The feathered dreamcatcher has hung above Wanshi's bed for many years.
Perhaps the dreamcatcher really did work, shielding Wanshi from countless nightmares. When he first woke up in the Star of Life's hospital bed, the chaotic tangle of memories in his mind had already been buried deep within.
After a peaceful night's rest at the Youth Center, he wakes up to face the moment of choosing his future career path.
Are your exam results out? Did you pass?
In the classroom, Natalie pokes Frank in the back.
Ah... I passed the engineering maintenance class. Pelo barely made it—nearly failing it every time before. He finally passed this time... though I heard he barely scraped by.
That's more than enough. All he needs now is confirmation from Gestalt and the counselor, then he can advance his studies at medical school. It'll be fine.
Where's Wanshi?
Frank's expression shifts slightly as he lowers his voice.
Wanshi passed the medical school examination, but he submitted an application to work on the ground instead.
Last month, the Basic Education Center concluded its final career placement exam for the year. Students submitted their confirmed career choices to Gestalt—soon, everyone will be going their separate ways.
Students who pass their respective career aptitude tests can continue with specialized training at the Education Center, while those who don't may continue studying general subjects until the next unified examination.
Has he lost his mind? Is he planning to work in the conservation area or undergo a Construct modification?
Usually, only students who consistently fail their exams and can't find any other career path would consider working in the ground conservation area, or even apply to become a Construct.
There's absolutely no need for him to leave the Education Center. I told him that this morning, but he seems quite determined about it.
The Youth Center's supervisor and teachers would never agree to this—
Hey, have you two submitted your wish lists yet?
Pelo appears behind the two of them and taps on Natalie's desk.
Wha! W-what wish list are you talking about?
Weren't you two listening to the supervisor? The philanthropists are organizing one final fundraising event for our coming-of-age gifts.
Is there anything in particular you'd like? I'll compile a list to submit.
Pelo has become the leader among the boarding students, naturally taking charge of all related activities. Though in the eyes of many teachers and youth center volunteers, he's nothing but a troublemaker.
I haven't made up my mind yet...
Sheesh... why are you so indecisive? Hurry up and think about it—I need an answer before dinner, got it?
And what about you, Natalie? What do you want?
Natalie, who has been staring at Pelo, suddenly jolts upright as if snapping out of a trance.
I don't really want anything special... Maybe a hair clip? You know, one of those with lots of flowers on it? What do you think?
...I don't really care. If you want it, I'll try submitting it for you.
Pelo turns away, busying himself with recording everyone's excited chatter about the gifts.
The children who once gathered to hear Wanshi's tales of the "True Ground" have grown into young adults, while Wanshi—once the center of their attention—now dozes off in the back seat.
His body begins to grow upward, and his childish features gradually take on more masculine characteristics.
Hey, hey, hey—! Get up!
Pelo slams Wanshi's desk so hard that everything on it rattles.
Wanshi slowly raises his head, his eyes remaining shut.
Any coming-of-age gifts you'd like? It's from the philanthropists.
Wanshi drifts back to sleep.
Today is when they confirm their final placements with the counselor. Without guardians to accompany them, a team of charitable volunteers will be there to help instead.
Once inside, remember to verify both your placement exam results and the polymer compatibility report with the counselor. Please, please don't make any mistakes...
Last month, in addition to the educational placement exam, all soon-to-graduate students underwent a Tantalum-193 compatibility test—a requirement for Gestalt's class recommendations.
Most of them show high compatibility—it's only natural their results deviate from societal averages, given that many of their parents are Constructs who went to war.
All metrics in Wanshi's report indicate "high compatibility".
A line forms in front of the white doors. Wanshi stands at the end, clutching an old personal terminal from Dr. Melvie. He types a few lines, deletes them, and then repeats the process over and over.
He ponders how to compose his letter:
Dear Melvie,
No, that's too stiff. Delete.
Dear Auntie Melvie,
No, he's never been this close to Melvie. If he sends this, she might worry something's wrong with him.
