Story Reader / Festival Event Story / Poisson d'Avril / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.





—Tsk. You connected to me after all.

Hmph. Still alive, aren't you?

Good. Oh, and there's no need to explain the situation, others already told me about it.

I heard from ■■■■■. You were kidnapped, right?

Those guys must have some guts to kidnap a commandant of Babylonia. Hey, do you really have no idea who they are?

How useless. Fine.

You've met so many organizations with female leaders. Some helpful info this is.

...Hmph. By the way, who do I look like to you?

Nanami? Not that weird kid! Oh, I get it—

You must be a sicko, aren't you?!

Dammit, I don't want to hear your explanation. Bianca once said that if I stay spend too much time with *******, I'll become a ****** myself!


Connection ending soon...

Don't tell me this connection is already ending! The duration is even shorter than…! Can't you last a little longer?!

Dammit, Gray Raven. You better make it up to me later...


Connection ended.