Story Reader / Floating Record / ER08 The Long Goodbye / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

ER08-1 Scout


Huff... Puff...

Walk forward. Do you see it?

The child lifts his head as a gust of wind disperses the mist, sending his white curls dancing into the corners of his eyes.

Ugh... Not yet...

Keep going, Wanshi. Don't look back.

Keep going, just keep moving forward.


...Keep... going...

Huff... puff.

Here we are.

The child reaches the massive oak tree, gasping for air. The journey back here has all but drained him physically.

The oak trunk blocks his view, leaving him blind to everything else. He reaches out with his skeletal hand to touch the bark, only to quickly withdraw it when the rough texture pricks his skin.

Look down.

Following his mother's guidance, the boy bends down and struggles to dig out a pale yellow stone from the soil beneath a tree trunk.

It's amber.

Amber? Is there... something inside? I can't see it clearly...

The boy holds the amber up to the sky, but with the sunlight hiding behind the fog, whatever lies within the amber grows blurry.

A soft sigh drifts from behind, distinctly feminine.

Once the sun rises, we'll see everything clearly.

This is as far as I can go. This moment marks the beginning of your story, Wanshi.


Let me tell you a story—in this world, there are many people who travel between Earth and Eden, serving as messengers connecting these two realms.

Now they want to invite you on a journey to Eden.

I don't want to go. They don't need me anyway.

Last time you told me that Eden's travel screening is really strict. They only let you through if you're either really smart, or really strong—someone who can fight and do lots of work.

They know you're still a child. They'll give you time to grow.

The journey won't take long. Just take a little nap, and when you open your eyes, you'll be there.

The boy wrings his hands together. His fingers and sleeves are still covered in black soil from digging earlier. He's still at an age where he can't properly take care of himself.

...Will it be long before I see you again?

I think so.

But in the future, you'll definitely find me, or I'll find you.


I'm sorry.


Cardiac arrest in Bed 47!


Bed 47... Wanshi? How long has he been here? Get Dr. Melvie to check on him—


I'm on it. Activate emergency response system for Bed 47. Check tracheal intubation first, then establish IV access.


I'll have someone contact the boy's legal guardian.


No need for that—set the DBS pulse frequency above 100.


Neural stimulator settings shouldn't be this high under normal circumstances...


I'm his temporary guardian and I'm responsible for him. Now hurry.

The stagnant air in the room suddenly stirs to life as doctors briefly check Bed 47 before rushing away, only to return moments later with various life support equipment to hook up to the child.


Just one more step, Wanshi... just one more step forward.


Huff... Puff...

Patient in Bed 47 is awake!

Confined to the hospital bed, the boy's small body trembles as he opens his eyes. He stares at the ceiling with an unfocused gaze.


Hmm? What was that? Let's take it easy—just do as I say and blink twice.

Are you an intern? A child with a mental age under one can't even follow basic instructions—how do you expect to assess his consciousness?

But the child in the bed, who appears to be four or five years old, slowly blinks twice, which immediately draws the doctor's full attention.

Now blink three times? Yes, make a fist—just close the hand I'm pointing at, and... Yes, that's it.

Seems like deep stimulation therapy is effective. This is the second child I've seen wake up—human life truly is miraculous...


The doctor turns around excitedly to look at Melvie—who stands frozen beside the bed. In all her three months as an intern, she has never seen such an expression on Melvie's face.

She... she actually did it?

With a trembling hand, Melvie reaches out to Wanshi and gently touches his forehead.

Wanshi strains to press his face against Melvie's palm, clearly wanting to say something, but the tracheotomy tube prevents him from speaking.

It's okay now... Everything's okay...

"Years of rehabilitation in the Star of Life Pediatric ICU"—after a moment's contemplation, Melvie decides to write this medical record in Wanshi's empty dossier, making it the first entry in his files.

In rehabilitation, Wanshi is like a newborn child—understanding nothing, having to learn everything anew.

With a portable respirator constantly by his side, he progresses from standing with support devices to taking a few guided steps with Melvie's help... Months later, he finally manages to take his own unsteady steps independently.

Hello there, little Wanshi. Where are you going?

Aunt Melvie... Is Aunt Melvie here?

I think I just saw her clock out? I'm not sure if she's scheduled for the night shift, though.

I'm on duty tonight. What can I do for you?

Melvie appears behind Wanshi and bends down to adjust the ventilator strap at the back of his head.

Ah! Aunt Melvie... I want to be your little helper again tonight.

Not tonight, sweetie. I have work to do, and your job is to get some sleep.

But I really want a wish card...

