Story Reader / Floating Record / ER08 The Long Goodbye / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

ER08-3 Correction


Drip. Drop.

Drip. Drop.

In the endless darkness, water drips next to the ear.

He wants to reach out and touch it, but not a single muscle in his entire body would cooperate.

He can feel himself being "dismembered"—skin peeled away, muscles slashed apart—and before his unsupported flesh can scatter across the ground, it's already being remolded into something new.

His entire body feels submerged in filth, yet simultaneously, a new form takes shape.

He tries to take a deep breath, only to realize that this new body doesn't breathe. He attempts to move his fingers, and finally, the joints at his extremities twitch slightly.

Time blurs into itself as he raises his brand new head, while red light flickers through the gaps in his joints.


As he looks up, all the adults stare at him with visible tension—each wearing white protective suits that seal them completely, leaving not even the smallest gap exposed.

Wait, hold off on the next step! The Punishing is about to exceed the concentration limit... No, wait! It already did!

The needle on one of the monitors rapidly swings past the safe zone, prompting the man watching the gauges to immediately press the nearest button.

He suddenly finds himself unable to "breathe", as if the constant flow of energy from the air into his body has been completely drained, leaving him in discomfort.

The wide, thick metal clasps on his body slowly begin to tighten.

He springs into action—flexing his new arm with all his might, he tears through the supposedly unbreakable restraints as an adult screams in shock.

The emergency protocols have failed! We can't contain it!

Stop! Stop right now! Everyone out!

The adults seem terrified of his approach, frantically rushing toward the door.

Outside the window, people are shouting.

Don't open the door. The Punishing concentration in there is far beyond what we can handle—he's gone haywire.

Free from his restraints, he advances eagerly toward the adult in the room, as if answering to the voices from outside the window.

Abandon the test subject! Everyone evacuate! Do not approach this lab!

▁█▄▆▂ Hisssss!



Even the respirator can't muffle the child's terrified scream. Wanshi jumps upright in bed, making "Freckle" in the next bed jump with fright. Melvie, doing her routine patient checks, turns to look this way.

The child curls up on the hospital bed, still trembling from fear. It takes a long moment before he can find his voice.

Those things again... Was that... me...?

Sob... No... It wasn't me...

Another nightmare?

Long accustomed to such scenes, Melvie continues signing the children's bedside cards without even looking up.

However, after signing the cards, Melvie pauses at the sight of tears welling up in Wanshi's eyes.


With a sigh, she pulls a colorful card from her pocket and bends down to place it beside Wanshi's pillow.

...Since you didn't cry during your nightmare, here's a wish card as a reward.

Wanshi sits up and retrieves his collection of cards from under his pillow. He hands them all over to Melvie.

I want to use them all now... Let me stay with you today.

No, Wanshi. I have too much work to do.

Melvie refuses without hesitation.

Besides, you have a mission, too—to rest well and focus on your rehabilitation.

Seeing Wanshi still silent, Melvie pushes another access card into his hand.

Well, how about this? You can go to the VR rehabilitation room today to play some games—your favorite Treasure Hunter. Here's the access card, just go and say hi to the doctor there.

I don't want to go anymore.

Why not? You can get rewards, plus it'll help with your rehabilitation.

I don't want to do rehabilitation.

Wanshi covers his head.

It's all so crazy... I can't even tell if that was a nightmare or not...

Chaotic memories surface in every dream. Try as he might to process them, each time he finds himself drowning in their depths.

It's as if foreign memories have been crammed into his mind, leaving him unable to tell whether these dreams belong to him or someone else.

He tries to tell Melvie about it, but she can't explain these bizarre dreams—just as no one can explain how a child who spent years in a coma shows no signs of mental regression.

The child's distress makes Melvie pause for a moment. After a brief hesitation, she gently strokes Wanshi's forehead.

Wanshi, try to forget about them. They're just nightmares. It's all over now.

Even Mom was just a dream?

Melvie's hand freezes mid-motion, and her tone turns serious again.

Listen carefully, Wanshi. You're just sick. Your brain is creating hallucinations, making up dreams where you see your mom and all those other things you mentioned.

If you don't try to remember them, your brain will mark these as useless information and gradually throw them away.

Melvie's terminal chimes. She glances down at it and immediately rises to her feet.

I have to go now—something's come up. I'll come and check on you tonight. Until another doctor comes, stay here with your friends, okay?


...I'm sorry, Aunt Melvie, for bringing up things I shouldn't have again.

I'll be good. I'll forget them... I'll throw them away... Aunt Melvie.

Seeing Wanshi curl up again, Melvie seems to have more to say, but with the terminal ringing, she can only leave behind two pieces of candy.

