The dawn of this world shines down from the heavens exactly when it's supposed to—reminding you of the figurative one from Echo's poem that's still being sought after.
After the "brief" discussion on modern poetry that you had last night with Echo, she made you go to bed in the transport craft, insisting that you adhere to a healthy lifestyle.
Echo won the argument about going to sleep early, but you insisted on bringing two sleeping bags out of the transport craft, not wanting to leave her outside all by herself.
When you are awoken this morning, the transport craft slated to pick you up is right in the middle of touching down with the instructions of some Constructs.
Good morning, Commandant. Here.
Says Echo as she passes you a cup of lukewarm water.
Guess this is where we say goodbye.
...I traded the supplies I got from Babylonia for this new notebook.
And I was thinking... that maybe you could write your poem here?
That's assuming you haven't already forgotten about it...
But when you try to recall what you have written and read recently, you can't seem to think of anything that isn't work-related...
Hence your lack of creative juice isn't surprising... which calls for a break or a trip to the library to borrow some of the poetry collections that Echo mentioned last night.
A Construct walks up to you, apparently having finished speaking with the pickup team.
With it, Echo holds out her hand to you.
Take care, Commandant.
Her slender hand, while feeling cold to the touch, seems weighty with determination.
Exchanging a smile, both you and Echo let go of your hands at the same time. You turn around right in time to face the Construct.
We have a change of plans, Commandant. The higher-ups reviewed our report from yesterday and asked to have Echo travel back with us for an inquiry session about the retrieved data.
Well... not any that I was informed of.
Based on her agreement with the military, she does need to comply when asked to.
Of course. I'm fine with that.
In five minutes, give or take.
The Construct gives you a nod and makes an OK sign to the pickup team he was having a conversation with.
Echo responds with a smile as she walks into the transport craft with you.
The flight is a short one, lasting for less than half an hour. Before you know it, the transport crafts have already touched down in Babylonia.
Your group and Echo try to pay a visit to the person in charge of data retrieving, only to find them in a prolonged meeting.
Over 10 minutes into waiting, one of the staff members pops his head out of the meeting room to let you know that the person wishes to postpone the inquiry session, seemingly in the middle of a discussion that can't be cut short.
You tell him that you can keep an eye on Echo for the time being—to which he gives you a few thankful nods. After promising you that they will reach out to you over the terminal, he quickly disappears into the meeting room again.
Where should I wait?
The door opens into Gray Raven's lounge. Regardless of the central ventilation system, there is just something in the air of Gray Raven's lounge that makes you feel at home.
Echo takes her eyes off the raven logo outside the door and looks into the lounge when she hears you. She fixes her clothes and straightens herself up.
Thank you for having me.
With it, she steps into the lounge.
Good manners are always necessary since I'm the one visiting here... Oh, please do bring them my regards, Commandant.
Thinking that having Echo sit down would help ease her in, you point at the sofa...
...And see a messy collage of a uniform, a terminal, and a pile of documents waiting to be organized, which none of you has had the time to do over the past few days with your plates full.
You jump right at the mess and start cleaning it, all the while mentally beating yourself up for always piggybacking on your team. When you turn around, you see Echo trying to hold back a laugh.
Echo sits down elegantly and properly when you gesture for her to do so.
You're such a legend and all... so it's just interesting seeing you being so... normal.
No, I heard it all from Lena... from when we were still in lockup.
She made you out to be an executioner of justice, and I couldn't help but wonder how you must have been raised to be such a perfect human being...
...Who fights not to absolve themselves of whatever sins they bear, but purely in the name of justice.
And you proved Lena right through your actions back when you were trying to bring Pickman's flying fortress down, and that's how you won my trust.
Which is why it's quite funny to see... umm, what's the word for it... the childish side of you?
Echo bursts out laughing, no longer able to hold it back.
Wait, but... you told me yesterday that... So you really lied to me!
The past that shaped you doesn't matter as much as who you are at this very moment...
All you need to do is channel your energy into thinking about how to achieve what you set out to do, so long as you see value in them.
I mean, even someone who's such a legend and all can still find poetry writing a little difficult, right?
I might have had a distorted view of you before, Commandant, so allow me to correct myself here. I think it's actually that I've come to know you better.
And I've actually got you a little something for trying to cheer me up over the past few days...
...And for having me here today, too!
Beep, beep, beep...
Your terminal chooses the worst time to let you know that the inquiry session is about to begin.
So you're the type who can't wait for surprises, huh... It's called a "Blessed Star". Cecily came up with it, but it's going to take me some time to get it ready for you, though.
Shall we? We're supposed to head down for the inquiry session now, right?
Let's get that over with, then.
Says Echo as she stands up, once again looking like her usual confident self.