Story Reader / Hidden Story / 12 Kowloong Metropolis

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

12-1 Trojan Horse

The Forest Guards followed the Corrupted to Kowloong City.

12-2 Trapped Hound

Who was the real prey? Cerberus, or Roland?

12-3 Gold & Centaur

I want you to join us in this battle, Rosetta.

12-4 Fireworks

Finally, it was time for Cerberus to strike back.

12-5 Deceptor

Lamia owed Watanabe a favor.

12-6 Another Ending

The war was coming to an end. Everybody had their own thoughts and plans.

12-7 Seize

Gabriel's giant arm pierced through Qu's chest...