Story Reader / Floating Record / ER08 The Long Goodbye / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

ER08-9 Colorful Farce


After meeting with Wanshi, Melvie pushes open the door to the Construct Maintenance Department office and places a document on Chiron's desk.

She gets straight to the point.

Do you know about this research institute?

It was built by another business corporation near the end of the Golden Age. I heard people were still living there about ten years ago, but they couldn't withstand the Punishing invasion and it was destroyed.

Is this what you've been searching for all these years?

Yes, a research institute that you can find anywhere on the ground—and that's exactly what makes it suspicious: the fact that it took me years to find it. Now answer me this: did you know about its existence?

Chiron shakes his head.

Like I said before, I was just an assistant back then...

Your position doesn't define your actions. Haven't you spent all these years trying to verify Recall yourself?


I'm sure you went through all the data in that storage device before handing it over. Are you certain you never saw this place in there?


Alright, got it.

Melvie tosses the paper documents into the trash can and sets them ablaze.

W-what are you doing?!

The most primitive way to keep secrets, the cleanest way to destroy evidence—haven't you done the same?


I didn't come here just to antagonize you. I have no choice but to do this—as a regular civilian in Babylonia, any attempt to investigate anything through data networks would be detected immediately.

You're far more radical now than you used to be.

I was too immature and foolish back then.

Melvie stares intently at the growing flames.

Since the end of the Golden Age, it has maintained a partnership with your Zelenograd Laboratory.

Shortly after the Punishing outburst, the Zelenograd Laboratory purged all related data and secured a partnership with Babylonia's Recall research project.

After a long silence, Chiron speaks again.

...I see. I only destroyed what was visible on the surface.

I don't know how much of its experimental "legacy" has been passed around. But that fire you set didn't burn away all the filth. You may have burned the treetop, but the roots below have only grown deeper, more numerous, and reached even further.

How... utterly despicable.

I don't have the strength to do that anymore. I've long lost faith in humanity. So whatever.

I've signed up for the ground-level volunteer medical corps again.

It's dangerous.

I can't trust anyone here. Besides... if I can find something, it might explain what's wrong with Wanshi.

What's wrong with that kid? Just the other day, he was full of rebellious energy.

Melvie pinches the bridge of her nose, nursing a headache.

You don't understand...

If you ever meet Wanshi, don't tell him my real reason for going to the surface. I barely managed to convince him to stay in Babylonia...

Not planning on coming back?

Melvie looks at the ashes left in the trash bin.

Very likely, Chiron.

To this day, I feel like there's a toy gun trained on Wanshi and me—ready to open fire the moment any of their hopes or fears about him prove true.

She recalls that gentle doctor.

Someone must know something, someone must be watching us... I know this journey isn't safe. But I've made up my mind.

I spent years searching for the truth, only to find mere traces of it. All this time, I had to keep secrets from Wanshi, and in the end, even he grew sick of me trying to control his life.

If we find something, that would be ideal. If I die on the surface... well, at least Wanshi would be free of the last person connected to that old project.

Meanwhile, after his final meeting with Melvie, Wanshi grows increasingly secluded.

While Pelo and the others are driving themselves crazy over grade reviews, Wanshi keeps to himself, vanishing every day after waking up—no one knows what he's up to.

Finally, with no news from Shorthalt, Pelo snaps—grabbing Wanshi when he opens the dormitory door, mid-yawn.

Hey, what've you been up to these days? Did you have a fight with Aunt Melvie? Why do you look so miserable every day?


You could've just gone along with it! Getting into medical school at such a young age—what more could you want? Why can't you just be content with that?

I haven't been doing nothing... I'm not giving up. What about you?

Pelo can't make sense of Wanshi's words, but Wanshi's expression is deadly serious.

Shorthalt told us the truth—Gestalt was never the one arbitrarily deciding our fates.

It has nothing to do with machines, AI, or algorithms... it's the people with hidden agendas. Who knows what they're planning to do with the Youth Center when the time comes?

Shorthalt stopped us and prevented things from going the way they wanted... but that also happens to turn us into disposable sacrifices.


No amount of rushing will help now—those people have probably forgotten about this whole thing already. No one's coming back to set the record straight, and no one's going to remember we even existed.

...So what? Are you going to tell me to accept this outcome, too?

No. Like I said, I'm not going to let this end here.

Wanshi pulls out a card from his pocket and dangles it in the air, swaying it back and forth before their eyes.

This is an access card to the medical storage room.

I've hidden the "good stuff" in the warehouse. No one will find them anytime soon.

Looks like I'm going to medical school. Everyone's planning every step of my life, either "for my own good" or for their own agenda.

But I'm sick of having my life dictated by others.

Are you...

