Really? Is that what you think?
Nothing strange about that.
But she is different. Even though she's never been to Earth herself, she's had all sorts of unrealistic fantasies about it.
When she was still around, she used to always ask me if there are any humans left on Earth.
Ayla closes her eyes.
Our primary school teachers all said that it was the cradle of life and our birthplace.
But due to the Punishing Virus, we were forced to temporarily leave its embrace and protect her from Babylonia.
So, Ayla, do you think there are still people on Earth?
I think so. Not everyone evacuated during Operation Acadia. There's bound to still be people on the surface.
Don't our textbooks say that there were billions of people on the surface at one point?
Billions? There's no way Babylonia could support that many people...
Obviously. It could probably only support a small fraction of the population.
My thoughts exactly.
But it's fine.
One day, we will reunite with our comrades on the surface. When that time comes, we will share in the marvelous things we have seen and rejoice in song.
Nothing is more romantic. Is it not?
Ayla opens her eyes.
We were so naive back then. Always sharing our childish fantasies.
She told me how romantic it would be to reunite with our comrades on the surface...
We will share in the marvelous things we have seen and rejoice in song.
But we never considered at the time...
Why had those on the surface not come to Babylonia?
What sort of life would they have had on the surface?
What would people on the surface think of us?
Your vision returns. There are no wonders to be found here. Only helpless dismay.
Seeing you lost in thought again, Hans furrows his eyebrows.
Gray Raven Commandant, you can't even bother to follow orders now, I take it?
No, it's not that. Commandant is...
Wanshi scans you with his peripheral vision as if in contemplation.
Hans speaks directly—
Enough. I don't have time for your excuses.
Begin evacuating the refugees. If they aren't willing to cooperate, resort to more coercive measures.
Before the other three can respond—
Are you defying orders, [player name]?
Watch your attitude and every statement you make.
You don't want to get court-martialed when all of this is said and done.
Lee stands in front of you.
Please give us some more time. Not all of the nodes have been deployed yet, have they?
That's right, but let me make myself clear. Once the nodes are fully deployed, Babylonia will obliterate the surrounding area.
If you don't wish to be decimated along with it, I suggest you hurry up and complete your mission.
Finished speaking, Hans turns and leaves.
Yawn... Well... Looks like I'm not needed here anymore.
Catch ya later. I'm gonna recharge my batteries.
Knocking open the door to the residence—
Sir, Babylonia is going to unleash a wide-scale attack on the surrounding area. Please gather your family and evacuate immediately.
Where do we evacuate to?
Liv bites her lip.
Because the answer is simple—nowhere.
Eden has no extra "tickets,"" and there is no place on the surface that can be called a ""safe refuge."
The conservation area has not yet been built, and there is simply no way to accommodate all the displaced people.
At present, there is only just enough time to evacuate the refugees to an area that will not be affected by the blast.
The refugee smiles sarcastically at Liv's silence.
Enough with the hypocrisy. Is this really in our best interest? Or do you just not want to see us die before your very eyes?
Look at you. Your conscience is just as repulsive as your actions.
Removing us from our homeland will make you sleep better at night, but it won't make our lives any better.
That's not what we intend on—
The refugee slams the door in their faces.
That's the fourth household.
Why are they so stubborn?
The old man... seems to be their leader.
If he is willing to leave, others will probably follow.
After several more doors slam in their faces..
A familiar face opens the door.
It's you.
Ah... I know why you're here.
Lucia nods.
Then you should know my answer. I already told you.
I still don't get it... Why? Is it because we aren't looking at this from your point of view?
I'm sure you understand, kiddo.
Our point of view isn't as different from yours as you think.
In your eyes, what is Babylonia?
It's a bastion for humanity's strongest—
No. That's not what I asked. I mean what was Babylonia before the Punishing Virus and the Great Evacuation?
It was humanity's first FTL colonization ship.
Then why hasn't it taken you all into deep space?
Because we lost Earth and want to take it back.
Why do you want to take it back?
Our mission is to take back humanity's homeland.
That is our mission. That is the meaning of our existence.
But this homeland is no longer of any use to you.
Cities destroyed; civilizations collapsed. Earth is now just a sea of ruins.
Babylonia floats above Earth, just like we stand here in these ruins. Why not leave?
Have you ever thought that taking back Earth might be meaningless?
Now you are a Construct, not a human being. You don't need to inherit the meaning of human existence.
Lucia wavers slightly.
No, you're wrong. This is what we were born to do...
That may have been why you were created, but that doesn't mean it has to be why you continue to exist.
Much like how people should live, but they shouldn't just "live."" There are far more important things than to ""just live."
Do you understand now?
Lucia closes her eyes.
This is the path I chose. Just like this is the path each of you has chosen.
The old man smiles faintly.
Exactly. This is the path we chose, and this is the meaning we give our lives.
We have nothing left. Our only driving force left is our attachment to this land. It's the only thing that supports our menial existence.
Our last wish is to forever rest within its embrace.
You think we're unreasonable choosing to die rather than to leave. I think you're being equally unreasonable.
The irony of man. People can never reach a real mutual understanding.
This land is our blood, sweat and tears. Our history. Our memories. Everything we created, cherished, loved, and lost.
As I have said, if you still have an ounce of compassion, please don't deprive us of our last request.
Please respect our last will.
Lee steps forward and pats Lucia on the shoulder.
We understand.
Sorry to bother you. Goodbye.
Just as you are about to leave, you hear a commotion nearby.
Don't you think it's ridiculous to tell us that we are also citizens of the World Government?!
Don't you remember how you treated us when the evacuation started?!
You held us at gunpoint to prevent us from boarding Eden!
You left us behind like junk, now you dare to come back and "rescue" us? Are you kidding me?
Get out!
Get out of here! I don't need your fake compassion now!
The person she is confronting is none other than Hans.
His starched and pressed uniform had been stained.
Almost like someone had poured a bucket of dirty water on him.
Chief Commander Hans!
By the time you rush over, the two of them are about to clash.
Suddenly, you hear the distant serenade of the "whale song."
The serene and resonating sound floats gracefully in the wind like a bird through the clouds.
It sounds close yet distant.
The sound is not grating, but Hans and the old man who had just arrived wince at the same time.
Not good...
Attention, soldiers! Drop what you're doing and prepare for battle!
Hey! Over to the west!
Despite going to "recharge his batteries," Wanshi had been keeping watch this entire time. Suddenly, he jumps down from the hill.
His laziness was now replaced with unprecedented seriousness.
Soon, everyone realizes the gravity of the situation.
Because a large number of Punishing Hetero-Creature burst out of the yellow sand and begin to pursue him.