Story Reader / Interlude / The Land of the Fallen Star / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.



Dagger 1, Babylonia has taken back the launch center of Airforce Base 28. Do you copy? I repeat. Do you copy?

Watanabe and Cyril's frames clash, then separate.

A duel between elite soldiers doesn't always require a spectacle of flashy skills or intricately woven vapor trails in the azure sky. Sometimes, the difference between life and death is decided in a single stroke.

The moment they clash, Cyril hears a rupturing sound from behind—knowing it was the precursor to missile shrapnel piercing his skin.

He knew it was already over.



Hehe, how's Bruce's performance in the military?

...He's always the front of the pack.

Well, if he's doing better than you... I guess I can relax.

Cyril! Eject! Don't—

Believe what you choose to believe and stick to your guns.


I still can't forgive... But... Maybe I just can't forgive myself...

Go home, kid... Someone's gotta keep us in their heart...

Don't let the world... forget what we fought for...