Story Reader / Floating Record / ER08 The Long Goodbye / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

ER08-12 Keeping Demons


Today is when Theodore and Aviana will undergo modifications and testing. The researchers have high expectations for both children.

Bring them in.

Theodore hasn't been doing well lately. I suggest we wait a while longer.

Wait "a while longer"?

The researcher deliberately emphasizes certain words in his question.

Dr. Pickman's team has been preparing for this new direction for quite some time. We've already verified Theodore and Aviana's physical examination data—everything checks out.

What are you waiting for? Don't tell me you've grown attached to these children?

He gives 056 a meaningful look.

There's no point in waiting any longer. Besides, today you'll be allowed into the lab.

What do you need me to do?

We will attempt to "migrate" a Construct's M.I.N.D. into a new "vessel".

As for you—do you see that connection device?

The researcher points to the massive, cold apparatus in the center of the lab.

We need someone to establish an early connection with the vessel.

We've all heard about what you did during your research in Babylonia—how you attempted to connect with a Construct despite the risk of neural damage.

I do have some experience.

Though this is exactly what 056 has been hoping for, her instincts tell her something isn't right.

You're familiar with these two test subjects, and Dr. Pickman believes they'll have higher compatibility with your observation.

These test subjects are valuable. I suppose Dr. Pickman wants to play it safe.


Aviana is the first to be brought in. She's already crying, noisily trying to make the adult holding her let go. After receiving a stern warning glance, she bites her lip and falls silent, fighting back her tears.

Theodore is next. Though appearing more composed than Aviana, he too is pulled by his restraints toward another lab meant for modifications.

Soon, both labs begin operating simultaneously. Transparent tubes connect the tiny bodies to the life support equipment necessary for their survival during the modification process.

056 sits outside the sealed lab, watching the scene inside through the transparent protective window.

As Aviana struggles against her restraints, Theodore manages to force a weak smile at 056.


To be honest, I'm a little scared too.

He seems to have more to say to 056. He tries to reach out his hand, but the restraining suit prevents his arms from moving.

Relax, you all show excellent affinity with the Tantalum-193 copolymer.

The researcher's words are relayed through the comms into the lab.

General anesthesia cannot be administered during Construct modification surgery. From the very first incision, Aviana begins to scream.

056 and all the researchers present witness this heart-wrenching modification procedure.

They watch as the two kids are gradually "dismembered"—skin peeled away, muscles slashed and removed—and before their unsupported flesh can fall apart, it's already being reshaped into something new.

The reconstruction takes several hours. Only when Theodore and Aviana are "reborn" in their "new form" do the observers finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Did the modification work?

As people exchange hushed cheers, a man in a white lab coat enters the lab.

Dr. Pickman.

Pickman watches with satisfaction as the small Construct in the isolation chamber slowly adjusts their visual modules, and the white-haired woman on the other side stares back at him.

As expected, these two are our finest subjects. We can proceed to the next phase.

Several people following behind Pickman quickly enter the lab and begin preparing their protective suits, while Pickman continues his conversation with 056.

So you're... ■■? I remember your name from Babylonia.

I wasn't wrong. Entrusting you with this mission was the right choice—you've built a good rapport with the children.


Do you know what this connection device is capable of?

I know you want to try a connection method that's safer and more convenient than the remote connection pod... but in its current state, I'd say it's nowhere near what you envisioned.

That's right, we still can't get rid of this bulky connection device.

Unfazed by 056's bluntness, Pickman begins to explain patiently.

But this goes beyond mere connection experiments. I want to try so much more—and this device is capable of far more than you can imagine.

The researcher takes out a long probe, stabbing it into 056's spine. Other monitoring patches are also attached to her human body.

All of these children have varying degrees of M.I.N.D. irregularities... We engineered them to be like that.

The M.I.N.D. disorders in those children... Eamon's missing memory data... Even 07's random periods of unconsciousness—all of these were artificially induced?

The researcher's words echo in 056's mind. She suddenly looks up, her gaze fixed on the two children in the lab.

Is this your "new experiment"? Who's the "vessel"? Whose M.I.N.D. are you planning to "transfer"?

