Bridge Office
Karenina!. There you are.
Hey, what brought you here?
Karenina is a little surprised to see Bianca come through the door.
I asked around and they said you were fixing the observer for CC. Is the entire Engineering Force here? I'll come back later if you're busy.
It's fine... We're doing a simulation calculation with observers from the other bridges to figure out the problem. It'll take about an hour because there's a lot to go through.
There's nothing else I can do now but wait anyways... So, are you here to see me? What's up?
I got a package from WGAA, and I thought... I should probably give it to you.
Bianca took out a package with the name "Wise" on it and handed it over to Karenina.
Karenina stopped herself from asking more questions and opened the package silently.
What in the world is this...
Under the wrapping was a rusty metal box with a tiny, intricate, handmade instrument inside.
Is this some kind of telescope?
The device has a fan-shaped base with scale markings that come with several tiny round mirrors. Its bronze has a green tint, showing its old age.
No... this is a sextant, a device people used to measure angles. People in the 18th century used it to determine latitude and longitude to navigate the seas.
It uses simple geometrical optics and became rare even before the Golden Age. Only physicists or astronomers collected them.
But where did he get this... He didn't have a lot of personal items, and even his notebooks were from the guild. I don't think he got a lot of gifts either...
Karenina took out the sextant and flipped the metal box over to find a line of words engraved with laser.
To my youngest student, Wise—Wishing him the best of luck as he finds his own way through the vast ocean of knowledge, seeking truth.
I see. Grandpa gave this to him.
This sextant... I can just tell from the fine polishing of the individual parts that Grandpa must have made this by hand.
He used to make little gadgets for me... like a monocular telescope from an adventure story, or an ore radio that allows you to eavesdrop on city channels...
If we go back to the time I met Wise... Grandpa probably gave Wise this sextant before they left for the moon. And after that...
So this is a gift from a "teacher" to his "student"... But then...
But Wise respected Grandpa so much! Why would he give this to WGAA if Grandpa did give this to him...
Karenina scratched her head in annoyance and lifted the box before shaking it to see if there was anything else in it.
Hearing a strange sound, she ripped out the bubble wrap in the box—and out popped a tiny, yellowed card from the bottom.
Found it.
Just like what she did many years ago, in that empty lab.
She picked up the card and tried to figure out the message—
Bianca! Hey! Bi—an—ca—!
Hum? Yeah? I'm listening.
Bianca's wandering thoughts were reined in by the voice calling her name. She refocused her sight on the girl sitting across from her.
Liar, you weren't even trying to listen.
O-of course I was. Um... you were talking about this Construct by the name of Lucia?
Yes! Her! That damn Lucia!
Karenina's Inver-Device hidden under her hat began to make tick-tock noises at the mention of that name. She clenched her teeth and fists as if trying to keep in a belly full of wrath.
I was this close! This! Close! To beating her in the last simulation battle! Urgh! I can't believe it.
So what if she's in the Task Force? And she had a "Man, that was easy" face when she won!
Hahaha... Karenina, I think it's time to let it go.
Lucia is one of the most powerful Constructs in the Task Force. You already did super well, considering you're from the Engineering Force.
I don't care! I don't care where she's from, and I'm totally going to fight her again at the next simulation!
I don't think you can choose who to fight for simulation battles, though...
Bianca smiled gently as she took a sip of her hot coffee. She wasn't going to get in Karenina's way.
The ice is gonna melt if you don't drink it.
Only then did Karenina remember that she hadn't touched the orange juice she ordered. She bit onto the straw and sipped on it aggressively but quietly, like a docile cat.
Their interests, hobbies, even tastes, and aesthetic senses were vastly different.
Bianca would never touch any of the engineering books Karenina read, and Karenina also found classical art films boring to watch.
But their friendship had grown stronger since they first met. Karenina was used to Bianca's company even after she made many new friends in the Engineering Force.
Oh, we haven't celebrated your promotion to the Captain of the Demolition Squad. No one in the Engineering Force has risen through the ranks so fast, right?
Damn straight, and I'll be the captain in no time!
...I mean, I wish, but I actually just got lucky this time. The squad captain disappeared on the ground not long ago, so I replaced him.
Oh, is that right...
Did you just say something?
Oh, never mind.
Hey, stop saying that. You keep saying that these, acting all mysterious, and never tell me what's going on!
You never talk about yourself, ever. I've known you for so long, but I don't even know what squad you belong to.
Bianca froze for a moment at the sudden change of atmosphere. She lowered her eyes and put on an apologetic face.
...Sorry, Karenina.
Bianca drew a light breath and rubbed her finger on the rim of her coffee cup.
That was when Bianca's terminal suddenly rang.
She immediately picked up the call once she saw the caller ID, and her face turned solemn.
Chiko? Okay... got it. I'll watch out for the signal. Okay... I'll be right there.
Karenina, I...
It's okay. That sounds urgent. Feel free to go.
