Commandant, I'm catching a whiff of various scents.
In addition to the commandant's scent, there's a whole mix of smells—foods, fabrics, mechnoids...
And there's something special in the air... Commandant, can we go see it together?
Hey, over here, Commandant!
I'm not quite tall enough. Hold me up, Commandant.
No. 21 reaches up like a kitten, but ends up knocking down a few things.
A box of soap comes crashing down on No. 21's head, prompting her to grab it with both hands.
Ouch! That soap is not behaving!
What a troublemaker.
Colorful deodorizers fall on the ground.
No. 21 picks up a blue-wrapped one and takes a whiff...
Smells like lilacs in May.
Then, she tries a golden one.
Morning nectar and dew.
And then, a black item.
Wait, this smells like you, Commandant.
On closer inspection, it's not a deodorizer, but a fallen wallet.
Here you go, Commandant. Gotta look after your stuff.
Suddenly on high alert, No. 21's eyes widen.
Following No. 21's lead, you stumble upon a children's section awash with crayons.
No. 21 snatches up a crayon, swiftly doodling on the shop's proffered paper.
Before you know it, the blank canvas transforms into a scene depicting you and No. 21 hand in hand.
I call this "No. 21 and Good Buddy Playing Together".
Commandant's the good buddy... uh, I mean, a good person.
Commandant, where to next?
No. 21 plucks a white wolf cub plushie from a nearby shelf.
Sniff, sniff. Clean as a whistle. A gift from you, Commandant?
I like this gift, because it's like me. It's comforting.
I'm No. 21, so what about No. 22?
Hmm... Buddy No. 2.
How about Commandant No. 2?
I feel safe with you by my side, Commandant.
But it doesn't quite resemble you, Commandant.
I'm not the best at naming things. My suggestions never quite hit the mark. Commandant, perhaps you could choose.
Vali... sounds fitting. I don't fully understand, but if it pleases you, Commandant, it pleases me.
No. 21 cradles Vali against her chest.
Vali smells good, just like you, Commandant.
Would you mind spending some time with Vali and me later?
There's an array of scents in this shop waiting to be explored...