Story Reader / Interlude / The Chess Player / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.



Standing before the door of the Construct Maintenance Department, Chrome stares as the room lights up, and he clutches his fists.

Why... did you come...

I won't let my people die in front of me.

We can't escape the fate of being abandoned.

You might have saved me this time, but the humans will still throw me away in the future.

Why wouldn't you just let me die there and then?

I won't let that happen.

Why? Because I'm an invaluable tool? Does it cost Babylonia too much to lose another one of us?

You should see what the people in the Maintenance Depart are like... Take a look at how they treat the wounded.

A member of my team was a doctor there.

He once said, "You matters because you are you."

I saved you because you are you, and that reason is more than enough.

Never give up your life so easily, even when you are a Construct.

Doesn't matter what our bodies are made of. A life is priceless either way.

I... will not watch a teammate die, and I will not accept a future where Constructs are tossed aside.



You are...

A familiar face suddenly appears before Chrome, his right arm secured in front of his chest.

Squad Two Captain...

I can't believe you'd remember me.

Noticing Chrome's gaze on his broken arm, the Construct Captain laughs and waves his functional hand around.

Almost got my whole arm torn off. Luckily I was a quick shot.

As for this... Well, the Maintenance Department is packed to the brim right now, so I thought I'd just get a quick treatment until they're done being so busy.

How about you? Why are you here?


Chrome hesitates for a second before revealing how the other Construct attempted to sacrifice himself to complete the mission.

Is that so... That guy's still in there.

Thanks for saving him, Chrome. I hope he survives.


That's not enough.

Even if I've managed to save a few Constructs this time, this will still happen again and again.

If I don't come up with a real solution...

I can save him from destruction, but not desperation.

I can drag him away from swarms of Corrupted, but I cannot lift him from the abyss.

A real solution, is it? You're quite incredible, I must say. Just the endless fighting is enough to tire me out.

Sigh... He wasn't always like this. He used to be quite easygoing with all his dirty jokes. But the squad he was in was completely wiped out in a scout mission.

When the Rescue Force arrived, he was about to jump into the Red Tide. Took them a lot of effort to keep him from diving in, but still, he changed after that.

No one knew what happened during that mission. It wasn't until his maintenance was over that he found out the commandant from his original squad was promoted and transferred to another team.

Chrome finds his chest aching as the Construct Captain explains.

...Abandoned, is it?

Probably thought he wasn't useful anymore.

We're just tools to those humans, after all. Perhaps there's nothing strange for them to throw us away when they're done with us.

We're fighting to reclaim Earth right now. I wonder how the humans will see us once our job is done and the war is over?


It's not hard to understand, then... why he'd lose the will to live. Why he'd rather it all end back there.

Does no one... want to change this?

The Construct Captain takes a look at the murmuring Chrome.

Our squad was sent to cover the evacuation of a refugee camp under attack from the Corrupted on a past mission.

Something went wrong with our planned route, and we went through an area filled with Corrupted.

We tried our best to take the refugees to safety. We went through layers of Corrupted to save the kids in the camp.

I had to carry the children back to the safe zone against a hailstorm of bullets. But when I put them down, one of them looked at me and cried.

He cried, and he yelled, "It's a monster."

I took a look at my reflection in the river, and that was when I found out that my whole body was scarred and burnt from the attack.

Especially my face. Since the temperature of the shrapnel that hit it was too high, the artificial skin of half of my face had melted.

...I suppose a human wouldn't even be able to stand.

While I stood in front of the child, looking like I'd be joining the Corrupted at any moment.

...Realizing that, my M.I.N.D. deviated drastically.

Then I got sent here.

A very talented doctor treated me then.

Not only took my delirious complaints seriously, he patiently comforted me.

For a moment, I felt like I was treated as a "human."

It made me... less desperate.

It made me think that perhaps humans and Constructs can understand each other.

It should've been like that, shouldn't it?

We were one and the same originally, weren't we?

Humans will always fear the things they don't understand.

They do that because they never understand what Constructs are.

A single slander on Constructs can create panic among humans.

How could I not notice that?

What can we do, then?

We are Constructs. We travel from the battlefield to the Maintenance Department and back. We accept missions, and then we complete them.

The humans who survived, those sitting on their thrones comfortably in Babylonia, barely have the chance to know us.

Who has the time to consider the relationship between humans and Constructs when we can barely survive and win this war against the Punishing Virus?

The Construct Captain pats the silent Chrome on his shoulder.

The doc is asking for me. I should get going.

Don't get too obsessed, you.

The joint operation is a success in the end. The factory overtaken by Corrupted has been destroyed, and the commandant in charge of the operation has been highly commended.

But the names of the wounded and dead Constructs in the battle have not even been mentioned.

Chrome's monitor shows the news of a commandant getting a promotion, followed by a rousing, inspiring speech. He clutches his fists.

I can save him from destruction, but not desperation.

I can drag him away from swarms of Corrupted, but I cannot lift him from the abyss.

