In the woods where a small Utopia collection point is located, Conservation Area 104, Earth.
Target appears normal so far, guarded by six squads of sentries armed with light weapons of the same specs as before.
I understand. I know what they're capable of since I was raised in Utopia myself, too...
And that's why I want to ask you not to worry because I know exactly how to avoid their surveillance.
I never thought you'd be the one reaching out to me today, though...
But given what the liaison officer said yesterday about how I'd have to report to an interim operational commandant, I guess I should have seen this coming.
Instead of involving more people and risking having the world find out about me, it makes a lot more sense for you to be in charge of things when you already know about me.
...Would you mind if I ask you something, Commandant?
Her voice, usually determined, shows a hint of hesitation.
About those branches of Utopia that were destroyed... what happened to the people there afterward?
...I see. That sounds reassuring.
I decided to show the innocent the lies they were living in only because I believed they deserved more justice.
Is there anything else I need to report to you, Commandant?
Copy that.
When the girl carrying a bow turns off her communication device, she redirects her attention back to the "small collection point" beyond the woods.
With Babylonia's military pulling the strings, Echo is now officially MIA.
All this time, however, she's been active on Earth, following the intel she is given to take out "resource backups" that belong to Kurono—and Pickman, her "father."
Smaller collection points like this still hold humans slated to be expended for Pickman's scheme.
Since Pickman and his scheme were done away with, branches of Utopia that are either distant from one another or have limited means of communication have still been in operation...
...Bringing to mind a brain-dead centipede with still functional legs.
Having destroyed Utopia's central fortress and having been a survivor lured to Utopia by all the seemingly beautiful lies herself, Echo thinks these survivors need to be shown the true colors of this place.
And as for Pickman's loyal believers—those who would do just about anything to feed the monster and see it grow—Echo deems it her responsibility to rid the world of every last one of them.
There will eventually come a day when justice purges these sins—and to bring that day about, Echo knows that she, as a lone judge, has to keep moving forward.
And until then, she needs something to help her move along—even if that means finding herself tied down to a relationship with Babylonia in which they seek to use and benefit from each other.
Through it all, though, Echo knows that there is this one single person she can always count on, after the life-and-death situation they went through together.
Commandant and the special mobile squad should arrive around...
Checking the action plan she's received earlier on her terminal, Echo tries to plan out her own course of action.
When she looks up, a man strikes her as odd among the otherwise peaceful group of people as he makes his way through the collection point, seemingly unsettled.
Two guard-looking men grow visibly uneasy, too, after a brief exchange with the man. With it, the three rush headlong toward the biggest tent.
After quickly putting her bow and arrows away, Echo follows them while searching for another location that will give her a better view of the tent.
Transport Craft Pad
Right. We checked her status through a different channel because she never replied to our confirmation message...
...And to cut it short, she's made her own move, and she's in the middle of a fight now as we speak.
About 20 minutes.
Yes, those two boxes over there.
The transport craft taxis as you buckle yourself up.
Apparently sensing your unease, the Construct piloting the craft accelerates, producing a momentum stronger than any you've felt before. Crossing your mind at this very moment is the thought of an arrow leaving its bow.
Showing no mercy whatsoever, an arrow swishes past a pair of refugees hugging each other in fear and drills deep into the arm of a rioter holding a weapon.
For crying out loud... It's just a bloody chick! You, show her who's the boss here now!
B-but... she's a Construct, Boss!
Who cares? Chop her head off and she's dead! We're bringing every last one of these humans back for Dr. Pickman! Remember what I said you could do if these rats refused to behave as...
And you're still going about your business when that person has met the end he well deserved?!
What in the world are you...
Still holding their weapons, the guards all cast a dubious look at their leader.
Nonsense! That... is unverified information!
And even if that were true, those guys behind all this are never going to let us go if we jump ship now.
There is no going back now—so just do what you need to!
The girl looks on with a tinge of sadness in her eyes as the crazed crowd charges straight at her with all sorts of weapons in hand.
She has to face their insanity head-on.
Her bow at full draw now, she's about to let her arrow loose when...
Following people's screams, an incendiary bomb hits where Echo is standing, instantly searing the air and stirring up dust from the ground that blurs everyone's view of their surroundings.
Did that do her in?
Thank you, Cecily.
With purple flames rising from the dust, a suit of armor holding a long spear stands in front of Echo.
Behind Echo squats a terrified woman—with a child about half-a-grown-up tall in her arms.
The hit just now would have turned them into a pile of pungent ash had Echo dodged it.
Vital fluid trickles down Echo's forehead as her arm, still holding her bow, droops from blocking the bomb.
The power system isn't working quite well, huh...
She tries moving her damaged arm. Moments later, however, she wipes the vital fluid off her forehead and works up a smile at the woman behind her, apparently having sensed the refugees' fear.
I'm doing just fine, but... Can you still run? You should go hide yourselves somewhere safe!
B-but we can't just...
We will stop every single one of them.
Seeing the determined look in Echo's eye, the woman gives her a hard nod and holds her child's face.
This lady here is going to keep us safe. Let's go!
Sob... Okay!
With it, the woman stoops down and runs toward the bunkers nearby with her child in tow.
Right then, a bullet makes a beeline for them—only to be stopped dead in its tracks by the suit of armor wielding its razor-sharp spear, aglow with purple flames and shrouded in roaring wind gusts.
Guess I won't need to hold back now, then.
Quick! Hit her again!
A guard points at a transport craft in the distance that's coming their way at full throttle.
They're here to help her! We can't let it land!
When a second incendiary bomb pierces the air, it goes not at Echo—but at the transport craft that's about to land.
W-wait... No!
As she screams, Echo and the suit of armor charge straight at the person leading the guards.
With the battle coming to an end, the collection point falls eerily quiet.
The Constructs from the mobile squad are tallying up the people at this particular branch of Utopia and tidying up the data.
Having survived the tough battle, Echo, who's sitting right across from you now, seems to be donning a heavy cape as the glow of dusk showers down on her.
As you gently fix the bandage in place, Echo's last wound is patched up.
She retracts her arm and stares at the less-than-perfect bandage knot in silence.
From behind you, you hear people being pushed as they walk. They're Pickman's minions, and they're about to be sent back to Babylonia—where they'll be tried and convicted.
Dammit! You lousy little...
It's all ruined now, and it's all because of you!
You have no idea how hard Dr. Pickman had to work to get this far...
Cut it out and keep moving!
The Construct forces the guard leader's head down. The man, however, speaks even louder than he did just now.
So you think you saved those people, huh?
But you're dead wrong, because most of them did what they did voluntarily!
Yes, I'm talking to you, hotshot. Look, you have no idea... Argh!
Seemingly at his wits' end, the Construct escorting Pickman's minions knocks the man out cold with a strike and carries him into the transport craft's confining cabin.
Seeing what's happened to their leader, the rest of Pickman's minions dare not say a word, venting their spleen at Echo with a menacing stare only when they pass her by.
We'll be staying here for a while, Commandant.
The bomb didn't punch a hole through our craft's side armor, but the explosion itself did a number on the fuel tank and the pipes connecting the engine.
Another transport craft will be here in a few hours for a mission, and we'll be staying here until they're done with their current mission.
With a salute, the Construct flying the transport craft that's taken you here turns around and leaves.
I'm sorry.
After the Construct has left, a sudden apology from Echo reaches your ears.