Though Shorthalt told us to avoid stirring up trouble, if we want the public to notice this issue, we'll have to make some noise eventually.

Pelo's eyes gradually light up.

Yeah... you're right! We won't let them make fools of us anymore!

What's the plan? I'll get the others to help you out.

Let's blow up Gestalt.

Alright, no prob—


In the Construct Maintenance Department, Shorthalt is sitting beside the maintenance station, watching the doctor busily work on Sien's frame.

This is my last maintenance. Once it's done, I can return to the battlefield... Shorthalt, thank you for checking on Pelo. How is he? Will he be able to attend medical school?

Hmm... It should work out fine.

"Should"...? What are you hiding?

Shorthalt absentmindedly taps on his terminal screen.

...Intelligence picked up a strange warning message. We're looking into it now. Let me take care of this first, then I'll fill you in on what's been happening lately, okay?

What warning message?

Someone is going to destroy the Gestalt tonight.


What's going on? Is this some kind of prank?

I'm not sure either. We're treating it as a prank for now, but since it involves the Gestalt... they've assigned me and two other Constructs to keep watch. After this is settled, the Parliament will probably have to review the Gestalt's security measures.

Shorthalt pinches the bridge of his nose wearily.

I hope I'm just being paranoid... This world's getting more and more bizarre by the day.




Bring everything inside.


Be careful with what you're carrying. Don't drop anything.


Why do you make it sound so scary...

Natalie rolls her eyes at Pelo while carefully taking a step.

What started as two troublemakers has grown into a crowd. They scurry through the back door like mice with boxes in their arms, sneaking into their target room.


There must be cameras everywhere here.


Don't worry about the surveillance cameras. Let them record everything.


Yeah, now we will "open fire" ourselves.


Heh heh, about time it blows up! I'm so sick of those birthday wishes—the same exact message every single year!


L-let's be careful...


What's there to be careful about? We're going to get caught anyway—that's exactly what we want.


Alright, we're here.

Wanshi's light illuminates only a fraction of the Gestalt, yet even this glimpse leaves them awestruck.



They can't help but gasp softly at the sight of this monument—a testament to humanity's greatest achievements.

Place the explosives in a circle around the Gestalt. Make sure to put extra boxes near the data cables at the back.

They bypass the security perimeter protecting the Gestalt and place their explosives at its base.

Wanshi stays motionless, gazing up at the towering Gestalt.

Hmm... We might not have enough explosives.

The explosive crates look laughably tiny compared to the Gestalt—they might not even crack its shell, let alone reach high enough to damage its foundation.

Standing before the Gestalt, they look no bigger than mice.

Beneath its cold metallic shell, this massive computer houses humanity's greatest computing achievement—an objective arbiter whose calculations none can challenge.

...If they want to manipulate our "fair and objective" system, then we'll use the Gestalt to make them acknowledge our existence.

Wanshi's resolve strengthens.

Once it's set, everyone back away.

He pulls out the detonator—a single button separating them from destruction.




Besides the usual guards, Shorthalt also stands atop Babylonia, eyes fixed on the transport elevator. His mask amplifies his breathing, while his internal systems run in overdrive.

The Gestalt looms behind him. His mission for the night is to watch the transport elevator, monitoring for any suspicious personnel coming and going.

As the time approaches 22:20—the moment specified in the warning—not a single soul has appeared.

...Who could possibly bomb the Gestalt? The General Assembly Hall lies behind it, protected by the highest-grade security systems. Even a suicide attack might not pose any real threat to this floor.

Just as I thought—it's a prank.

Despite his words, Shorthalt glances down at his combat terminal, silently counting the seconds in his head.

Two minutes left.



With Gestalt's support, Babylonia's education system is supposedly quite fair now. Everyone parrots the same line about how it "takes various factors into consideration to determine the most suitable path for each young scholar."

But they overlook all the "human factors". The volunteers who force-feed us their ideologies, the counselors who blindly push us to follow in our parents' footsteps, and those who'd sacrifice us for their own gain.

Even under this supposedly fair system, people are still forced down paths they'll come to regret... And we "boarding students" are right in the Dead Zone of it all.

The Youth Center is just a tiny corner of Babylonia—they make sure there are never too many orphans here.

They are mere grains of sand, too insignificant for anyone to notice.

Even so...

You're different from your classmates. Most of your parents sacrificed their lives on the frontlines. Their comrades and Babylonia entrusted you to us, allowing you to grow up under public care.

...which is why you must never forget what your parents gave their lives for.

I'm... sorry...

If I had kept watch just a little longer back then, there wouldn't have been so many casualties... his mother would still be alive.

My dad disappeared after coming here last time, and now you want to take my mom, too? Get out of my way!

My parents were victims... I don't want to also end up in stasis at the Construct Maintenance Department one day...