Despite countless lessons on letter writing in class, he still spends ages editing and re-editing his message.
Dear Aunt Melvie,
I hope I'm not catching you at work. Please excuse me if this message causes any disruption.
Today I'm meeting with the career counselor to confirm my future path. I've already applied for surface deployment.
I know you've always wanted me to stay in Babylonia, but I still want to see the surface for myself, because—
Please don't worry about me. I want to do my part in the surface operations too.
Would you be willing to come to the military district on my departure day, as my family, to see me off?
If you could spare time from your busy schedule to attend, I would be very happy———I would be very thankful———
Lastly, thank you for taking care of me all these years. I hope that one day I can repay your kindness.
It's been two or three years since we've properly met... Maybe this is too formal... I should revise it.
Wanshi's hand "accidentally" touches a spot on the terminal, and just like that, the overly formal and cautious message is sent.
Wanshi's heart pounds as he wonders how Melvie will respond to such a request.
In the next moment, the terminal beeps again as a new message comes through.
This is Melvie. Below is an automated response: Message received, but I'm unable to read it at the moment. Sorry.
I'll respond as soon as I finish my current work. For urgent matters, please go to the pediatric triage desk at Star of Life...
Wanshi cuts off the automated recording playback.
If your placement results differ from your preferences, make sure to discuss it with the counselor...
Wanshi puts away his terminal and looks up again amidst the adults' concerned murmurs. The line ahead has grown shorter. One by one, those who grew up with him enter through the door, each emerging with a different expression on their face.
He leans out of the line, peering through the gap in the white doorway to catch a glimpse of the volunteer counselor seated behind the desk.
Last one, Wanshi?
You still want to... Sigh. Go ahead, but think it through carefully.
The volunteer ushers Wanshi through the white door.
Wanshi surveys the cramped room once more: one desk, two chairs... no, three.
In a corner invisible from outside sits a man in a white coat—a sight all too familiar to Wanshi from his time at Star of Life.
The doctor's name tag on his chest reads "Chiron".
I've seen you before.
Hello, I'm the Head of the Construct Maintenance Department.
Wanshi gives a puzzled look at the doctor he recognizes from the emergency center, but Chiron motions for him to sit down first.
You'll need to verify something... Oh, this is a doctor from the Star of Life. You might need to take a test with them. But first, we need to confirm your personal information and career path preferences.
The counselor puts up a privacy screen.
Let me see here, hmm... You show compatibility with Tantalum-193 copolymer... Your first recorded activity in Babylonia was at the Star of Life? Were you in poor health as a child?
Born with deficiencies. Been in pediatrics ever since.
Wanshi can now smoothly recite the words Melvie taught him.
Who took care of you?
Dr. Melvie... she's still working in pediatrics.
Very well. Let's confirm your career preference—do you want to become a Construct warrior?
Become a Construct and fight for your family and friends.
The counselor smiles.
That's from the propaganda. Is that really what you want? Family and friends...?
I just want to go to the surface. I'm fine with enlisting as a human soldier—you can check my second choice... Or I could stay at the Basic Education Center until I absolutely have to graduate, then get assigned to work at the conservation area? Either way works.
Hmm... I see.
The counselor responds while their finger traces line after line on the privacy screen as if smoothing out something invisible.
What's there to smooth out in such an unremarkable, brief life?
Why not carry on your father's legacy?
The counselor speaks a name that Wanshi has never heard before.
"Ji"... Wan Ji... People from Kowloong sure have interesting names.
Your father was an excellent doctor who saved many lives in Kowloong. His service earned him the right to live in Babylonia.
After the Punishing outbreak, he chose to sacrifice himself to protect his patients... He was a great man, and humanity will never forget his contribution. As the child of such a hero, have you thought about becoming a doctor like him?
Your grades are excellent in every subject, and you even passed the medical school's qualification test. You could aim for something higher, yet here you are...
The counselor searches for the right words.
Yes, mediocrity—that's what you've become. Your parents would never want you to turn out like this.
