Commandant, did I interrupt?
You are so engrossed in the commercial street report that you don't notice Liv approaching.
Nothing urgent. Just saw you here and wanted to say hi.
What are you up to, Commandant?
You take it very seriously, Commandant. Working on a holiday isn't good for you, though...
Can I help with something?
Speaking of, could I take a look at that report you were writing?
Hmm, this seems mostly based on observation. Why not experience it firsthand, Commandant?
It's Valentine's Day, and many events require two people. Being alone, you can't participate...
But that's not a problem now. I mean, there are two of us here, Commandant.
But... on Valentine's Day... doing it together... isn't that like...
Liv's face flushes crimson as she mumbles to herself.
I-it's fine!
No, I mean... Commandant, let's go check out that event over there.
As you approach the shop, you see an ongoing event with people holding needles and threads.
It's called needle threading.
Yes, Pulao told me it's a traditional Kowloong activity. Women thread needles with thin threads, and the first one to finish is considered "the skilled one" and gets gifts from the others.
Something feels off here.
The rules at the shop are different from the usual needle threading. It's a two-person game: one holds the needle, the other feeds the thread. Finish threading and hit a button within the time limit, and you win a prize.
She's a medic, needles and thread are her bread and butter.
But would it be considered... cheating if I joined in?
Sounds doable... Let's give it a shot then?
Turns out, threading the needle as a team is trickier than you thought.
Hang in there, Commandant, almost there!
Maybe you get a little too focused because your faces end up way too close.
You've known each other forever, but seeing Liv this close feels like a first.
Foreheads touching, a strand of hair tickling your cheek...
And those pink eyes, glistening with a strange moisture...
We did it!
Both Liv and you cheer, heads snapping up in triumph—then freezing simultaneously.
Oh right, the button! Commandant, the button!
After threading, you have to hit the button to stop the timer. You did it on time, but now you're way over.
Yeah, a real bummer...
So, Commandant... want to... try again?