Story Reader / Affection / Nanami: Pulse / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

Nanami: Pulse IV


Nanami, this is what you need, right?

Yeah, but I still need more.

More...? But the energy activity from this is already really high...

What about this one? But this is ordered for the military...

This! Nanami wants this one!

Metal...? No, Nanami wanted some strong reactors.

Nanami seemed to be in a rush, suddenly coming over and asking me for small reactors.

Nanami said she was making something awesome... I think it has something to do with her new frame.

But it's rare to see Nanami taking initiative.

Nanami does what she wants to do... Her deciding factors for whether to accept a mission or not is also a mystery... As long as it has nothing to do with Commandant.

I may not know what she's preparing, but I can guess that she's doing this for you, Commandant.

I'm sure it is.