Karenina gave Bianca a few big waves, showing that she understood Bianca's situation.
Okay, I'll see you later.
Karenina propped her head with one arm and looked in Bianca's direction until she completely disappeared.
She sat silently, an entirely different person from the energetic woman demanding Bianca to answer her questions just moments ago.
The mutters of people in the room slowly entered her ears once more.
With the straw in her mouth, Karenina turned to look into the artificial sky outside the window.
The spotless blue sky seemed so real that some might even think that it was, but Karenina, being one who traveled back and forth between Babylonia and Earth, knew better than to actually fall for the bad joke.
The real sky would never look so beautiful.
When Corrupted, Constructs, and the bodies of dead humans burn in a giant pile, black smoke clogs the sky for tens of miles, stretching almost as far as one could see.
She'd seen it more times than she could recall, because new bases were usually built upon old battlefields, and the Engineering Force could not start working until the remains were burned and cleared.
Cough... cough, cough...
Constructs don't need to breathe, but the irritants in the air could still make them cough.
Okay... We've got this area cleared out. You, you, and you, take the equipment and follow us. Check the resources we were given so we can calculate the explosives needed.
With a frown, Karenina looked through the faces of each of her teammates and began giving orders.
This was her first mission after her promotion to the position of Captain of the Demolition Squad. The Engineering Force was to clear the land to build a new base, and her squad was tasked with demolishing the dangerous buildings and old ruins.
Do we need to have every single building counted? We usually just come up with a rough estimate.
They gave us more resources than we needed anyways, so why give ourselves extra work?
The past is the past, and we do things differently now. Makes more sense for the leftover resources to be used at the new base than making explosives out of them.
There are only 62 locations to measure, and that will only take an afternoon. By the way, where's Hugo? Thought he was on this mission, too.
He, uh... submitted his application to get his frame repaired yesterday, so he was sent to the back earlier today.
You know what he needs to get fixed? His ****ing bullshit! I am the squad captain, and I was never even told about this application he submitted!
He told me himself, but I'm not surprised since he's always looking for ways to slack off.
Urgh... You know what, I'll deal with him later. Let's focus on the mission first.
Just as Karenina was leading her team into the ruins for investigation, an elite squad of Constructs silently appeared nearby.
Looking at one another, the members of the Demolition Squad began murmuring amongst themselves when some recognized the approaching squad.
Wait, aren't y'all from the Purifying Force?! Why are you here—
Calm down, people. My name is Chiko and I am the vice-captain of the Purifying Force. We're here on order to carry out investigations.
W-what is there to investigate? Aren't you only after deserters? We all have a clear record here, right? C'mon, Boss, say something...
Why do we have such a bad rep?
Chiko breaks into a wry smile that lasts for only a split second.
We know you guys are clean, so we're not here for you. We have it on good authority that someone around here is stealing Babylonia's technology and resources.
We just wanted to ask you to work with us to gather some clues. We have nothing against you.
And you are Karenina? You're in charge of these people, I presume? Please let me know where you stand.
Karenina remained silent, having trained her eyes on the Construct that was their captain, standing beside Chiko.
Bianca, you're from the Purifying Force?
Karenina could never dream that she would meet Bianca at work under such circumstances.
Do you know her, Captain?
Bianca looked at Karenina silently without any look of surprise, as if she'd known this day would come.
She spoke slowly while Karenina kept her quizzical eyes on her.
...She is a friend, but don't worry, I won't bring personal feelings into work.
Chiko has expressed our intentions clearly. Karenina, I hope you can cooperate with us.
Karenina kept her eyes fixed on Bianca, as though waiting for Bianca to say something else.
It wasn't until someone behind her gave her a little shove that she realized everyone was waiting for her to make a decision.
She clenched her fist for a brief moment before loosening it, and closed her eyes before speaking in her capacity as "Captain of the Demolition Squad".
I believe that none of my team has anything to hide, so if you want to look, be my guest.
But our mission is urgent. If we cannot clear out this area by the end of the day, the rest of what the Engineering Force has to do will be delayed, and that's going to affect everything that comes after that.
I can help you with the investigation of the stolen resources since I'm in charge and am privy to some of the hush-hush stuff.
That being said, you have to promise not to get in the way of the rest of our operations. You can leave someone here to keep an eye on us, but I will be the only one going with you.
Karenina, are you offering yourself as their "hostage"?
Shut it! There's no hostage here. Well, if you're the one they're looking for, just offer yourself up now to put us all out of misery here.
Hey, I'm definitely not! Never done a thing!
So, what do you say?
...Would be great if you could really give us the clues we're looking for. I think we have a deal here, but what do you say, Chiko?
No objections.
That's great... Now, Karenina, if you'll please come this way with us.
Bianca reached out her hand but withdrew it immediately as if she'd been zapped.
She covered the faux pas by whispering some orders to Chiko and led the rest of her team off.
You can go now. I'll keep an eye on your team.
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Karenina gave her a little shrug and followed behind Bianca.