The "Make-A-Wish Cards" are part of a small reward system Melvie created for the pediatric ward. Children can earn these cards by being good—taking their medicine, getting their shots, going to bed on time... or by being Melvie's "little helper".

Only twenty wish cards are given out each week, and the children eagerly compete for them—like "Freckle" in the bed next to Wanshi's. He's a freckled child who lost both legs to his illness, which continues to spread even now.

What do you want the wish cards for? You never trade them in for toys or candy when I give them to you.


You're just trying to stay up late, aren't you?

Under Melvie's all-knowing gaze, Wanshi stumbles through an explanation.

...There are monsters in my dreams... I'm scared...

And Mom... Mom had something to tell me... but I can't remember what it was...

Melvie's expression darkens. She takes Wanshi's hand and leads him away from her colleagues who are preparing to leave for the day.

In the corner, Melvie's voice turns stern.

Wanshi, haven't I made it clear? You're not supposed to talk about "Mom" when you're out here.


Listen carefully to what I'm about to say—she left right after you were brought to the Star of Life. You've never been anywhere else, and I've been the one taking care of you all this time.

But Mom told me I came from Earth.


There's grass there, and flowers, soil, big trees, birds, and the ocean... None of that is fake...

Enough, Wanshi. You're just being delusional!

Wanshi clamps his mouth shut, his breathing quickening as he glares at Melvie with visible displeasure.

...I don't blame you. You don't understand, but you must never say these things to anyone else—absolutely no one. You have no idea what kind of danger that could put you in.

The nightmares... you'll get used to them. You'll forget them eventually, Wanshi. Be a good child.


Dinner will be here soon. You should head back now—and don't come to see me tonight.

Wanshi sniffles.

Aunt Melvie...


Perhaps realizing her harshness, Melvie softens her tone.

Never mind... If you really want to stay with me... you can help me with the medical records tonight. Same as always—you can help move the stool. Don't touch any medicine, though, and that goes for everything else. If you behave, I'll give you a wish card. How does that sound?

Wanshi's eyes instantly light up.

I'll be good.

Hmm? Be good about what?

Melvie pulls Wanshi behind her protectively as she faces the middle-aged man with dull golden eyes.

The man leans down to greet Wanshi, his name tag briefly flashing before the child's eyes.

What's your name, little one?

Seeing the man's white coat and name tag, Wanshi decides to trust him.

I'm Wanshi.

Hello, Wanshi. What brings you here? Why are you out with the doctor?

I'm going on duty with Aunt Melvie.

Melvie, Melvie... I've heard that name before. A colleague might have mentioned it.

Kugawa Kurono straightens up and turns to Melvie.

I'm Kugawa Kurono. You must be new to pediatrics—I haven't seen you around before.

...Who are you? What do you want?

Under Melvie's glare, the man gently pats Wanshi's head.

White curls shift between fingers as Wanshi looks up at the adult patting his head, only to find their gaze still fixed upon him.

Wanshi, there's something I need to ask you.

He pauses for a moment before asking the question that matters most to Wanshi.

Do you remember your mother?


The word strikes a nerve with Melvie. She instantly tightens her grip on Wanshi's hand, ready to flee at any moment.

So you're one of those people interested in the experiments...!

I don't know what she did after going to Earth. Nobody does. Wanshi has nothing to do with her anymore—so stay out of this.

Besides, this is Babylonia—not someplace where you can hunt for test subjects as you wish—

Wanshi looks bewilderedly between the two people in white coats. Trusting Melvie more, he follows her instructions and answers the man's question in all seriousness.

I don't remember. I don't have a mother.

Wanshi, don't answer him!

Did Melvie tell you to say that?

Please leave immediately, or I'll have to call security—

That won't be necessary. I just need to confirm something with Wanshi.

The man pulls a gun from behind his waist and raises it toward Wanshi.


Melvie lunges forward, screaming something inaudible.

Wanshi remains still. This is his first time seeing a gun—probably.

The dark barrel of the gun looks him in the eye, then searing pain explodes through his head.


Wanshi sits up on the maintenance platform and takes a deep breath, feeling the vital fluid surge rapidly through his entire body.


Wanshi turns his wrist, slowly clenching and unclenching his fist—just as he did years ago when he first awakened at the Star of Life.

The sealed laboratory is silent, with him as its sole occupant. It's an ordinary day—while the rest of Strike Hawk carries out their mission on the ground, he undergoes compatibility testing for his new frame in Babylonia.

The door at the back of the sealed laboratory slides open as someone drags in diagnostic equipment.

Same old?

Yes, involuntary memory data retrieval. The seventh occurrence this month.

The adverse effects only show minor M.I.N.D. deviation, but the frequency is abnormally high. I've temporarily switched you back to your old frame.