Become a Construct and fight for your family and friends.

That's from the propaganda. Is that really what you want? Family and friends...?

Why not carry on your father's legacy?

You were also part of my atonement. I've been forcing my protection on you all this time, completely disregarding your wishes... taking it upon myself to shield you.

Even so, they deserve to choose their own path, not to be forgotten, not to be mere footnotes in feel-good news stories, and not to be used and discarded.

In some people's eyes, they're just foolish, naive children.

Wanshi, press it.

If there's no other way, let's bet everything on our "foolishness". Even if no one pays attention to us, at least we'll have made our mark.

They're about to tell a more explosive story.

Under the watchful eyes of the young boys and girls, Wanshi raises the detonator.

Ten, nine, eight, seven...

They count down to the explosion.



At the top of Babylonia, the adults count down with furrowed brows.

Shorthalt stands up and looks toward where Gestalt is. The area appears eerily quiet, with no sign of intruders.

Six, five, four...

Three, two, one...


Wanshi slams down hard on the red button.

The explosives shriek as they shoot upward, sending blinding beams of light that burst upon impact with Gestalt's body.

The young boys and girls squint as sudden light floods their vision.

The fireworks illuminate the darkened Gestalt exhibition hall, as colorful sparks dance across the shell of the Gestalt display before scattering into every corner of the space.

Alarms blare throughout the exhibition hall as security robots converge from all directions.


You actually did it!!


How about that! These are Golden Age explosives packed with gunpowder!

They cover their ears as they shout to each other, eyes gleaming with excitement.


Who in their right mind sets off fireworks indoors... this is madness...


Whoa! What do we do?! The security robots are coming for us!

Wanshi, what do we do now?!


They all turn to Wanshi, who's still covering his ears and staring at the fireworks—and then he bolts.


They break into a sprint, leaping over the safety lines around the Gestalt, racing through corridors lit by fireworks, before finally bursting through the exit.

Wanshi takes the lead, his heart pounding violently. His heart once raced just as fast when his feet first touched Earth with the help of medical support equipment.

Run for it! If we don't move now, those robots will catch us before the media even gets here! Phew... I had no idea Wanshi could run like this... Why hasn't anyone recommended him to F.O.S...

Like scattered mice, they make their "escape", each darting toward the nearest transport elevator.

The transport elevator stops right on cue, and under Wanshi's breathless gaze, several Constructs dash out.


They're kids? The ones who set off fireworks in the exhibition hall?!

This is nonsense—stand down all security mechanoids and bring these kids back immediately! Someone contact their guardians!

That uniform... are they children from the Youth Center?

Shorthalt and another Construct walk out. Wanshi recognizes the Construct as Sien.

Maintenance cables still dangle from Sien's body—they must have rushed straight from the maintenance department.

Where's Pelo?

Shorthalt walks straight up to Wanshi, grips his still-narrow shoulders, and speaks in a lowered voice.

Didn't I tell you not to cause any more trouble...

Nobody made us do it. This was our choice.


You told us to brace ourselves—that no matter how much we appealed, it probably wouldn't help.

So I wanted to try... Maybe this way, Pelo and the others would have a chance to get back on the right path.

But this is all we could do. Nothing else.


Pelo begins to fight back next to them while Sien looks weary.

Why should we be punished?! Someone tampered with our grades! We just wanted to expose the truth—this is how we chose to do it!

What good would it do to wait for you and the Youth Center to drag your feet through verification?! How long has it been already?!

If we keep dragging this on, I'll have to go to the surface—other academies are about to start their terms! By then it'll be too late for everything!

The other youths begin to struggle restlessly.


Shorthalt lets out a sigh.

I was planning to have a proper discussion with you tomorrow, along with the head of the Youth Center...

...Shorthalt, tell them.


Everyone's working on this—all the adults who know about it are taking action. Even the head of the Youth Center is taking your concerns seriously.

But... Pelo, and the rest of you.

Shorthalt pulls up a document and points out several others who had strongly protested their grades.

The recheck results are in, and you all... have actually failed to meet the standards.

The new results are even lower than the original scores.


Pelo stops struggling.


It's not that we don't believe you... You can keep appealing if you want, or spend more time and effort to prove your case. Even if you go to the surface now, there will be plenty of chances to return to Babylonia in the future... Pelo, please calm down...

Wanshi continues to stare intently into Shorthalt's eyes.

Someone must have taken care of all that, too—and what about the terminal infiltration? How do you explain that?

Some commuting students confessed to the Youth Center supervisors. They said it was just a cruel prank they came up with... They will be punished for it.


Everyone wears the same troubled and weary expressions they had years ago when Wanshi and Pelo caused a scene at the emergency center.



