Tracks. They went that way.
No. 21 points at the Hetero-Creature tracks she just discovered. It's a drag mark.
Salans, is there anything out of the ordinary at the northwest base recently?
Musar, Lilin, Canon, come over here. Have you guys noticed anything unusual on your patrols?
Northwest? Nothing I can remember.
I've been guarding the south for the past week. The north was... the boy and... Um, the boy and the girl alternated.
Musar points at Canon. Canon is about to answer Vera's question, but Lilin cuts her off.
I assure you there have been no monsters in the northwest in the past few days, or I would have reported it already!
But I think I haven't seen anyone pass through that main road these days.
Usually, we'd see merchants or other travelers on this road two or three times a day.
What about you...?
Vera focuses her eyes on the only person who hasn't spoken but speaks in a hesitant tone, taken aback when she realizes that the girl isn't human.
...What Lilin said is exactly what I've seen, too.
But I did notice that the woods near the northwest recon point are quieter than usual.
The birds there don't chirp anymore. And the breeze seemed... for two days it was too humid, and another day too dry.
I've never heard a bird call around there. Where can you find birds here?
Deep in the forest. Those little critters are having a difficult life, too.
Lilin looks at Canon with suspicion. Whether it's work or personal, what Canon said seems not very credible.
I think we should go take a look. If these clues do mean something, we might still make it in time.
Hey, the guy responsible for the south. Just to make sure, is there anything unusual in the South?
Let me think... No. There's a field of tall grass in the south, but no path. Nobody passes through there anyways. There are no trees, and so no birds to begin with.
And this.
No. 21 opens her terminal to show Vera a photo.
In a pool of purple-red liquid lies a worn bracelet with alternating bands of red and grey.
Vera moves one step over and waves for Salans to come for a look. He nods solemnly after seeing the photo.
This belongs to Vane. It's her late sister's. Vane always carries it with her.
I see.
Salans, we'll need someone familiar with the northwest to go with us for an investigation.
But just be warned that we might run into Hetero-Creatures.
My team and I will do everything we can to protect your man. We will need him to keep an eye out for traces of or items belonging to those that went missing.
Can I take her?
Vera points at Canon.
She's not familiar with their items and habits! Salans, let me go with them! I will find everyone! I want to see Saran again.
...Canon doesn't pay much attention to others. What about Lilin? He might be young, but he can carry out missions on his own.
He also knows everyone well.
...Okay, let's do that, but know that you'll have to follow my orders.
I will! If we see a monster, I will hide right away and won't get in your way.
Also, be aware that we still have no idea what's going on.
We're heading out to make sure nothing bad will happen again. Our goal is not to rescue the missing people. I hope we are clear on that.
I understand, but... I still hope that if you see any of them, please bring them back. Even one is better than none.
And I'll send two members down south. Pick out a few who can fight or run at least. The south is safer, relatively speaking, and they'll be scouting there.
Some people might have run outside the base in a panic.
Got it.
Salans approaches a few middle-aged men who begin checking their weapons and belongings after hearing the order.
Then, he waves at Musar and Canon as they walk toward the group of men.
You, and you. You two go with the group. Remember that if you spot a bunch of enemies at once, run for it immediately.
Roger that!
Also, keep an eye on that Construct and make sure she's not someone who escaped the Purifying Force.
If she is, just report her all the way up without going through me. If she's not, just leave her be.
The two Constructs nod their heads and follow Vera's line of sight to look at Canon.
As if sensing attention, Canon suddenly turns around and scans her surroundings. The two Constructs quickly take their eyes off her and pretend to talk about the mission.
You three, stay in the Conservation Area with the medic. Stay vigilant, and contact me if anything comes up.
Roger that!
No. 21! No. 21? What are you doing scurrying about? Time for work.
Buddy... Buddy is not here.
I can feel it, but Buddy is not here.
Open, Buddy, open your eyes! ...It won't open. I can't see what Buddy is seeing.
No. 21 shows her fangs like an angry lion, but she can't find her foe.
She faces the ground with an empty stare. As she tries, again and again, to sync with her Co-Bot, her pupils continue to dilate and contract like camera lenses that can't find their focus.
When did that happen? Just now?
I... don't know.
This frame connects differently to Buddy.
I can only feel a weak...
No. 21 stares off into the distance and focuses all her energy on searching for the weak signal from the Co-Bot.
A shock of pain travels through No. 21 like a venomous snake racing through her veins.
Don't concentrate all your computing power to your M.I.N.D. port! Are you trying to fry your brain?!
But I need to do something about Buddy!
No. 21, try to see if you can sense a general direction.
No. 21 closes her eyes and scans through a mess of signals for the familiar one.
...I can't.
We've got to go. We need to make a trip up northwest. If you "sense" something different from Co-Bot later, we'll act accordingly.
Scanning through the base one last time, the white-haired girl responds positively to the order.