Story Reader / Event Story / Lingering Stars / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

Wanshi Lingering Stars


Following the commercial street, you reach a deserted area and stop in front of a small, forgotten shop.

This haunted house, decked out like a derelict hospital with splatters of fluorescent green and dark red paint, clearly aims for a spooky vibe that clashes hilariously with the festive atmosphere.

Dodging the predictable jump scares, you push open the creaking door marked In Surgery at the back. Inside, a white figure lies sprawled on the operating table.

Noticing you approaching, the figure shoots up—sharp eyes glint beneath the disheveled white hair for a fleeting moment before reverting to a familiar nonchalant expression.

Ah, you made it...

Look, it's peaceful here. No one bothers me.

Perfect for catching some Z's when I'm relaxed... especially when there's not much going on.

Back in my internship days, I practically lived in the department office, always crashing there... Guess... Yawn... I just got used to it.

The dimly lit room is crammed with dusty old medical equipment models. Aside from the fake cracks and grime, it is basically just a regular operating room.

Seeing Wanshi curled up asleep earlier, though... this place probably means something totally different to him.

It's alright.

After all... this place isn't exactly terrifying.

Following his gaze, the topic subtly shifts. The prop was meant to be scary... well, now it is Wanshi's makeshift pillow on the operating table.

It is a hilariously low-budget monster, but seeing Wanshi's usual calm expression, I can't help but feel more relaxed.

Hmm, yeah.

Wanshi yawns, stretches, and hops off the table, tilting his head with a hand on his neck.

A faint popping sound, like knuckles cracking, fills the air.

Constructs don't get stiff necks, kiddo.

Besides, giving a Construct a massage might take some special hands.

Barely awake from his groggy drowsiness, he squinted over.

Should've brought that pillow.

For me, a vacation's basically just sleeping somewhere new...

Yawn... that one's definitely the most comfortable.

So, what brings the Gray Raven Commandant to this spooky dump?

Yeah, you found him. Now what?

Hmm... Sticking around with me for this festival might be a bit dull.

Is that so? Then how about you stay a while longer to make up for waking me up?

Though, it might get boring.


Well... that's classic you.

I did try my hand at the balloon shooting booth...

But after I blasted through two whole ammo clips, the owner practically chased me off.

Just wanted to practice a bit at first, but then these kids kept swarming me, begging for prizes... Couldn't exactly leave them hanging, could I?

The image of Wanshi surrounded by cheering kids, doling out prizes, pops into your head.

Anyway, all the prizes were gone except for this... Here.

Wanshi holds out a fluffy something.

A little white owl plushie nestles in your palm, its golden eyes barely open, radiating pure contentment.

Yep, a gift for you.

Hmm, tell you what. Take this, and you're officially stuck with me for the rest of the day.

Just playing along, see?

You flip open the guide Pulao shoved you, scanning for activities that are suitable for two.

This one.

Following Wanshi's finger, you land on a tiny booth description: Participate in a competition and win a legendary commandant's autographed, limited edition U-shaped pillow!

It says... Gray Raven Commandant, huh?

Let's go check it out.

With a mischievous glint replacing the drowsiness in his bright eyes, Wanshi snatches the guidebook from you.

Looks like... there's a prize I gotta win after all.