A huge barricade surrounds me as I wander the Kowloong Chamber of Commerce. Nothing from the outside world involves me, as if I am a ghost.
I somehow stumble upon a residential area. People are outside putting up lanterns and decorations in anticipation for the election. Others gather in discussion over who they want to vote for.
Hey! Who do you think'll win the election?
I think Lord Villier will win. Didn't you see his composure during his previous election speech?
During his speech, I gazed into his eyes and saw a look of contempt. That's my kind of emperor!
A proud and scornful hero.
...Are you kidding? That's not how you should vote.
So what! Who do you support then, huh?
The girl puts her hand on her hip and starts yelling at the boy.
The emperor needs to have spirit like Yin. His decision making has saved Kowloong several times over the past few years. Only people like him can achieve greatness.
Is that true? You're not voting for Villier because of what happened at the Kowloong Dojo?
That was the nail in the coffin. How could someone who breaks a father's hands for no reason be worthy of the crown?
And what was Qu doing when it happened? NOTHING!
Hearing the roadside discussion, Qu has long expected this. But upon turning to leave the city, Qu hears the clear and crisp voice of a woman interrupt the quarrel between the three of them.
You've got it all wrong! Lady Qu will be the one to make our lives better!
Qu is a bit surprised to hear this. A citizen off in the distance spots Qu and salutes her.
Hey, Lady Qu! W-what brings you here?
Hearing that, the four people gathering in discussion over the election turn to Qu, quickly close their mouths and salute.
Lady Qu, when did you get here? W-we were just chatting. Nothing serious...
It's fine.
Abandoning all attempt at staying hidden, Qu slowly walks over to the girl defending her.
Why do you believe in me?
I... I don't know.
I just feel like you will protect everyone, Lady Qu.
Uhm, she's just a kid. She doesn't know what she's talking about, my lady.
...It's fine.
Just like that, the group of residents disperse and walk away.
After saying goodbye to the residents, Qu walks over and sits on a bench. The bench still has some residual warmth.
Imaginations of the person who sat here previously flow into Qu's mind. What possessed them to sit here and have a rest?
Just as Qu is picturing what that person was thinking previously, Villier steps out from a shadow on the path.
How pathetic.
The child doesn't know that we were wearing masks while performing a political drama arranged by others.
But when I saw the girl's smile, she touched my heart in a way I had never felt before.
Although I can't say for sure what it is, but I have this vague feeling that I don't want to disappoint the child...
Villier is about to say something when a brisk cry is shot out from afar.
Look! Look!
Looking toward the sound, they see a young woman in white pulling a wooden cart behind her that must have belonged in a museum.
The cart has a sign on top with "Moyuan's Puppets" written casually with a brush.
Upon seeing Qu, the woman approaches her and takes a seat on the other side of the bench.
Phew, I'm pooped.
Think you could fetch me a glass of water?
...You got it.
Thanks darlin'!
Moyuan nods excitedly as Qu gets up and walks to the vendor to get her a glass of water.
Here you are.
Thank ya, thank ya. You sure are swell.
You aren't worried about what people give you?
No, silly. I feel safe here.
You feel safe...?
Got that right! My intuition is spot on. For example, I had a hunch that I was going to make a big sale today. Then WHAM! I met a group of travelers and almost sold out just like that.
Tour groups are few and far between. We had a nice long chat and they told me a bunch of stories about outside of the KCC.
Did you make these all yourself?
Sure did! I think I deserve the right to pat myself on the back. You won't find anyone in the entire KCC who makes mecha puppets half as good as me!
After all, it's an art form that's been passed down generation after generation!
Qu takes a doll from the cart—it is a small peacock. It looks finely polished, with each feather expertly carved.
You sure are talented.
Think so? I've been doing it since I was little.
Yup. My family isn't exactly in the best of health. I'm considered ""one of the healthy—Cough...
Moyuan falls into a coughing fit before she can finish speaking.
...Huh? You're coughing up blood. Let me call a medic.
No, no. I'm okay.
As she speaks, Moyuan takes a pill out from a ceramic bottle, swallows it, and tries to catch her breath.
Huff... puff... phew...
Alright, I'm good. Now where was I? Oh, right! I started selling puppets when I was younger to help raise my family.
They were pretty ugly at first, so there weren't many buyers. They mostly just bought them out of pity.
But as I got better, so did business.
One day, I'll sell my dolls outside of Kowloong and see the world with my own eyes. Not just listen to others tell me stories.
Is that so?
Uh-huh! Well, I'm all rested. Time to head back! My siblings are still waitin' for me to cook them up somethin' to eat.
Alright, farewell. Wait... Your puppet...
Just as Moyuan turns to leave with her cart, Qu shouts to her urgently.
Take it! I owe you for the water!
Holding the puppet, Qu looks toward the prosperous capital.
Cooking fumes waft out of the buildings in the city and dissipate, drawn away by the atmosphere regulator hanging in the sky above.
On the street, people come and go. Others engage in conversation as the roadside lights begin to light up.
Even though I might not have human emotions, I can still feel them from the people around me.
Maybe I can obtain human sentiments by meeting people like her?
I don't know what the future holds, but now I know what it feels like to have this warm sensation transmitted into my limbs and organs.
I've never felt this before. It's a strange feeling, but not a bad one.
How unfortunate...
With symptoms like that, she will succumb to her illness if she doesn't get medical treatment.
But she likely can't afford the cost of treatment.
Her dreams will be broken.
Kind people living a life of suffering is a sin of humanity.
You may be right, but don't we exist to bring happiness to people?
Hmph, happiness? Does happiness really exist in the world today?
Suddenly, an urgent alarm rings on Villier's terminal. He looks down with a stern expression, but after a few seconds, he slowly smiles.
Look at this secret message. Yin and his troops have mutinied.