Without answering 056's questions, Pickman activates the connection device.

It's safer than the remote connection pod, but you'll still enter a sleep-like state during the connection process. Try to relax as much as possible.


As consciousness gradually slips away and even the white lights on the ceiling fade to darkness, Pickman's words still linger in the air.

I was the one who invited you here because I admire your spirit in volunteering yourself for the experiment.

Besides myself, you treat all these children equally. I can tell they've grown quite attached to you.

I believe we share the same feelings for these children. You would make the perfect Guide for them.

From here on, you only need to focus on observation and guidance.

This is how 056 was connected to Aviana's M.I.N.D.

Beneath the foreign human consciousness, data streams ebb and flow like tides. Perhaps due to the recent modifications, Aviana's M.I.N.D. remains unstable.


056 wades through the data, searching through the vast, pristine space.

A true Construct's M.I.N.D. is indeed vastly different from the artificial one she painstakingly crafted.


A tiny white figure stands motionless ahead. At 056's call, she turns her head with childlike curiosity.

The moment Aviana turns around...

A sharp pain strikes 056 where the brain chip is implanted.

Aviana... how are you feeling?

056... Where am I?

Aviana's sudden calmness worries 056. 056 will never forget how the child had just been crying until her voice went hoarse.

Perhaps when all tears are shed and all blood is drained, there will be no more pain.

This is your M.I.N.D.

Is this my place? Then what is he?

Aviana crouches down and picks something up from the "sea", then turns around to show 056 what she is holding in her arms:

In the small child's arms lies an even tinier infant, sleeping peacefully with eyes tightly shut.


056 did this, didn't you?


You two look alike.


Perhaps stirred by Aviana's voice, the infant opens his eyes for the first time, revealing golden irises identical to 056's.

Aviana stands on tiptoes and places the awakened infant into 056's arms.

Hold him. He is yours. I won't tell anyone.

The older kids told me that people outside can't see what's in the M.I.N.D, so don't worry.

Oh, right, do you know what class they're making Theodore and me take today?

...Aviana... you are a "Vessel".

056 mutters almost inaudibly.

...Hmph, 056 is muttering, but I know.

Theodore will be "sent" here.

Aviana points at the endless expanse, where the silhouette of another boy can be seen.

But they won't succeed.

Wanxu feels a chill run down her spine as she looks at Aviana's expression—innocent yet completely devoid of emotion.


I-it hurts... I'm s-scared...


Someone... anyone... help me... It hurts!



Following Theodore's sudden scream, a crimson "wave" surges from his direction, threatening to devour everything in its path.


056's thoughts are violently ripped from the M.I.N.D. Her vision blurs and a cacophony of noise fills the air.

Wait, hold off on the next step! The Punishing is about to exceed the concentration limit... No, wait! It already did!

The needle on one of the monitors rapidly swings past the safe zone, prompting the man watching the gauges to immediately slam down the nearest emergency button.

Terminate 056's connection and activate the emergency protocol!

We cannot let Aviana be "contaminated" as well. Terminate the transfer process.


The researchers around Theodore are well-prepared, wearing thick protective suits. Through their goggles, all eyes are fixed on the Punishing-infected Construct as the metal restraints slowly tighten.

The Corrupted struggles against the restraints, tearing them apart as a researcher cries out in alarm.

The emergency protocols have failed! We can't contain it!

Stop! Stop right now! Everyone out!

Don't open the door. The Punishing concentration in there is far beyond what we can handle—he's gone haywire.

Abandon the test subject! Everyone evacuate! Do not approach this lab!

...W-what about us?!! Ahhh!!!

The Corrupted begins to struggle, its body emitting a red glow. Massive amounts of Punishing energy pierce through the protective suits, corroding away the skin of the nearest researchers.

Through her blurred vision, 056 watches as one lab descends into hell, while in the other, people hastily evacuate Aviana.

Pickman calmly observes the "tragedy" unfolding in the lab. Seemingly dissatisfied with the results, he prepares to leave.

Hold off on disposing of the Corrupted. Salvage whatever equipment we can recover first, and we'll deal with Aviana's situation later. Thank you all for your work today.

■■, remember to mark Aviana with a check. She did well today, too.

