Eek?! G-Gray Raven Commandant?
How... how in the world did you manage to track me down here?
Uh... next time, how about a heads-up before you sneak up on me like that...
Weren't you supposed to be out shopping with your squad? What brings you here...
J-just had a sudden itch to swing by.
You take a peek around Lamia's hangout spot. There is an inflatable pool, a kiddie slide, a stash of munchies, and a heap of sparklers.
W-what gives?! Just to clear the air, all these things? Totally legit, no funny business involved.
Took me ages to get this set up. Does it pass the test?
Lamia is like a kid showing off her sandcastle on the shore, dragging you over to take a peek.
There's nothing wrong with that, right... especially for your kind.
The mermaid raises her gaze, peeking shyly at the person in front of her.
Have those problems... been sorted out?
We're not going to... go through that again, right?
She nods.
I want to say... thank you.
Because you're still here, having a peaceful chat with me.
Complicated stuff tends to scramble my brain, but with you, it's like, what I see is what I get...
Whatever goes down, you'd handle it the same way, yeah?
Lamia inches her hand toward you, then hesitates and pulls back.
She grips that pair of hands, then raises her head.
If there are any other problems, someone like you would sort them right away.
So, what's the plan now? Hanging around here?
If someone we know spots us... Wait, scratch that, not what I meant...
I put in some serious effort to spruce this place up... Nah, scratch that...
What I mean is, fancy sticking around? It's peaceful here, we could talk... you know.
I-I-I might not always make sense, but...
W-why not? I'm all about the open-door policy.
Take your time. You're welcome to stay here for as long as you need... seriously.