Story Reader / Golden Vortex / Golden Core / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

B III-3 Big Gamble


Lee's mission log, volume 28.2... I'm stuck behind this box, trapped by the ranged attacks of the guards...

Their attack pattern is incredibly dense with no noticeable weak points... I've no way of escaping...

For real... Not a single window of opportunity...

The cover I'm behind is the only box left that can withstand their ammunition...

I'll be lying if I say that I can get away in one piece this time...

(Looks up and sighs) ...The data is not optimistic.


Got it!

The ceiling of this tunnel is covered with tin panels in order to block electronic signals...

With my thermal bullets, I'll be able to light up the panels. But to make the fire spread...

It's a gamble! There are a large number of heavy-duty industrial gears above the surface—the structure that supports this tunnel must be overloaded.

If the tin panels burn away, I can collapse this structure with a single shot.

(Fires at the tin panels) Lee's mission log, volume 28.2... Dismiss.