As soon as the ward door closes, Freckle struggles to sit up in the adjacent bed.

She's so good to you, isn't she? At least you get to see her every day, and she even gives you snacks.

"Freckle" points at the empty leg of his pants.

No one from my family has come to see me even when I'm like this.

...Here, have some candy. I'll share with you.

"Freckle" accepts Wanshi's kind gesture. He unwraps a fruit candy and pops it into his mouth.

Whatever. It's not like getting better is such a good thing anyway. Once you recover, they'll ship you off somewhere else. The same thing will happen to you.


What, are you planning to live here forever? As soon as you're better, the Star of Life will transfer you to the Youth Center.

What's the Youth Center?

It's where they send all the kids who don't have moms.

"Freckle" crunches down on the fruit candy with visible irritation.

I heard over there, they wake you up before dawn for shots and medicine. They won't let you eat or sleep, and there's even this mean old witch who punishes people!


I don't care if you believe it or not. Just enjoy your time here while you can. The moment you get better, the doctors will definitely send you away.

Why not skip your VR rehab today? Nothing wrong with staying hooked up to the respirator and leg supports, right?

Will Melvie let me stay?

Do you think she will?

She's not your mom, and you're not her only patient. She's got so many other patients to look after. Remember when her terminal went off earlier? Did she choose you or the other patients?


Freckle's words grow more grating with each passing moment. Wanshi tightens the strap of the portable respirator behind his head and hops down from the bed barefoot.

Where are you going?

My mom would never lie to me. She said I'd find her, so I definitely will.

Wanshi clutches Melvie's access card. This card opens more than just the VR rehabilitation room.

If I can't find her in Eden, then I'll look for her on Earth. And I'm not coming back if I can't find her on Earth... I'm not going to go to some Youth Center.

Inside the room, Melvie hands over a paper document to someone in work clothes.

This is Wanshi's file. He must have been born in Kowloong—because Babylonia has no record of his birth, though he has all other documents.

Let me see... This child has been in rehabilitation for so many years. It must have been quite challenging taking care of him.

It's not too bad.

Melvie deliberately avoids reacting to the phrase "soO many years"—she had falsified the timeline to conceal Wanshi's unique circumstances.

If she doesn't do this, those who refuse to let go of the project will soon notice something's wrong. By then, the threat to Wanshi's life might be far worse than just a toy gun.

Even now, Melvie still feels that same fear from when Kugawa Kurono pulled out his gun.

She is still far too removed from the blood and fire of reality.



Come here!

Ignoring Wanshi's stumble, Melvie yanks him behind her. The commotion catches the attention of the nurse station.

The scene startles Wanshi, too.

...I-I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that...

You didn't do anything wrong!

What exactly are you trying to do?!

The man ignores Melvie's anger and continues questioning Wanshi.

Wanshi, do you remember this?

I don't remember... Aargh!

As Melvie covers Wanshi's mouth, he waves the gun again—it's just a toy.

It's just a toy.

Before he can hand it over, Melvie snatches the toy gun away in anger.

What do you want him to remember? To remember having a gun pointed at him?!

Hmm, he just might end up remembering this, you know.

Kugawa Kurono's gaze remains fixed on Wanshi, studying him intently as if searching for something different about him.


Melvie falls silent, as if sensing something.

The nurses and doctors who rushed over ask with concerned expressions.

Melvie...? What's going on? I heard a loud noise earlier... and you are...?

...Everything's fine. Please take Wanshi back first. I'll watch over him during my shift tonight.

Kugawa Kurono remains still, silently watching as the nurses take Wanshi away.

Everything looks fine.

What's all the fuss? I just want to give the child a toy. Turns out, I have a soft spot for kids.

...I already decided to keep him away from everything that has to do with Project Recall, including Wanxu... No, especially Wanxu.

I don't know what you're playing at, but you need to stop checking on him from now on since everything's okay.

He deserves his own life, free from burdens imposed by people. He will be an ordinary resident of Babylonia and do what he wants to do.

If I see you again, I'll sound the alarm immediately.

The inspection's complete, his records check out. He can be transferred to the Youth Center today. Has all the other paperwork been processed?

Everything's been taken care of.

Alright, sign in the "Temporary Guardian" field.

It took us a month's worth of running back and forth to get this done. Babylonia's welfare system is quite a hassle. But you know that's just how it is, right? When it comes to children's rights, we have to be rigorous.

Of course.

Come to think of it... you weren't particularly close to his mother, so why did she grant you temporary custody of her child?


We used to be colleagues.

You won't see this in his record due to project sensitivity.

Melvie signs the document.