While others watch Pickman's departure in terror, 056 remains motionless, her eyes fixed intensely on the Corrupted behind the transparent window.



056's hands tremble. She has achieved what she set out to do, yet the scene before her smothers any trace of joy that success might bring.

Theodore was the most obedient one, doing anything she asked just to hear her say that he was a "good boy." He instinctively stays close to her. 056 can feel his deep trust and dependence.

Even today, she, too, was thrown into the experiments like a lab rat.

She is now on the children's side, at their eye level, forced to look up at the hands of the researchers from the outside world—hands they are too powerless to resist.

At this moment, frozen in shock and fear, she finally realizes what really has stained her hands.

She, too, is among those who have been pushing the lab rats into the abyss.

The researchers rarely speak of that experiment. The deaths of their colleagues have cast dark shadows over everyone's hearts.

After witnessing the horrors of the Corrupted firsthand, they've grown more wary of the Constructs—imposing stricter activity schedules, conducting more frequent M.I.N.D. scans, and even reinforcing the Cultivation Area's gates.

Yet, 056, who participated in that experiment herself, appears unchanged—remaining as silent as ever.

No one wants to approach this distant woman—as if humans who are living among the lab rats are no different from the rats themselves.

But 056 is the guide that Dr. Pickman specifically asked for, and the final results proved him right.

The researcher reports the experimental data with trembling hands. Compared to the standard infection rate, they discovered that 056 helped Theodore's M.I.N.D. resist corruption for seven additional seconds.

From then on, 056 becomes the connector responsible for stabilizing test subjects' M.I.N.D. None of the subjects resist her presence, and almost none are marked with three x's and discarded anymore.

A period of stability follows—test subjects continue to have their regular episodes of M.I.N.D. illness.

Checkmarks are placed on record sheets after each experiment, and the lab rats return to the Cultivation Area to live their lab rat lives exactly as arranged by the researchers.

056, it's my turn for a "lesson" today.

Eamon, you can come closer.

Eamon, the most mature of the children, has always been wary of 056. Even now, he keeps his distance, eyes fixed intently on the small boy with closed eyes beside 056.

...His name is Wanshi. You don't like him?

Eamon shakes his head.

Then why won't you come closer? Are you afraid of me?

...I never really quite know who you are, but I've never felt scared while I'm here.

Eamon points to his own chest, even though the flesh-and-blood heart there has long since been replaced.


Because you seem like a kind person.

A kind person?

You smile at us sometimes, listen to what we say, and never cut us off when we talk.

When the adults outside criticize us, you come to take us away.

At bedtime, you hum songs for us, and when Aviana is scared of the dark, you let her hug you for a while.

You're the kindest adult I've ever met.

The truth is, I don't know any proper lullabies—I just make them up as I go.

As for everything else... I'd never done any of it before. I only started because the children asked me to.

Then you're the first adult who's ever listened to what we wanted.

Aviana told me that those adults took away more of my memory data again last time.

I've known you for three days this time, and you've been like this the whole time.

If I could know you for thirty days, I might even stand next to you now.

...Come here, Eamon. Take your time, come closer to me. There's nothing to be afraid of.

Within the M.I.N.D., Eamon takes two tiny steps forward, but he barely moves at all.

I can give you a hug... if you'd like.

056 doesn't know what the children like best, but she's noticed that when given a hug, they become more cooperative and make fewer mistakes during experiments.

No matter what happens out there, there will always be open arms here waiting for you.


No matter how mature he tries to act, Eamon is still just a child. After a moment's hesitation, he chooses to believe in the embrace, even if this trust will only last three days.

But Eamon doesn't really like Wanshi, who is the "parasite", since he must stay away whenever Wanshi is conscious. 056 doesn't want Wanshi to see this place's true owner. Eamon can tell that 056 loves Wanshi more, and that makes him jealous.

But it seems all the other children have taken quite a liking to this "little brother".

Another ordinary day. Aviana is the child coming in for her "lesson" today.

Be careful. Don't let Wanshi see you—he will remember everything.

Within Aviana's M.I.N.D., she sits on a hillside with 056, watching a white-haired boy playing by the shore below.

