Story Reader / Floating Record / ER08 The Long Goodbye / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

ER08-19 Before the Dawn


After a grueling escape, the survivors finally reach the temporary shelter.

Reports are coming in that even the elite squad is overwhelmed. No reinforcements are arriving. We're trapped here for now.

The Corrupted are swarming out like a disturbed hornet's nest. I've never seen a swarm this size outside the Dead Zone. This is a disaster.

So they really did come from the Dead Zone. Babylonia warned us about this.

On the bright side, we've managed to get this many people this far.

Let's assess what equipment we have left. If the elite squad can't break through the Corrupted horde by dawn, we're in for a serious battle.

Worst-case scenario, we can all grab some EMP bombs and make a charge into the Corrupted. That should create a path for us to escape.

No one voices an objection to this insane plan. Shorthalt taps his communicator again.

Remember to keep your comms open when the time comes.

The Constructs present respond in unison. It's only been a day, yet some of their comrades will never hear these words of comfort again.

How's Wanshi holding up? We have plenty of staff—shouldn't a doctor with a head wound be resting?

Shorthalt raises his arm, inspecting the crudely patched crack in his casing. Glancing around at the other Constructs, he sees that Wanshi has already tended to everyone's injuries.

Wanshi is still back there with the refugees, not even thinking about taking a break.

He'll be okay. Kamui's with him.

In a situation like this, I guess only Kamui can stay so calm, haha.

You and I are freaking out, but he seems completely at ease, even in the middle of this chaos.

Thompson taps his wrist, and the damaged projector sputters to life, displaying a blurry image of a boy. The projection fades quickly, but not before a couple of sparks dramatically erupt from the device.

Shorthalt's optical sensors shift their focus away from Thompson's projection.

Shorthalt, what did you do before you became a Construct?

The police.


I was one of the first to undergo modifications, and I wasn't exactly a spring chicken when it happened... Surely you've heard of the term "police" before?

No, no, actually... Euan guessed you were a police officer before. I can't believe he was right.

What for? Do I look like someone you'd trust?

Of course not. You're the mastermind behind the "EMP bomb suicide run" against the Corrupted.

A flicker of doubt crosses Thompson's face, and his forced smile begins to falter.

Looks like Euan's learned a thing or two from you.

Don't be like me. Sure, I don't exactly look like a saint—and I'm definitely not one—but sometimes, I wonder if I was born to be a protector.

Thompson's gaze falls on the new nameplates pinned to Shorthalt's chest—grim reminders of the Constructs lost in the battle. One of them bears Euan's name.

Shorthalt quickly covers the nameplates, not wanting to prolong Thompson's grief.

Contact the other squads. We need to secure the perimeter. We can't let those Corrupted overrun us again.

Shorthalt rises from the ruins, watching Wanshi tend to a child while Kamui stands guard nearby, helping distribute supplies.

This damn Punishing... I'm sick of seeing people die.

This is the darkest night of Wanshi's life.

The sky above is devoid of stars, replaced by a sickly glow from the artificial lights that illuminate the makeshift stronghold.

Far from the Central Purification Filter, low on supplies, and with aid slow to arrive, the refugees teeter on the brink of despair, ravaged by disease and infection.

I'm sorry...

How much immune serum do we have now?

We're completely out, and Dr. Natalie is out of stock too. What are we going to do?

It's not just the refugees—there are volunteers with critical injuries too. Can we really just stand by and watch them die?

The young doctor's voice trembles as he speaks to Wanshi.


Even the Wish-Granting Machine can't conjure serum out of thin air—you'll need to collect wish cards first.



That kid's already got three stamps. Let's get him some candy as promised.

Here you go, Wanshi. Scissors. Better sterilize those before you use them.


Kamui throws the scissors to Wanshi and then drops a heavy arm around a volunteer doctor's shoulders, nearly knocking him over.

If we found candy in the supplies unexpectedly, who knows? Maybe we overlooked some serum too! Let me help you look, come on, come on...


Kamui escorts the anxious doctor away, and Wanshi finally lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He sits back down on the ground, laying out his sutures and scissors on a relatively clean piece of metal.


Doctor... am I infected too?

No, no, we were in a rush earlier. You've just caught a mild cold.

Doctor, how's my arm? It hurt like crazy before, but now I can't feel anything.

The bandage is soaked through, the flesh beneath it ravaged by the Punishing virus. Wanshi tries to stitch it up, but the damage is too severe.

You won't feel any more pain. I gave you some painkillers.

Painkillers... Nathan said they were the best.

Is he okay?

The children look towards the corner, where a volunteer doctor's white coat is beneath Nathan's body, his white coat soaked in blood.

Nathan's asleep. He won't wake up.

Nathan's asleep. He'll wake up tomorrow.

Nathan... he saved me and now...

This is all my fault... We panicked when we saw the Corrupted. Only Nathan kept us moving forward. If I'd been stronger, I could have led them to safety... Cough!

Doctor... I hurt everywhere too...


The doctor's hands tremble as he gazes at the small bodies before him, each one bearing the scars of both illness and guilt.

You all... did a fantastic job today.

No one's to blame.

He manages a weak smile.

Do you still want to go to Babylonia now?

I have a few boxes of medicine here. They're very valuable and only for emergencies. You need to keep an eye on them for me.

When dawn comes, people from Babylonia will arrive to rescue us. They'll take all the good kids back to Babylonia.

He rattles several medicine boxes, drawing everyone's attention.

I want to see who can keep their medicine safe all night. You've got this.

Once you get to Babylonia, you'll grow up in the youth center. If you do well, you might even get adopted, have a family who cherishes you, learn the world's most advanced knowledge, and make more friends...