Wanshi remains silent, still absorbed in the counselor's description of his father.
Is this your first time hearing about all this? Don't take it too hard, these situations are quite common, and...
The counselor scrolls down the screen, spots another document, and abruptly falls silent.
There's nothing else to verify here, so... about your application—would you like to reconsider it?
...What? You didn't finish. Was that my mother's file? What's wrong with her file?
The counselor quickly closes all the documents, stands up from their seat, and gestures for Chiron, who has been listening nearby for a while, to take his place at the desk.
Wanshi stands up from his chair as well.
Why do all of you make that face whenever she comes up?
"All of you"?
Melvie knows, the person in charge of my dossier knows, and you know... She's still on the surface, right? Why hasn't she come to see me even once in all these years?
Take a seat. There's still a test that you need to do carefully.
Chiron slides a medical school aptitude test in front of Wanshi.
Gestalt analyzes various factors—family background, physical condition, academic performance, aptitude tests, and personal preferences—to calculate suitable career recommendations for each student. Our volunteer counselor then makes the final assessment through communication. All this is done to ensure you have the fairest chance possible at making your choice.
While personal preference is the decisive factor in the process, people can sometimes make impulsive choices. That's why we established the guardian application channel, offering a chance for reconsideration.
Wanshi, while children like you don't have guardians, we carefully consider all applications submitted on your behalf by the Center. That's how you got this opportunity today.
You're still young. Everyone thinks your choice would be such a waste. We don't want you to spend the rest of your life regretting a decision made in a moment of defiance.
Wanshi takes a brief look, then pushes the question back.
Many years ago, his mother simply told him a story about Eden, and then asked if he would like to "visit" Eden.
So everything in Babylonia feels like a waking dream—even though Melvie keeps insisting that Babylonia is reality, and his memories of his mother are mere delusions.
Today is the day he decides to break free from his cage.
No, I have no intention of staying in Babylonia.
Why are you so intent on going to the surface?
Wanshi eyes Chiron warily. He is reminded of a tense confrontation from his childhood between Melvie and another doctor.
Are you testing me? Do I have something my mother left behind?
I don't remember anything about my mother, or any particular moments with her. No matter how much you probe, I don't know anything.
And this opportunity must have been arranged by Melvie through the Youth Center and Medical School, right?
...You're cautious, but things aren't what you imagined. I hear you and Melvie don't really keep in touch anymore?
Wanshi recalls Melvie's words from when she was adamant about sending him away.
We've put too much burden on your shoulders. It's not good for you. The further you stay away from us, the better.
I haven't seen Melvie in a long time, and of course, I don't need her meddling in my affairs anyway.
I'm sticking to my original choice.
That's fine. It's your decision—we can only advise, not interfere.
Wanshi, with such excellent grades, do you really have to go to the surface?
The career counselor and... some strange person wanted me to stay in Babylonia, but I refused.
Why would you refuse such an opportunity? If you're thinking of going to the surface just to see the "beautiful" things, you'll regret it! You've never seen what the Punishing can do and—
Mm... But things should get better, right?
What about you guys? Are Natalie and Pelo going to medical school together?
...No one can talk you out of this. Forget it.
I passed the medical school exam, and both the counselor and Gestalt support my direction. Everything's set. After a few years of hard work in medical school, I can intern at related institutions, and of course, my ultimate goal is still the Star of Life...
Your real target isn't the Star of Life—it's Pelo.
La la la, I can't hear you, I can't hear you! Nobody asked you!!
As Natalie starts a one-sided quarrel with Frank, Wanshi, satisfied with successfully changing the subject, casually takes a few more bites of food.
I... Stop hitting me... I just confirmed my application for engineering maintenance. I don't know which institute I'll be assigned to yet, but the results come out today.
Well, I guess we all got what we wanted... But I heard that some people who barely passed their specialization exams had their applications rejected and were sent to work on the ground instead. No wonder I saw someone come out crying.
...This is the first I've heard of something like this.