Meanwhile, Wanshi comes out of the ward, clutching the access card Melvie gave him with sweaty palms—his nervousness evident in his every movement.

What "Freckle" said still echoes in his ears, and he has made up his mind—he won't continue with rehabilitation.

He doesn't realize he's already lost his chance to "delay rehabilitation"—Melvie hasn't told him that his recovery has been successful, and has reached the level of a normal child, so he continues his aimless search for a place to go.

He wanders the hospital corridors, his presence now a familiar sight to the doctors who see him as their most obedient patient and tacitly allow his freedom. Yet none of them knows what is running through his mind: Where am I supposed to find Mom? Where am I supposed to find this dream that Aunt Melvie talked about?

Even if it's nothing but a fleeting dream, he still wants to chase after it.

Because it's the only thing he has.

He breaks into a jog—something he only managed to do just last week.

The wind gently brushes past Wanshi's ears, accompanied by the bustle of voices. He sees many "guardians" bringing their children here for treatment.

He suddenly doesn't want to see these adults anymore, so he keeps running until their voices fade into the distance.

Finally, he comes to a stop in a corner he's never been to before.

Artificial sunlight streams through the slats of the Venetian blinds. He finds himself drawn closer. He tiptoes to lift the blinds and peers down below.

He witnesses the other side of this world.

He sees it—on the platform near the "spaceport", several people in white coats sprinting with a stretcher, carrying a motionless "person" on it.

Why are you so late? Hurry, hurry, hurry! Hurry up, you in the front!

You think we got back late on purpose? There are several more still in the transport aircraft!

The stretcher disappears beyond Wanshi's view as people carry it away. The agitated Construct covers their face, spins in the same spot twice, and then looks up aimlessly at the people rushing past.

Wanshi stares in confusion at their exaggerated movements. When the Construct's gaze sweeps in Wanshi's direction, he instinctively ducks down and hides by the window. His breathing, muffled by the respirator, becomes unusually pronounced.

After a long moment, Wanshi finally stands up and, carefully, steals a glance at the window.

More people gather on the platform, and there's fluid pooling on the ground—but it's not the kind of blood he's familiar with.

Wanshi turns to look at the stairway behind him, knowing that the steps lead to "the other side of this world".


A minute later, the sound of a child's footsteps echoes faintly through the stairwell.

Circulation system is completely down.

I'll get the spare connection cables... and vital fluid replenishment! Should be some in Maintenance Room 6!

Don't bother. It's over.


The two doctors stand in the corridor, looking at the Construct that has lost all signs of life. After barely a second of silence, they pick up their maintenance equipment and move on.

A massive assault on the ground battlefield today has strained the resources of the Construct Maintenance Department. Many Constructs can't even make it to the maintenance rooms, and are forced to receive emergency treatment in the triage hall.

Notify her squadmates. Hurry up, Maintenance Room 12 is free now. Prep for surgery, and don't forget to wash your hands.

She... she has family in Babylonia. Her squadmates have been notified.

As long as they're notified, that's good. Don't space out. Back to work.

Just as the doctor finishes changing into a fresh medical gown, they turn around and feel someone bump into their leg.


A child wearing a respirator stares at the doctor whose hands are covered in vital fluid.


...Where did this child come from? Get him out of here now.

A tall Construct steps forward and covers Wanshi's eyes.

Is this child also a family member? We already had another one outside who wouldn't leave us alone...

That can't be right—he's wearing a pediatric ward wristband.

Another Construct, whose head is covered in condensation liquid, approaches and gestures for Shorthalt to hand Wanshi over to him.

He must've taken a wrong turn. I'll lead him out... He shouldn't have come here...

Sien, go ask around the inpatient ward if anyone's missing a child. I'll keep watch here—we've got several patients on maintenance stations that can't be left unattended.


Amid the chaos, a flustered Construct grabs Wanshi by both arms and carries him out of the emergency hall like a small animal.

...Um, please put me down.

Wanshi recalls seeing something similar on Freckle's terminal, where the people "kidnapped" would struggle and scream "let go." Following what he remembers, he makes his request in the most polite way possible.

At the end of the corridor, another boy demonstrates the "proper" way of doing that with his shouting.

Let me go! LET ME GO!! Darn it, get out of my way!


Sien's expression turns grim at the screams outside. After a final glance at the female Construct who has lost all vital signs, he carries Wanshi in the opposite direction, hoping to avoid the commotion.

The boy with blue-purple hair lunges forward and grabs Sien's leg. His action is so desperate that it draws the attention of even the busy doctors.

What did you do to my mother?!

...Who's his mother?

He's a family member of that Construct from earlier. Both the husband and wife became Constructs, and they sent their child to Babylonia when they enlisted.