No one here can help them, and their protest is like the fireworks from earlier—grand and thunderous, yet making no impact. A brief flash of light that quickly fades to cold.

The children who caused trouble at the exhibition hall received stern disciplinary lectures, but fortunately, this incident didn't affect their academic futures.

Wanshi spends days in anxious anticipation, fearing Melvie would show up at the Youth Center with disappointment written all over her face. He doesn't even dare send her a message.

But even after the "detention" period ends, he hasn't heard a single word from Melvie.

While Wanshi waits anxiously, Pelo suddenly demands to undergo Construct modification, as if he's given up.


We've blown things up, we've made our noise—none of it matters anymore. Everything we could do was useless. Let's end this. I'm going in for modification this month.

Why? It's just going to the ground, there's no need for modifications, right? And certainly no need to rush it...

No! It IS urgent!

The sooner the better. I can't wait any longer.

Pelo gives Wanshi a brooding look.

You wouldn't understand.

Wanshi wants to try persuading Pelo again, but his own devastating news arrives.

Are you... Doctor Melvi's family?

The doctor looks with surprise at the odd pair—one adult and one child.

I'm not, but he is. I just brought him here.

The youth Shorthalt pointed out already has tears welling in his eyes.

When did Aunt Melvie go to the surface?!

...She didn't tell you when she volunteered as a surface doctor?

The news hits Wanshi like a bucket of ice water.

I... I was her patient for a long time—you can check. She doesn't have any other family left.

...Just a moment. I'll get it for you.

The attending physician leaves temporarily, with Wanshi standing there, still trying to process what just happened.

This batch of volunteer doctors was rather fortunate—almost all of them made it back. Only the eldest one sacrificed.

Which one? The Deputy Head of Pediatrics? She helped my child before... How could this be possible?

With conditions on the ground being so dire, anything could have happened. They've already brought back her belongings—just one small package.



The attending physician hands over Melvie's belongings to Wanshi. He has imagined many times what she might have left behind.

He takes the package, finding only a small blue lunchbox inside.

On the way back to the Youth Center, Shorthalt keeps murmuring words of comfort, his consolations circling endlessly around Wanshi's ears.

Wanshi's mind, however, keeps drifting to that unfinished letter meant for Melvie.

"I am deeply grateful for your care all these years. I hope that someday I can repay this kindness," he writes in the letter with deliberate formality.

Wanshi never managed to repay anything.

Seeing Wanshi frozen in place, Shorthalt stops as well.

Aunt Melvie isn't coming back.

I couldn't help Pelo, either... We couldn't accomplish anything.


...Everyone's gone too far ahead. I can't catch up.

Shorthalt's large hand reaches out once more to ruffle Wanshi's curly hair.


I wanted to find my mother... but I gave up... Then I tried to keep Aunt Melvie and Pelo close, but I failed at that too.

...So what do you want to do most now?

I don't know. It's not like I can do anything anyway.

There are plenty of things we can't do, but you can't spend your whole life just going through the motions. You've got to keep moving forward.

Look, I'm no good at comforting others, but right now you're just burying your head in the sand.

The "ostrich" hangs his head even lower.


If you don't know what to do next, focus on what's right in front of you.


For you, it means attending medical school and saving lives after graduation... There's always more to learn, always more work to do—you won't have time to think about anything else.

During this time, though, something might happen one day that will show you what your new goal should be.

A new goal...

A human life unfolds in segments. When you reach those crossroads, you'll naturally know which path to choose.

Shorthalt pats Wanshi on the shoulder.

Let's take it one step at a time. Become a doctor first... Or better yet, why not become an even better doctor than Melvie?

Two weeks later, Pelo undergoes Construct modification. Two months after that, the "newborn" Construct is transported to the battlefield.

Natalie and Wanshi both entered medical school, while Frank went to the engineering academy.

Three months later, Pelo sent his first message to his old friends at the Youth Center—a few photos of nameless birds and hillsides blanketed in wildflowers.

I never thought these birds actually existed. I always assumed the feathers the Constructs brought back to Wanshi were artificial—just something to make him happy.

Getting that shot was quite challenging. That area was either full of unstable ruins or Corrupted hotspots.

Could you check on how Natalie's doing? But please, don't let her know I asked.

After that, Pelo rarely keeps in touch with everyone.

Time seems to race by for the rest of the world, yet crawls at a snail's pace for Wanshi.

Night after endless night, after switching off his self-study terminal, Wanshi compulsively checks the dates for the next medical license exam and Star of Life internship recruitment.

Though he knows he'll never catch up to those who've gone ahead, he still wishes to quicken his pace, eager to reach the next crossroads and discover the new path Shorthalt spoke of.

He gives himself no chance to think of anything else, studying until utter exhaustion claims him and drags him into a dreamless sleep.