Story Reader / Extra Story / EX04 Echo Aria / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

EX04-20 Journey's End


The moon once again hangs in the night sky. Wanshi helps Arnold open the pressure valve and return to the surface.

Following the sound of a building collapsing in the distance, Arnold pats Wanshi on the shoulder.

Hehe... Get goin'.

I'm gonna be right back, Arnold.

Arnold merely nods in response. Wanshi checks his equipment, then sprints off into the distance.

The clashing of metal on metal echoes throughout the empty city ruins.

Blue, gold and black figures were entangled in battle. The sheer force of weapons colliding turns the surrounding gravel into dust.

Chrome and Kamui try to distance themselves from the onslaught of close-ranged attacks from "Gear". However, they are only met with a barrage of bullets from its heavy machine gun.

Following the barrage of bullets, "Gear" unleashes another flurry of close-ranged attacks.

Chrome and Kamui grit their teeth as the enemy suppresses them with wave after wave of relentless attacks.


...This bastard is on a whole other level.

But we can't be defeated this easily. Come on! Let's keep going!

Fools! Why can't you just embrace death and wait with us for the "Sage" to return?

Kamui and Chrome respond with a two-pronged attack. The greatsword and scythe slash in concert—only to be caught firmly within "Gear's" grasp.

Bwahaha! Babylonia couldn't have fallen this far, could they?

Seizing the "Gear's" moment of arrogance, Kamui blocks its punch with his greatsword and follows it with a spinning slash from below.

However, Kamui's greatsword is once again firmly blocked by "Gear"". Unable to respond in time, ""Gear" throws a punch straight at Kamui's face. The force of the blow sends Kamui flying into the side of a building.


Chrome waves his scythe to distance himself from "Gear", then quickly retreats.

But his retreat route is immediately blocked off by a burst of black energy. The image of "Gear" gradually disappears as a devastating strike hurls straight toward Chrome.

Over here.

Before Chrome can react, "Gear" grabs him by the shoulders and pulls him into a forceful knee to the abdomen.


Vital fluid spews from Chrome's mouth. But right at that moment, a huge rock flies toward "Gear". Extending its hand toward the approaching rock, it becomes a heavy machine gun that shreds the rock to pieces with a burst of gunfire.

Shards of rock fall to the ground. However, Chrome disappears from in front of "Gear"". Looking into the distance, ""Gear" sees Kamui holding Chrome on the side of a building.


Are you okay...?

I can still move. Don't worry about me, Captain.


Chrome smiles bitterly and wipes trace amounts of vital fluid from the corners of his mouth.

My frame still needs to adjust to the adjustment.

That thing can fight close range and at long distances. Looks like we've got ourselves a dilemma.

We're up against a tough enemy, but that doesn't change our objective.

Yeah, you're right.

We need to find that idiot we've been worried so much about, then finish the mission together.

Still holding onto unrealistic fantasies?

Another round of strafing forces Chrome and Kamui behind a section of the ruins.

A few seconds later, the ruins they are hiding behind are smashed to pieces. "Gear's" dark figure appears in front of Chrome and Kamui menacingly.

The sound of rapid bursts accompanied by sparks follow a series of blows exchanged between the three of them. A whirlwind of blows from "Gear" continues to press Chrome and Kamui, gradually tearing at their artificial skin.

It's over.

Right as "Gear" blocks Chrome and Kamui's attempt at a counterattack, it declares victory against its defenseless opponents.

But upon finishing this sentence, a silver flash appears above them and intercepts "Gear's" next attack.

Captain! Look!

Isn't it the person we've been worried sick.

Oh? Have you finally come out of hiding? I didn't think you'd still be operational after sustaining such heavy injuries.

Several silvery-white orbs of light descend from the sky, forcing "Gear" behind cover a few meters away.

The orbs of light splash on the surrounding ruins, stirring up a faint white mist.

Enshrouded in the mist, the tired looks of Kamui and Chrome show faint signs of relief.

Hehe, the cavalry's finally arrived.

Wanshi lands between the three figures. "Gear" prepares to take out its gun and shoot, only to be interrupted by Wanshi's grenade.

When the grenade detonates, a large amount of mist and smoke fill the space.

When the mist disappears, the Strike Hawk trio is already standing on a building far away.

Getting here has been quite the pain in the...

Anyway, I made it.

Hehe, took you long enough.

At least you're back.

Hmph... Vermin will always be vermin regardless of how many there are. Do you three really think that'll change?


Captain, this mission is racking my overtime. I'm going to need some time off when I get back.


I'll consider it.


What about me, Captain?


Will you be staying put in the base?


Hehe, fair enough.


How dare you assume you're getting out of here alive!

"Gear" shouts angrily as it shoots a barrage of bullets at the Strike Hawk trio. However, the bullets are deflected by Wanshi before they hit.