Mm-hmm, seeing us might scare him... so we'll make sure to stay well hidden.

Aviana glances at the unsightly joints on her body, then cautiously studies 056's expression. Only after confirming that 056 isn't in a bad mood does she dare to speak.

His "fingers" were hurt... I'm sorry, it was my fault.

...Your fault?

Yeah, I took a test tube last time and it broke... It was an accident.

...So he touched it too. He touched the "wheat awns" in that "wheat field" below and got pricked.

Did he tell you before... that he touched the seawater?

056 waits silently for Aviana to confess.

It was me... I touched the culture medium... I wanted to know what it tasted like.

And that's not all—everything that child sees, even the sunlight, is fake. The harsh laboratory lights overhead become their sun, and every "sunny day" marks another experiment between 056 and the test subjects.

056 lets out a soft sigh.

It's okay.

Really? You're not angry at me?

056 recalls a recent evening when she was sitting in the Cultivation Area, organizing the day's logs, and listening to the children's cheerful bedtime chatter.

That night, the children's conversation centered around a child named Wanshi.

I like 056 the most, and 056 likes Wanshi the most, so I like Wanshi, too.

With him here, I won't be the youngest anymore... Hehe, can he be my little brother?

Aviana, stop talking.

Last time, 056 used the connection lines to show him flowers, and now he can recognize several different types.

Oh... really? What kind of flowers?

A daisy? I don't know, either.

Aviana holds up a metal buckle from the restraints, directing her question to 056 in the distance.

056... How about using this one as our next insect?

Sitting under the light, 056 nods toward the darkened section of the room.

With 056's permission, the other children follow suit—one by one, they prepare to bring out their treasures, joining 056 in crafting a beautiful dream for the boy.

Another girl lets out a giggle from within the darkness.

It's like we're giving him lessons... If only we could talk to him.


These children have never known the warmth of parental love. In the harsh underground lab, they can only learn a faint semblance of love from 056.

056's love is simple, and simple for them to imitate—all they need to do is love the child named Wanshi.

Though they will never have the chance to grow up, they've learned to love the youngest child as siblings and parents would.

056? 056? Are you deep in thought?

Aviana gently pats Wanxu within her M.I.N.D.

...I zoned out.

Aviana, I want to transmit everything that's happening here in its most complete form.

I can't establish contact with the outside world, but I can try to preserve everything that's happening here in someone's memory.

There's someone out there... connected to me in a different way.

056 points to their head, and Aviana responds almost instantly.

Is it Wanshi?


I don't understand, but whatever you do, it must be right.


Oh, right, I have a question for you... Ahem! I'm not the only one who wants to know! Since I'm the one having class today, everyone thought I should ask you.

What is it?

Um, um...

She fidgets nervously, her gaze wandering. Only after mustering up all her courage does she finally speak to Wanxu in this M.I.N.D.

Can we... can we call you "Mom"?


After a long moment of contemplation, 056 finally nods her head.


But you'll have to do something in return.

From now on, you'll follow all of my instructions.

Starting today, sharpen the buckles on your restraining straps. Make them as sharp as you possibly can.

Dr. Pickman believes Theodore still has value, so he keeps Theodore locked away in that sealed lab. The researchers always avoid this room, and even when passing by, they keep their heads down, refusing to look at the Corrupted inside.

056 believes that while others see Theodore as a fearsome demon, what they are doing is essentially raising that very demon.

Meanwhile, 056 secretly prepares a plan of her own.

She calls out and invites the children, guiding them across a meadow toward her. Within their M.I.N.D., she offers them a momentarily comforting embrace, and in a gentle voice, tells them what must be done.

From this day forward, no one will ever be abandoned again.

The people outside will tell you to gather all your toys in one place, but you can secretly hide some of them.

You have the power to resist them. With these toys, you can fight back.

When I give the warning signal, this is what you must do—

056 presses her own neck against one of the sharpened "toys".

Thrust it in and slash—that's all you need to do.

Now they have a mother. They are no longer mere test subjects with numbers that can be discarded at will. They are just kids who've never even seen the world, trained to become soldiers connected together by one umbilical cord.

—They are all "demons" Renegade 056 has created.