Looking sleep-deprived, Asimov connects the diagnostic equipment to an equally exhausted Wanshi. His brow furrows deeper as he studies the displayed waveforms.

Frame changes do typically cause M.I.N.D. deviation—usually resolved after an adjustment period. But you requested this frame quite a while ago, and the compatibility period isn't short either. These minor issues shouldn't be occurring anymore, theoretically speaking.

Then the problem lies within my M.I.N.D. itself.

I spoke with the doctor who handled your transformation yesterday. The situation was critical at the time—he had to seal away the memory data causing M.I.N.D. instability, or the transformation would have failed.

You were already aware of this situation, weren't you?

Wanshi nods.

Such complications during emergency transformations aren't uncommon. Usually, your memories from when you were still a human interfere with the process, and sealing them away helps maintain a degree of M.I.N.D. stability in Constructs.

I advise against awakening these memory data—we can't predict the consequences of forcing them out... although you've started accessing them already without yourself knowing it.

I'll have your leader request an extended adjustment period for you. For now, avoid taking on any critical missions.

We'll need a Commandant's assistance later—whether to release and reorganize the chaotic data deep within your M.I.N.D., or to reinforce its containment. Either way, your M.I.N.D. needs to be stabilized in a controlled environment.


Go and get some rest.



New frame compatibility... Let's give that another try.

What do you mean...?

If it's just a slight deviation, I can learn to ignore it.

It's like learning how to get used to dreams.

Babylonia Combat Dispatch Center

A shrill alarm blares from the monitoring equipment, drawing the attention of nearby staff.

Warning! Red Tide movement detected in Area AQ! Establishing communication with local recon personnel!

The operator in charge of the area immediately pulls up the ground communication feed.

The video feed is distorted and blurry, only showing rapid movement on the other end. At least the audio transmission remains clear.

Reporting on Red Tide movement in Area AQ.

It's been over 44 hours since the last Red Tide movement. Thirty minutes ago, a new movement was detected. It has submerged an environmental monitoring station, confirming Red Tide activity.

The Red Tide appears to be targeting Conservation Areas 189 and 190.

The Red Tide is moving southeast from the northwest at an average speed of 20 kilometers per hour. Speed is expected to increase to 30 kilometers per hour within the hour. Estimated arrival: Conservation Area 189 in twelve hours, followed by Area 190 in thirteen hours.

The situation is particularly critical as both conservation areas serve as fuel supply units for Babylonia. Red Tide contamination would pose a severe risk.

Based on the reassessment, I recommend immediate evacuation of all residents and engineering personnel.

Acknowledged. Evacuation preparations for both conservation areas were completed this week. Ready to proceed at any time.

The operator's fingers move across the control panel as his eyes scan through multiple screens. He pauses when a particular note catches his attention and studies it for a few seconds.

Do you require dispatch assistance? This is standard protocol, but I know you rarely need it.

The rapid movement in the video feed gradually slows down.

...This time I do. Please dispatch one or two scouts to assist me.

Copy. The nearest scouts have received a support request, but as this area has always been stable, it might take some time for them to get there. If necessary, we can redirect a team currently on a mission in two conservation areas.

Not necessary. I'll wait for the other scouts to arrive.

The brief moment of casual exchange fades as both the scout and the dispatcher quickly return to their professional demeanor.

Maintain stable communications and continue monitoring the Red Tide.

As the dispatcher ends the call, a figure suddenly emerges from the corner.


Behind the new dispatcher, the monitoring equipment under his charge blinks with red warning lights.

There's an abandoned building 80 kilometers northwest of Conservation Area 189, right in the Red Tide's path!

We detected an unknown signal there two hours ago. I dispatched several nearby Constructs to form a temporary squad for investigation, but they completely lost contact after receiving the support request.

There was also an elite Construct from New Sophiasburgh who volunteered to join them... They've lost contact with them, too.

...So you're telling me the provisional Construct squad has gone missing, and their last transmission was a distress signal?

The rookie nods vigorously while handing over additional documents.

And there's this! Some data was transmitted along with the distress signal. We can confirm this building was once a research facility... but there's no record of it in the Science Council's archives.

After glancing at the transmitted data, the usually stern dispatcher draws a deep breath before turning to check the information on other nearby teams.

Report this data to command right away, then send me a copy of the provisional squad's roster.

I'll coordinate the support... There should be two task forces and a Commandant on standby in Conservation Areas 189 and 192. The closest one is...

Information about two search and rescue capable teams appears on screen as the dispatcher initiates communication.


I've sent the information about the squad needing assistance to your terminal. Can you confirm receipt?