I don't care what you've done in the past.

But now, you appear before me and threaten those I care.

That means I've got you in my sights.

Looks like you need to start trying a little harder...

Arnold leans against the ruins while the sphere bot projects the distant battle.

A white, blue, and gold figure quickly move around the dark figure at the center.

The dark figure, which had been suppressing the trio, was beginning to show signs of weakening. Now, the trio is continuing to force its retreat.

Are they what's living on Earth now?

With a steel body like that, you could easily do so many things far beyond the abilities of us ordinary folks.

They continue to feel the emotional effects of battle. They feel confusion and pain, yet they continue movin' forward.

Never abandon your comrades. Never abandon hope...

They ain't different from us humans. Hell, they're even more human than us in some regards.

Are you sure you want to stay here all by yourself?

If you come back, maybe the military can even provide you with shelter on my behalf.

You know that ain't gonna happen, dumb***.

Get outta here. I don't wanna stain your perfect image. Consider us even.

I was a lone wolf durin' the Golden Age. I couldn't go back even if I wanted to.

I've witnessed the glory and corruption of this era and the scourge of society spread throughout the world.

The brilliant and wise elite rule at the top while everyone else struggles in the dregs of society. You and I both know the slums all too well.

That's why I've chosen to live the life of an outcast.

Who'd a thought an outcast like me'd end up with this newfound sense of conviction.

I hated the polarized and fragmented human society that corroded the will of humanity.

I wanted to prove that era wrong. I tried my best to live isolated from the problems of the world around me.

But now, livin' has just turned into me lingerin' on and forcin' myself to survive.

The era I wanted to prove wrong has been washed away in the torrential current of time.

Humanity's time to shine is over. Now's the time to begin anew.


Bahahaha! I guess ya'll are what humanity should be now.

Earth... It really ain't worth all this damn nostalgia.

If we recapture Earth, then what? Rebuild the mistakes and madness of that past era?

We're just souls unable to find solace in our inability to free ourselves from the shackles of gravity.

But if we leave the decisions to these Construct fellas, maybe we can end this vicious cycle and guide Earth down a new path...

Your attacks are futile!

"Gear" swings its fist to strike Kamui again but fails to anticipate him suddenly dodging the blow at the last second.

Kamui sidesteps "Gear", revealing a barrage of bullets from Wanshi.


"Gear" raises its other hand to deflect the bullets only to find that its entire body has been rendered motionless.

When did this...?!

The faint blue projection of lightning dissipates. Chrome reaches out his hand for support against the wall and gasps for air.


But at this moment, even though Chrome is vulnerable to an attack, "Gear" is unable to capitalize on the opportunity amidst a barrage of bullets aimed directly at its head. His only option is to fall back.

Just as Chrome is about to collapse from overexerting himself, Kamui appears beside him and breaks his fall.

I'll dispose of the weakest link first.

After being forced back, "Gear" turns to strike Chrome. Fortunately, the blow is firmly stopped by Kamui standing off to the side.

The force of the blow pushes Kamui back several steps. His military boots leave deep gashes in the ground.

I won't let you break through my defense.


"Gear" lifts its foot to kick Kamui, but right at that moment, Wanshi knocks it off balance with a volley of bullets.

The Strike Hawk trio's unrelenting attacks continue to push "Gear" back through the streets and buildings.

You must be joking! Even the "Chariot"...

"Gear" waves its arms and deflects a bullet. Right as it is about to shoot back, it feels a gust of wind above him.


Kamui raises his greatsword and slashes downward from high above as "Gear" retreats. The devastating slash strikes the ground, sending debris flying into the air.

"Gear" shoulders the blow of debris, then reaches out to grab Kamui through the cloud of dust,

But as "Gear" traverses the dust, it is met with a scythe imbued with lightning.

One cannot catch Saint Elmo's Fire barehanded.

Retreating a few steps, "Gear" manages to stabilize itself and catch the destructive impact of the scythe. Right as it tries to grab hold of Chrome...

He is interrupted by a barrage of bullets from the side.

"Gear" tries to block the incoming barrage, but an ebony greatsword appears in front of it.

Haha! Can't block this now, can you?!

The greatsword slices through the lightning and bullets, straight for "Gear's"" head. Following a dull thud, the strike sends ""Gear" flying across the street and into a building.

Is that all you've got?

After pushing off the stone slab that pinned it down, "Gear" slowly exits the building. A faint current envelopes it. The slash from the greatsword should have smashed its frame. Instead, it only leaves a faint scratch on its helmet.

Looks like we're back to where we started.

"Gear" looks around to discover that the trio have pushed it back to where Wanshi first made his retreat.

Hmph, it appears so. We're back to where you wretched dogs ran away with your tails between your legs.

How sad. You'll lose here again soon, but you won't escape this time!

Is that so?

Hah! Who's to say?