Story Reader / Extra Story / EX01 Grand Blue / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

EX01-19 Your Life Story


Some time passes after that, and when everything is finally returning to normal...

Ice cream, anyone...? Ice cream made with spare electrolyte fluid in the ice cream machine.

Yaaay! Gimme one, gimme one! Vanilla salt soda flavor!

2,500 BCs, please.

Wha—that's so expensive! How about memory chips with the highest score save data in the game room instead?


Let's see... Nanami has save-data for "Iron Formation BX,"" ""Space Jack,"" ""Danger Zone 2055,"" and ""Bitter Villa." How many ice creams can Nanami get?


Heartless! Unscrupulous! Exploiter! You're not human! What color is your blood?!

...Lump-sum payment only.

...Fine. I'll have one.


Here, a synthetic orange soda.

Don't tell Liv that I gave this to you. She's now...

Lucia! Commandant is still recovering! No drinking...

Before she even finishes with the sentence, Liv snatches the ice-cold soda in your hand and replaces it with a glass of warm milk.

I said, no irritating diets for two weeks.

Liv is wearing an unforeseen solemn expression. You can only surrender.

It's a miracle that you didn't develop any complications from being suffocated for so long...

We can't let anything happen to Commandant before we return to Babylonia for a full check.

...So, does this mean... Commandant can't play with us?

And just when Commandant got an extended vacation because of the injuries...

Lucia, that's because it might be dangerous to fly in Commandant's current condition. That's why President Hassen extended the vacation time for recovery...

...And Celica—for some reason—sent over a whole set of things labeled "Summer Paradise Experience Pack" via a transport craft...

Filled with inflatable ducks, a variety of swimming rings, and even undersea-warfare frames and everyone's casual clothes...

Celica just uploaded the Venus Splash Park's rebuilding plans into the database. She says this place will turn into a base for both defense and research after rebuilding.

Lee, who has joined the three of you at some point in time, hands you a box of porridge-like thing.

Here, a synthetic porridge, jujube flavored. I used the food stall over there and made it following the recipe.

Most of the theme park facilities have been repaired. According to Asimov, we can run a power test today.

But, the underground is still closed off for now. Tentative measures were taken to disconnect the pump room from the ground through... explosions, to stop the spread of the Corrupted.

Follow-up troops will have to go deep inside the dead zone here and clear out the remaining Corrupted... Hopefully not Gray Raven.

They're all playing.

They're saying that they have to fully enjoy the legendary theme park before the transport crafts arrive.

Yeah... That's nice.

Um, here to tell you something.

We're about to run a power test. To make sure it all works, everything's going to be powered up at the same time.


Attention all units, attention all units, get ready for a full power test—

In three... two... Oh whatever.


All of the theme park comes to life, lighting up like magic.


And then, gorgeous neon bouquets bloom above your heads.


Ack! Just ignore that! Accidentally popped the final protocol before the park closed off way back then.

It's called a "firework parade", or whatever that is.

Booms. Bangs. Explosions. Neon blossoms of various shapes and colors flower before your eyes.

So pretty...

I can't believe they're using gunpowder for this kind of non-practical display...

If, if there comes a day, where gunpowder is only used for these non-practical purposes...

For some reason, the vision of that day... fills you both with hope and fear.

After a nigh-eternity and countless sacrifices, counterattack is finally on the horizon for Babylonia.

Until the final victory, everyone in Babylonia will gladly burn themselves up to end this war. It is the case for this generation. It is the case for the generations to come.

Only when the Punishing Virus ceases being a threat to humanity, will the sacrifices end.

As for what comes in the day after... No one, not the President, nor the instructors, have spoken on the matter.

Video: Water Park Epilogue