Story Reader / Festival Event Story / Fortune of Spring / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

Ringing Out the Old Year


A gigantic red machine charges at you.



You shall not pass.

Lucia deflects the enemy with her blade, buying time for Lee, Liv and Night Keeper behind her to launch their attacks.

But their bullets, energy beams and arrows can only leave light wounds on Nian's armor, which barely hurts the gigantic beast.

Not to mention that the team has to avoid the bubbles as they provide light. The situation is dire.

Just then, Nian's huge body pops a bubble.


A small light ball explodes with a crisp sound.



Nian makes a short scream and leaps away.

But it soon bumps into more bubbles.

Crackle, crackle, crackle...

More crisp explosions take place. The light balls become continuous fireworks.



Nian screams and stays away, but is scared of popping more bubbles. It cowers and steps back toward the area with fewer bubbles.

Lee, Liv, cover me!

7 o'clock.

Lucia uses her thruster to quickly move in Nian's way before it flees, while Lee and Liv's ranged firepower gradually forces it to the other side.

Where there are lots of bubbles around.