Story Reader / Interlude / Dijiang

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.


It rests peacefully under the Kowloong Metropolis, where it should remain undisturbed.


This is the archives of the Kowloon Chamber of Commerce. It is a symbol of history and glory. It stands in a corner of the KCC as a witness to the footprints of our ancestors.


The monarch will merely be a facade created out of authority before the masses.


Looking toward the sound, they see a young woman in white and the wooden cart behind her seemed to belong in a museum.


Yin whispers softly. Qu stands overlooking the entirety of Kowloong.


These are the themes of this era that shape the world.


When people look up to the Sovereign, they see what they want to see.