Don't bother. With injuries that severe, there would be nothing we could do even if we used every medical supply in the maintenance room.

I'm... sorry...

People wouldn't have died had I kept watch just a little longer back then.

My dad disappeared after coming here last time, and now you want to take my mom, too? Get out of my way!

The new intern doctor strides over the tangled mess of equipment wires and approaches the boy. He places a hand on the boy's shoulder.

A corner of the emergency hall falls silent as everyone watches intently, waiting to hear what comforting words the doctor might offer.

Your mother will be fine. She's just severely injured and needs to enter stasis.

Stasis? Construct stasis?

Yes. Our current medical technology can't restore her mobility right away. She needs to stay in stasis for a while before she can be treated.

...For how long?

Well... many years? Probably until you grow up... How old are you?

The intern doctor's voice trembles.

Seven and a half.

Then in eight years... eight and a half years. Maybe when you're sixteen, she'll wake up.


The anger and sorrow in the boy's eyes begin to fade, replaced by a glimmer of hope—like a tiny flame struggling to stay alive.

Eight and a half years... I can wait.

Mm-hmm, that's right. You can also do something helpful. Like going to medical school to become a Construct doctor, and coming back here to find a way to wake her up...

Career paths are chosen very early these days. I see so many young interns here at the Star of Life... Ah, but I'm not one of them, I'm not that young anymore...

What are you talking about...

Maybe you could go into research? Become a scientist... No, that's too dangerous, and some scientists go crazy from all that studying... How about becoming a Construct? No, that won't work either... That's even more dangerous...

Vital fluid is dripping from the intern's unwashed hands onto the floor.

That's enough. Take half a day off and go get some proper rest.

The rambling young doctor and the boy both gaze toward an unreachable future, both seemingly convinced it will come true—whether they're the deceiver or the deceived.

The other doctors turn away because they cannot bear to watch anymore, focusing instead on saving the Constructs under their care.

An unsettling serenity permeates the entire Construct Maintenance Department.

—But a child's voice shatters the moment.

No, she's dead.



She's dead. Everyone's been lying to you.


The spark of hope in the boy's eyes flickers out, leaving behind nothing but a cold stillness.

Wanshi has no memory of how he made it back to the pediatrics ward.

His memories are a blur. He vaguely recalls breaking free amidst crying children and panicking adults, only to run straight into Melvie, who had been searching for him.

Melvie scoops him out of the crowd and pulls him away just in time to avoid an incoming medical cart rushing past.

What happened after?

Melvie, trembling with fury, drags him back to the pediatrics ward.

Why did you sneak out like that? I trusted you completely, and you used my keycard...

Melvie stops mid-sentence, pressing her hand against her forehead in frustration.

No, this is my fault. I never should have given you my keycard!

...I'm sorry.

Wanshi knows he probably said something wrong again, but he doesn't understand why.

That doctor not only lied to him but also wanted him to become a doctor in the future.

He lies, and Aunt Melvie teaches me to lie, too... but isn't lying and deceiving... wrong?



From the window of this empty room, the Star of Life Emergency Center is visible. Melvie glances outside, seeing only the sea of flashing emergency lights.

The day has ended and even the artificial sunlight has gone to rest, yet transport aircraft continue bringing back wounded warriors.

...How am I supposed to explain this to you at a time like this?

Melvie turns away from the window and crouches down to Wanshi's level. She places her hands on his shoulders that are still too frail to bear any weight.

Lying may be wrong, but not everything is black and white. Sometimes... even lies can save lives.

None of these makes any sense to you now, of course. You're so young, and how long have you really been in this world...?

But I hope you'll never have to face these choices yourself... That you won't have to learn to understand my words the hard way.

Melvie brushes Wanshi's curls away from his forehead and gazes into his bright, golden eyes.

Aunt Melvie?

Next week, you'll be going to the Youth Center. It's a new place where you'll meet many new friends, and there will be plenty of caretakers looking after you.


Aunt Melvie, I know I messed up...

What's that?

I'm sorry, please don't send me away... Can I please stay with you...?


Melvie pulls Wanshi into a tight embrace.

We've put too much burden on you. It's not good for you.

I'll make this right by keeping you away from all of this, so you can live the life you were meant to have—the normal life you deserve.

Life at Babylonia's Youth Center will be good, so you don't need to worry.

Wanshi rests his head on Melvie's shoulder, tears falling silently. He knows he has made a terrible mistake—one so grave that it has cost him his chance to stay with Melvie.

I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...


This day burns itself into Wanshi's memory.

He cries for what feels like forever, until exhaustion finally pulls him into sleep.

What happened after?

He has no say in the matter. A week later, they take him to the Youth Center.