The human sits in the speeding transport vehicle, studying the detailed mission briefing on their tactical terminal.

With recent increased Red Tide activity near the conservation area, the Gray Raven Commandant and their squad are assisting with evacuation preparations within the zone.

From last night until tonight, two partial evacuations have been conducted in the conservation area, led by Liv and Lee respectively.

According to the original plan, the Gray Raven Commandant would handle the last group of residents. Liv would return at dawn and escort them to the temporary shelter with the Commandant to rendezvous with Lee.

Just now, as scouts issued a Red Tide anomaly warning to the conservation area, Babylonia also dispatched an urgent support mission to Gray Raven's Commandant.

You'll have to lead the two stationed Constructs to provide support. The scouts over there will assist your team.

The mission takes place in an abandoned research institute. Your objectives are to search for the recon squad members and gather any research data you can find.

Most importantly, the Red Tide will engulf the mission area in nine hours. We have to evacuate before then.

As the mission communication ends, the Construct driving the transport vehicle turns her head back excitedly.

I've been stationed at Conservation Area 189 for over a year, but this is my first time carrying out a support mission like this.

Me too... Urgh... I can't take this...

Sandy gives Greg an overly dramatic pat on the back.

He gets nervous about everything at first, but he's actually quite reliable when he needs to get the job done. Commandant, I hope you can be patient with him.

I really can't—urgh—! Sandy, open the window! Hurk—!

Huh?! You're actually gonna throw up? I mean you're a Construct, for God's sake!

Sandy scrambles to lower the window while Greg immediately leans out and starts dry heaving.

The cold wind rushes into the vehicle, but is kept at bay by your winter gear—spring may have arrived, but this northern location still demands respect for its low temperatures.

We're almost at our destination. Don't mess this up at the final moment—the Commandant's watching, you know.

The transport vehicle runs over a rock, causing it to bounce twice. The jolting motion makes Greg's vision blur.

Urgh... What's that?

Panting from his bout of nausea, Greg manages to recalibrate his visual modules and spots several shadowy figures lurking in the darkness ahead.

Watch out! Swerve right!

As Greg makes out the shapes clearly, he raises his gun while shouting.

Hetero-Creatures spotted!

Sandy yanks the steering wheel hard. The tires screech against the ground, their sharp sound mixing with Greg's gunfire.

Spotting the danger, you raise your weapon and shoot back two Hetero-Creatures just as they're about to latch onto the vehicle's rear.

There are over a dozen of them to the left!

What's going on? The Red Tide shouldn't be here yet! Did it speed up? Why didn't I get any warnings from the scouts?

No Red Tide readings on the surface, either. I don't know where they came from... Ugh... I said I wasn't cut out for this...! It's my first mission and everything's going wrong...

A Hetero-Creature leaps onto the right window, its massive jaws gaping at you.

Despite his agonized screams, Greg springs into action—lunging past you, he shoves his gun into the Hetero-Creature's mouth and unleashes a barrage of bullets.

Seizing the opportunity, Sandy weaves the car through a series of sharp turns, throwing the remaining Hetero-Creatures off the vehicle.

See! I told you Greg was reliable!

Pretty awesome driving skills, right? Should I try applying for the Support Force once this mission's over?

I think you're celebrating too early... Look, in front...

With a trembling finger, Greg points in front of the transport vehicle. A dense swarm of Hetero-Creatures blocks the end of the road, ready to prey upon the lone transport.

Tch, that's our target facility up ahead. No way around it—we'll have to fight our way through them to get inside.

The two Constructs turn to look at you simultaneously. They've only spent a few days together, but they've already grown quite familiar with each other.

Roger that!

The engine roars as the transport vehicle suddenly accelerates. With it, the inertia pins you to the seat.

The transport truck plows through the Hetero-Creature and crashes into the building amid a chorus of shrieks, the impact sending shockwaves through the vehicle.

This is it! There's a door ahead—let's rush in! Make sure to seal it shut behind us!

I thought we were supposed to meet some elite Construct at the target location? Where are they?

The three of them leap from the vehicle with weapons in hand and rush into the building. While running, you check the information displayed on your terminal once more.

Don't look back, just keep running.

A voice calls out from above the building, and the three of you instinctively dive forward. A moment later, a hail of bullets rains down from behind.

After diving into the corridor behind the door, you finally look back to see a white figure leap down from above, firing freeze rounds through the fierce wind to immobilize the shrieking Hetero-Creatures in place.

Get the door shut!

After dispatching the Hetero-Creatures at the front, the Construct strides toward the door while support drones provide a comforting blanket of covering fire from behind.

You shout out the Construct's name when you see him...