Story Reader / Floating Record / ER06 When Day Breaks / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

ER06-2 Extra Cost



Support Force

So this is Support Force... Oh! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?

Bridget accidentally bumps into a female Construct carrying a big stack of documents when she takes a step back to get a better view of the expansive training grounds.

N-no, no, no. It was my bad. I'm so sorry!

The female Construct quickly starts bowing without fixing her crooked glasses. Her braids almost touch her shoes every time she bows—

But I'm the one who bumped into you!

No, no. It's because I wasn't watching where I was going—

Bridget stops the Construct from bowing again and quickly picks up the scattered files.

Well, now that we know each other... Hi! I've just been assigned to the Support Force as... as a Construct! Name's Bridget!

I-I'm Ruolin...

Ruolin adjusts her glasses, looking uncertain, takes the files from Bridget, and starts speaking with a stammer.

I'm... I'm a Construct from Support Force. I... because I made some mistakes during a mission, I'm now being trained again...

Tears begin to well up in her eyes as she speaks.

I was so close to passing the training evaluation... I wanted to enter the Task Force...

Hey, hey, don't cry!

Bridget panics. She's not sure how to handle this Construct's sudden burst of emotion.

Ah, I-I'm so sorry. I shouldn't be like this...

Ruolin sniffs her nose and forces herself to calm down.

It's impossible to be perfect all the time—I've blown up quite a few vehicle fuel tanks before!

At least now I have a chance to make it right!

Bridget gives Ruolin a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

...Y-yeah. You're right!

Ruolin knows Bridget is just trying to comfort her, but she can't even remember the last time anyone cheered her on.


That's what they all call her.

Perhaps her terminal illness damaged her motor functions before she was turned into an Attacker Construct, and that's why she can never keep up with her team.

Only one person wholeheartedly believed in her, and believed that one day they would fight side by side.


Ruolin, you have to believe in yourself. One day, you'll join Task Force, and together, we...

Ruolin... Ruolin?

The brown-haired Construct's voice snaps Ruolin out of her thoughts.


She apologizes without thinking.

You don't need to apologize all the time. It's not a good habit to have.

The training camp is telling us to assemble. I better get going!

I-I'll come with you! I need to complete enough training hours and pass the assessment...

Wonderful! Let's do this together!

Ruolin is Bridget's first friend in Support Force.

Here, these files just came in. I'm handing them over to you. The training data for this batch of newcomers looks pretty good... Wait, why is this kid's strength so unusual?

Are you sure this kid is assigned to the right team...? Hey, Trojan, come take a look?

She gives her colleague a gentle nudge.

This Construct was assigned to Support Force just days ago. Some had reservations about the direct appointment, but she was definitely qualified.

To avoid getting complaints, the captain only assigned her to train new recruits.


She drags herself over to the desk and sees the name "Bridget" by the captain's finger.

It says here that... she voluntarily joined Support Force?

Ha... Well, that's good. Support Force could use more people like her. If everyone were like Ruolin...

She lets out a weary sigh.

I'll leave these new recruits to you.

...I'll do my best.

The blue-haired Construct lets out a sigh as well.

She barely made it out of that hellhole alive, thinking she could catch a break, only to find herself stuck in another.

It would be almost impossible to get out of this hellhole... Her frame isn't good enough to have an atmosphere-and-vacuum dual flight system.


She lets out another long sigh and mutters under her breath.

Guess I have to ask for a raise...

...Hm? What's wrong?

It's nothing... I just mean that all the newcomers look really promising.

She forces a professional, fake smile.

Support Force's training protocol is very complete. Trojan may not be familiar with their rules, but creating training sessions using existing guidelines should be easy.

...You again.

Trojan crouches next to an exhausted Ruolin with a defeated sigh.

This won't do... You're drawing too much attention...

Bridget flips through Ruolin's training data with knitted brows. She's unsure how to continue training this supposedly "Attacker" Construct with abysmal physical capabilities.

As a barely qualified "professional spy" herself, she'd rather not have her name end up on the blacklist alongside Ruolin's.

Ruolin! Are you okay?

I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to hold everyone back. I just, I just...

...I'm so sorry!

Hmm... I feel like your balance control system is a bit odd. This could cause trouble...

Instructor, may I team up with Ruolin? I'll be the team lead!


Trojan stands up and examines Bridget with a scrutinizing gaze.

She had recognized the brown-haired girl on her first day as the new instructor of Support Force.

I suggest you focus on yourself. She will drag down your average score.

She won't cause me any trouble, ma'am.

I can help her without compromising my performance. Ruolin is also my first friend here.

Right, Ruolin?

The brown-haired girl's smile is so radiant that Ruolin gradually stops sobbing and gives a gentle nod.

Thank you, but I don't want to be your burden...

Come on! Don't brush off my good intentions.

Bridget reaches out to help Ruolin up, then gently dusts off her clothes.

Ma'am, I will show Ruolin how to complete the rescue mission she was just working on!


The rescue simulation system uses a standard frame version designed for Support Force training. It is different from your own frame, so you will need to adapt to it right away...

She boots up Support Force's real-time rescue simulation system once more.