Even having chosen to become a Construct, all I can do is follow the rules and complete the missions, earning praises. Just like before.

You even stopped asking about your teammates' whereabouts after a word from your father.

Are you lost?

Who are you?

I'm you, silly.

Are you afraid?

You're afraid that you've made the wrong decision. You're afraid that your choices will lead your team to their doom.

Because you've never made any choice for yourself in the past. Every move you make, you make them in other people's shadows.

You're thinking that, if only you were a human, you'd be able to fight for the rights of your fellow men and lead them away from their inevitable end.

As a mere Construct and a squad captain, you have no power to sway those arrogant humans and their prejudices.

I'll find a way.

The resources he could get as "Langston", and the power he has gained as "Chrome"...

Can they be the missing pieces of the solution?

I will.

Like a stone being dropped into a lake, his memories follow the ripples and hit him in waves.


You've heard from the staff, haven't you? I'm John Smith. I'll be your father starting today.

Little Boy



What is it? We should get going.

Little Boy

I still have...

The blonde young boy looks back at his dark room and his half-packed suitcase on the table.


From now on, you are Langston Smith. Abandon your past. You have no need of it anymore, nor anything from it.

Little Boy

No need of it...?


It doesn't matter who you were. What matters is who you will become.

I'll teach you how to identify what is worthwhile and what to abandon in the future.

Little Boy


Mr... Smith.

The door closes, forever leaving his beloved storybook behind on the table.


Why do I have to become a Smith, sir?

Because you're the son of John Smith.

You will become the perfect being and inherit everything of mine.

What is a "perfect being"?

That is the pursuit of every Smith. Once you become one of us, you will discover the answer to this question.

You will search, and you will be.

F.O.S. Military Command College...


That's where you're going next.

You should know the gist of Constructs by now. They are the modified soldiers fighting on the surface.

And you, Langston, will be the one who commands them.

Are Constructs "heroes"?


What are you doing with those pointless words? Those masquerading titles serve no real purpose.

Because the President said that Constructs are our "hopes" and "spark."

"Heroes" is just a facade. If a leader needs the masses to sacrifice themselves, a glorified title is the best and cheapest tool.

You should've known this by now.

Become a commandant, gain victories, grasp real power, and proceed to higher places.

That is what you should do as a Smith.

Is that so?

Don't disappoint me.

...I understand.

Is this your son, John?

Greetings, sir.

I heard your boy got the highest score ever recorded in the practice test.

Like father, like son, I say. Truly worthy of the legacy of the Smiths.

We'll be counting on you to take care of us then.


The Smith Estate is frequently visited.

Most of the time, he just needs to keep to his study. If he runs into the guests on his way to school or back home, he will politely greet them.

That is "Langston's" routine on top of his path to becoming a "Smith".

The guests, their faces all blurred together, will pat his head and compliment him as an excellent successor.

Except he has no interest in them. These praises are for a Smith, and he has yet to become one.

If he keeps going non-stop, day after day, then one day—

What a waste of time.

The part of you that remains when that shell of a body is cast aside.

Even... if we live to see the day we win... there won't be a future for us, will there?

I thought you were just another perfect facade the folks at the top created to comfort us.

Victory will belong to humans.

Langston was raised to be a leader.

"Constructs" to him then slowly became data in the simulated battles. They were resources he could use, his leverage to reshape a fight.

But ever since he became a Construct, he has realized that Constructs are no different than humans. They also feel pain and tired. They laugh when they find something funny and cry when they see something sad.

The contempt, distrust, even the caution and fear are all very real, despite them hiding in the shadows as they wear down the soldier's will and corrupt the human's heart.

Humans always fear what they do not understand, especially the elders in positions of power. They know little about the evolution of technology, and Constructs are no more than weapons used to reclaim Earth to them.

But the only difference between Constructs and humans is what their bodies are made of.

Despite no longer being flesh and bone, Constructs are still humans. They deserve the same future.

When humans reclaim Earth, the names in the history books should not just belong to humans.

If Constructs cannot share a fate with humans, their divide will only grow, and when the distrust bubbles and boils over, they will never be able to understand each other again.

Someone has to change this.

If he had not joined the feast as a human, he would not have retrieved intel that could turn the situation around.

If he had not become a Construct, he would not have discovered the unfair treatment they receive.

Humans and Constructs need a "bridge" that connects them.

Maybe this is something he can do, being both.

If he wants a say in this, he has to be strong enough.

If this is what is necessary to achieve his goal, he does not mind taking advantage of "himself."

He opens his comms and finds the person he is looking for, and he sends out the transmission request.

This is Chrome from Strike Hawk.

Mr. Asimov.

I didn't think you'd already have learned about the specialized frame...

Heard some rumors about it on a feast I accompanied my father to.

To be fair, I would have found you if you hadn't come and asked.

There's no doubt that you are the best person for this project.

But have you looked into the cost of equipping a specialized frame?

I've heard about it.

I understand the risks.

I've made my choice.

Then allow me to explain the details of this frame...