Story Reader / Event Story / Lingering Stars / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

Karenina Lingering Stars


Can't I just buy it? Don't you WGAA folks know how business works?!

Karenina slams her hands on the counter, drawing stares from passersby.

You want to greet her, but she seems to be arguing.

Karenina snaps her head around, her lips already set in a familiar, displeased line.

Then, noticing you, her expression softens.


Karenina clearly wasn't expecting to see you here.

She doesn't linger at the stall, pulling you aside to make room for the kids waiting in line.

They could have just sold it to me! This whole game thing is ridiculous!

Karenina grumbles, awkwardly clutching the snack bag you just opened and starts munching.

Kowloong tradition or not, what's the point of throwing balls anyway...

Before Karenina can react, you pay the owner.


To win the prize, you have to toss the embroidered ball through that high hoop and land it inside the circle on the ground. You get seven tries, and you have to make it four times.

First attempt—

The ball sails too far away after passing through the hoop.

Second attempt—

The ball clinks off the hoop's edge.

Third attempt—

Karenina grabs my hand.

One more throw and you miss out on the prize!

It's just a ball! Here, I'll do it!

Karenina's gaze grows serious as she catches the ball.

Third time's the charm.


Just testing my calculations as an engineer, that's all.

Why are you laughing? I'm just testing my calculations as an engineer, I swear!

It's basically like firing a cannon!

Karenina launches the embroidered ball.

The ball sails through the hoop, landing perfectly in the center of the designated circle without a bounce—a testament to Karenina's precise control.

She finishes the game flawlessly.

Victorious, the two of you settle on a nearby bench.

Piece of cake!

Karenina stuffs the last rice sticks from the bag into your mouth, silencing the impending question.

She pops in her walkman, inserting a cassette with a cover depicting a rainbow piercing through the darkness over a triangle.


Karenina mutters under her breath.

Even though you slowed me down...

Consider it a consolation prize.

Clearly, her snack rivalry isn't settled yet.

You give her a thumbs up, but Karenina has already put one of the earpieces into your ear.

Karenina mumbles again, the quiet intro of the music barely masking her voice.

I shouldn't have asked what the ball represents...