Story Reader / Extra Hidden / EX02 Firn Night / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

EX02-2 Bionic Machine


We got 'em planes good, Mort! Now what?

I... I don't know.

You don't?

With Nanami's help, Martin successfully shot down several aircraft that were passing by. Nanami left a while ago to make sure the aircrew and the passengers were safe, and has now returned to Martin.

Nanami's question puts Martin in confusion. He plops himself onto the ground, looking lost.

I can't receive any commands from the mother-frame. I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing now.

Receiving commands... Matty, are you a sub-unit under some big ol' mecha-lecker?

Nanami, you know your stuff! But I guess, technically, we aren't really sub-units, more just Amberia's subordinate but independent frames.

Hmm... So this Amberia is the mother-frame you just mentioned?

Yeah. All arctic bionics come from the same production line, and we all have a specialized receiver device installed.

This device allows us to receive the thoughts and feelings—the commands—of our mother-frame, Amberia.

We all have independent minds on paper, but we're made so that Amberia can expropriate our frames through her commands at any time. Shooting down those aircraft was the last one I received.

So... that Amberia has been controlling you all since like, forever?

Uh-huh. Before my receiver broke, I was just fighting against the ARU sort of in a daze... But then the thing broke during the last retreat.

Ahah. Nanami sees it now. Bionics and the ARU are enemies, yeah?

Well, or more specifically—Amberia and the ARU are enemies... But I know little about the history of it. When my receiver broke, I think I lost some data about us bionics.

Huh... Let's put aside what kinda bone this Amberia's got with the ARU-ru-ru... If the bionics and the humans go wangling their jangles around here, it'll just end in disaster for both of 'em!

Okay then! Nanami jury has reached a verdict!

...What kind of mess are you trying to make this time?

I'll go find Amberia, and convince her to stop making you attack humans!

...Do you even know where Amberia is?

Don't you, Matty?

Don't think so. Her location was part of the data I lost.

Awwwww. Fine! Then I'll just get everyone else to stop fighting instead! You just needa lob 'em receivers off, right?!

That... may stop us from fighting with the humans, but why would you do that?

Because I wanna!