in the dark forest catches everyone's eye.

The moonlight only makes it more disturbingly bright.

There is a group of people in the center of the rocky ground. Tom and the grocery shop owner are there too.

F'fhalma... Geb! Geb!

F'gnaiih... Geb! Geb!


hai!hai!hupadgh hai!

hai!hai!hupadgh hai!

...What are they doing?

Whatever they are doing, it doesn't look good.

I think I have seen similar things in the database...

Oh! Wanshi told me about this movie!

It was about a group of people trying to summon something horrible... Something like that.

But I watched it for twenty minutes and it was all peaceful daily life of the town. So I turned it off.



Screw it. It's just a summon ritual, right? Let's just smash everything!

Kamui picks up his greatsword and charges out again.