Story Reader / Affection / Kamui: Tenebrion / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

Kamui: Tenebrion VI

Oh! Commandant! What are the chances?

(I'm here to check something...)

It's a stakeout! I'm checking on you!

OAO! Did I say that out loud?!

Cough—um, I'm here to expand my database on content regarding human myths!

That's right! Check this out!

Yep, yep! That's the one!

Have you heard about it, Commandant?

I'm not sure if it's something wrong with my database or if it was the person in charge of the data who made a mistake.

I still haven't been able to find out what's inside the box except for darkness, and death, and desperation, and all this pain.

Really?! Come on! Tell me!


So there's hope!

I guess it means that it's not all bad even if someone opens Pandora's box!

It brings the world hope, doesn't it? nothing as long as there is hope, right?

Even if I... even if I've remembered those bad days, but to me, the me here and now...

What matters more is being with Strike Hawk and Gray Raven, and you, Commandant. With hope.

So stop blaming yourself for that!

Whoa... y-you aren't crying, are you?!

Aaaaah! I didn't mean it! I just wanted you to know that it wasn't your fault! I... I...


Commandant... you pranked me!