Yeah, at first I thought I'd heard wrong—thought they were trying to apply despite not meeting the requirements. But even if they barely passed, they still met the standards, right? What reason could there be for rejection?
Did this happen to the commuting students, too? Or is it just our applications that are having issues?
Just our applications.
People are already speculating about other factors behind the rejections, something about their parents' occupations... How absurd. As if that's the reason. Wanshi and I don't even know what our parents did for a living.
...Where's Pelo?
Huh? I didn't see him come for lunch.
Upon hearing Natalie's words, Wanshi picks up his tray and leaves in a hurry.
Wanshi finds Pelo in his dorm room.
Pelo sits at the desk and shuts off the screen the moment Wanshi opens the door.
Have you confirmed your application with the counselor?
Gestalt rejected my medical school application, so I'm heading to the surface next. Simple as that.
...You can wait for the next exam. If there's anything you don't understand, I can teach you.
There won't be another chance to take the exam. You know I'm older than you—this is my last opportunity.
Guess I won't need to work in the conservation area after all. Might as well just get converted into a Construct—who knows, maybe consciousness transfer would help me learn faster.
But didn't your scores exceed the medical school's requirements? Why would they reject you? I've never heard of—
—How would I know?
Pelo's voice rises sharply.
That jerk started going on about my parents the moment I walked in... Then had the nerve to say I inherited their physical traits, making me perfect for conversion...
Pelo, calm down first.
I can't calm down—you're not in my shoes, and I'm not like you.
I'm not as smart as you, so I studied my heart out, took test after test, and barely managed to pass the minimum requirements for medical school—that same medical school you wouldn't even look twice at... And they still rejected me.
Something's definitely not right here...
But this is how it turned out. Only now do I realize—while I was desperately trying to escape my parents' fate, everyone else had already decided I should follow in their footsteps and sacrifice everything for humanity's cause.
Remember that volunteer at the exhibition hall who started preaching to us out of nowhere? How she called all our families who abandoned us "heroes" who died for "humanity's greater good", and then tried to push us down the same path...
Pelo... That was just one person, and Teacher Meka already dealt with her.
It's not just a few... My fate is all the proof you need.
Someone told me today that even Gestalt "thinks" this way—it's all just data and algorithms making the decisions.
The truth is, we orphans grow up reading these feel-good stories that society loves so much, only to become the protagonists of the next one.
Those people out there... They love reporting about kids who volunteer for modifications, sure, but I wonder if they're telling the whole story?
Why don't they film me then? Show everyone how I resent being abandoned by my family, how I'm terrified of ending up just like them...
...What gives them the right to make us accept these algorithms?
Pelo's voice gradually chokes with emotion.
I don't want to go to the ground. I don't want to see any Constructs... Everyone feels the same way about them anyway... The Youth Center posts so many commission missions, but how many Constructs actually show up to do them throughout the year?
Haven't you seen how many volunteers and teachers either look down on or fear Constructs? Don't tell me you haven't noticed.
Even my parents were victims... All Constructs share the same fate, ending up in stasis at the Construct Maintenance Department... I can't bear to see it anymore...
Wanshi stares in surprise at Pelo, who is choking back tears.
Only now does Wanshi finally understand—just as he still believes his mother is somewhere on Earth, Pelo believes his mother is merely in stasis.
He finds himself unable to offer any words of comfort.
Someone else opens the dormitory door.
W-Wanshi! Y-you—
Wanshi adjusts his collar while waiting for Frank to catch his breath after rushing over.
Did something go wrong with your application too? Natalie and I just saw your final confirmation—it shows you're going to medical school...
...Well, that's just great. Now your dream of going to the surface is impossible too...
The wry smile fades from Pelo's face as he turns to Wanshi with newfound determination.
Since we're in the same boat now, want to try changing this outcome together?
You also have copolymer compatibility. You can undergo Construct modification.
If we could just switch our paths, both our lives would fall into place... right?
...What do you mean?
I have a way... or rather, someone's willing to lend me a hand.