Story Reader / Affection / Chrome: Glory / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

Chrome: Glory II


White goes first. E2 to E4.

Following your command, the Pawn on E2 advances two squares.

Chrome slightly frowns and thinks. Then he makes up his mind.

E7 to E5.

The black Pawn on the same file thus moves forward as well.

The two Pawns meet in the middle of the board.

Without hesitation, you issue a new command.

With that, the Pawn on the F-file moves next to the Pawn on the E-file, and Chrome's furrowed brows relax.

King's Gambit?

Chrome considers it.

Classic move.

As Chrome suggests, the King's Gambit is indeed a classic chess opening, offering the white Pawn on the F-file to lure the black Pawn on the E-file away. If Black takes the gambit, it will expose itself to danger.

Chrome has two choices—take the gambit, or refuse it.

E5 takes F4.

He has taken it.

D8 to H4.

B7 to B5.

The chess pieces shift and move.

Orderly the two of you play, issuing a new command as the other finish making their play.

Suddenly, Chrome slows down, going quiet as your piece finishes moving.

This was my seat.

Is that so?

Chrome smiles.

The suppressed dullness in the air around him also vanishes right as the corners of his mouth lift.

The real Chrome has not shown up until this very moment.

You finally say the belated greeting.

Good afternoon, [player name].

It is.

Were you also bothered that you would always get picked, being the Chief?

The Gestalt system does adjust the students' probabilities of getting selected by evaluating their attributes, that is true.

Chrome closes his eyes.


—Selected: Langston Smith.

—Please wait for the system's grading. Please answer the next question.

The voices from the past still echo in his ears.

—Is that... Langston Smith?

—Son of an Administrative Officer, student representative, a true genius... He's even got a pretty face... Ugh, some people really have everything!

—What are you inviting him for?

—We ain't on the same level with a genius like him.


Your voice interrupts Chrome's trip down memory lane.

He pauses, with no intention to mask it.

He nods, then he shakes his head.

I was feeling a little bad, but I'm okay now. Thanks for asking.


He falls silent.

He reaches out to the holographic chessboard this time and picks up the projection of one of the pieces.

The Knight on G8 is moved to F6.

His attention reverts to the game between you.

You follow suit, picking up a piece instead of issuing a command.

And now, it is as if the two of you are playing a physical game of chess.

The person who was supposed to talk before you was me.

Black Queen moves from H4 to H6.

White Pawn on the D-file moves from D2 to D3.

It was canceled in the last minute.

Black Knight moves from F6 to H5.

White Knight moves from F3 to F4.

They didn't think a Construct had the right.

Chrome delivers his line calmly as he gently places the Queen in his hand on G5.