His voice lowers and cracks with emotion.

Until you're all grown up and strong...

You can become anything you dream of—engineers, doctors, artists. You can make a real difference in the world.

We'll stand united against the Punishing, and together, we'll reclaim our home...

Do you want that kind of future?

You'll love it, right?

The doctor holds up the medicine boxes, his eyes pleading with the children for a glimmer of hope.

Raise your hand if this is the kind of life you always dreamed of.

The children raise their hands in unison, their eyes fixed on him with hopeful anticipation.

Protect these medical supplies with your lives. Watch each other's backs—they're not to be opened under any circumstances. Understand?


The children clutch the empty boxes filled with wishes to their chests. Those boxes are their tickets to a better life, giving them the strength to endure this terrible night a little longer.

The surrounding adults stare at the doctor with hollow eyes, easily seeing through his deception. Just moments ago, he slipped wish cards into the empty medicine boxes.

The medicine box rattles when shaken, mimicking the sound of life-saving pills rattling inside.

No one challenges him. They all know what he's trying to do.

He's just a doctor, begging his patients to survive.

Over an hour has passed, and there's still no sign of the rescue team. Are we really going to resort to a bomb?

Gather the kids first. Wanshi and Kamui, you're responsible for their evacuation. The rest of us... we hold the line until dawn.

The emergency comms explode with activity, piercing alarms blaring from every Construct's terminal.

Looks like they're not coming.


Corrupted ahead! Large group! Prepare for combat!

Shorthalt quickly turns on his comms to relay emergency instructions to the refugees behind.

Kamui! Wanshi! Do you copy?

We're going in! Get those refugees to safety. If they run into any Corrupted, they're as good as dead!



Thompson?! Damn, those things are moving faster than we anticipated! Look out, they're right behind you!

The Corrupted overpower Thompson and other Constructs, pinning them to the ground before unleashing a terrifying shriek and charging towards the crowd.

On it!

Kamui leaps forward and positions himself at the front of the group, holding his greatsword across his body. His optical module locks onto the nearest Corrupted, ready for the attack.

No time... I need to get a weapon as well.


You're pretty quick, aren't you? Huh? More coming from behind?

The Corrupted close in from all sides. Despite Kamui's lightning-fast swings with his Greatsword, some still manage to break through his defenses.

Wanshi! One's headed your way!


I saw them!


Wanshi returns, his gun blazing. A long-range shot shatters the Corrupted's "legs", sending it crashing to the ground.

...Grrrr... Wan...


Wanshi fires another shot.

Was that... the Corrupted's speaker?

Nice shot, Wanshi!

Must have misheard it...

He stands firm behind Kamui and fends off the remaining Constructs, protecting the refugees.

One... two... three... There are simply too many of them.

A pounding headache sets in, leaving him feeling drained and exhausted.

After knocking down a Construct with the refugees' help, he straightens up, clutching his head in pain. He spots a Construct arm amongst the fallen, and his expression darkens.

Construct casualties ahead...

I'm the only Construct doctor here. I have to find them.

What about us?

Kids, the elderly, and the wounded to the rear. Volunteers, keep tending to the injured. Everyone else capable of fighting, get to your feet and move to the front lines.

A refugee collapses, burying his face in his hands.

I'm sick of this! Why do we have to fight the Corrupted head-on? And what's the point of those metal things pretending to be human?!

Pretending to be human?! We Constructs were all modified from humans, and you dare call us "metal things"?! If I were one of those Constructs fighting the Punishing with their lives right now, I'd rip your head off!


A splitting headache rages through Wanshi's skull.

Wanshi! Thompson's down! They're about to be overrun!


His ears ring, but he checks his equipment and reloads his pistol, his hands trembling slightly.

Quiet... Everyone needs to understand the situation. If we keep losing Constructs at this rate, we won't last much longer.

Doctor... will you come back? Please... Cough!

Be careful out there, Doctor. We'll behave.



Kamui pulls Wanshi close as a Corrupted—somehow slipped inside—lunges at them. Kamui fends off the attacker.

You okay there? You look a bit green.

I'm fine... Just go ahead.

He insists he's fine, but a throbbing pain splits his head open, making him feel nauseous. Something feels wrong, as if something alien is trying to force its way into his mind.

But there are more urgent matters to attend to.

We need to hold this line, or the Corrupted will overrun us!

My maintenance kit will come in handy! Take me there, Kamui!

Watch out, Felbert!



Hold back! He's infected!

Thompson, the Support Construct, examines Felbert and shakes his head in dismay.

My kit's useless now, and my leg's busted. Unless a miracle worker shows up, we're all as good as dead out here.

Thompson taps the broken projector on his wrist again, but the device remains unresponsive.

I've been meaning to ask—is that your son?

Yes, my son is still in Babylonia. He must be a young man now. Hasn't Wanshi mentioned him?

He won't even talk about himself, let alone share your story.

Shorthalt slashes through several more frenzied Corrupted, throwing them back into the surging tide. He's holding onto a desperate gamble that might buy him some time.

This attack is unlike anything we've seen before... I hope he and Kamui make it out alive. Ugh, more of them! They just keep coming!

Get ready to set off...

A bullet rips through the air, taking down a few Corrupted. The Greatsword follows, plunging into the ground, creating a temporary barrier.


Hey! I've brought Wanshi with me!

Under Kamui's protection, Wanshi leaps over the ruins with his "life-saving" equipment, rushing straight towards the perilous area.

He's not sure what's driving him anymore—perhaps he just wants to atone for his past actions with these "butcher's hands".

He leaps down from the ruins, hot on Kamui's heels, clutching the Construct repair components to his chest.