Story Reader / Affection / Hanying: Solacetune / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

Hanying: Solacetune III


I've tallied up the supplies during the first month from the Nighter, as well as the Grubs Kowloong provided for us.

You take the ledger he compiled and place it on the cabinet where you currently store your paperwork.

It's no big deal—after all, we're practically neighbors.

Oh, right—my wife is really interested in becoming a patrol officer...

There's a mechanoid lady at the camp who can help with registration. Just look for her.

Hanying carries a simple wooden rack to the doorway, and you rush over to help her push it against the corner.

You compile the camp's status and borrow wooden boards from the Bixi Crew, which Hanying turns into simple shelves for paper storage.

Given how spotty the signal is in this region, having an extra backup is never a bad idea.

Thank you very much. I'll take my leave now.

Take care.

You check the sign-up forms on the terminal that Hanying designed. A few names are already on the list.

Everyone is far more enthusiastic than I expected.

Apologies, Commandant.

I had hoped to have you over as a guest...

Please let me make it up to you properly afterward.

If you really mean it, I'll make sure you take a proper break.

You pick up the borrowed construction manual on the wooden desk and start flipping through it.

But you quickly spot a small figure at the doorway and pause.


Yalin stands by the entrance, signing a question to Hanying.

You're not interrupting. Have a seat and take a breather here, Yalin.

We still have a few things to take care of.

Let's come back to this later...

Roughly understanding the meaning of sign language, it dawns on you that you might have been taking things too seriously.

You walk over to the short cabinet by the door and pick up a pinecone.

This should do it.

Hanying leans down to examine the ground, gently touching the soil.

At midday, under the blazing sun, the three of you plant a few pinecones on a small slope. Smoke rising from the camp tells you it's already noon.

You glance at Yalin—she slams down the watering bucket. This girl, barely taller than the shovel, plops right onto the ground.

From now on, we just need to water them every few days.

She wasn't too keen on the idea of planting trees at first, but when Hanying and you set out, she ended up following you all the same.

She even snatches the task away when Hanying tries to help.

Hanying takes a handkerchief from her pocket and wipes the sweat from your forehead.

Standing with Hanying on the slope, you have a perfect view of the old lodge complex below.

This way, once these saplings grow, we'll be able to see our "homeland" again.

I picked up some bamboo shoots on the way here—how about we use them for lunch today?

The girl watches the two people in front of her conversing, slipping into contemplation.

Several days later

A human girl paces around the tent assembled by mechanoids, unnoticed by the mechanoids passing by.

After a long moment's hesitation, she steps inside.

It seems the commandant of Babylonia has no intention of moving out.

That newly built house is set aside for the pair who arrived from the Aerospace City yesterday—or as humans would say, a married couple.

Understood. My mission today is to help that couple settle in their new home and show them around the camp.

Right, the Bixi Crew has already gone over to reinforce your rooftop.

Thanks! I wouldn't want my batteries getting socked.

Repeating its assigned task, the mechanoid next to Boccioni leaves the tent.

The girl walks over to Boccioni and pokes him.

Oh, my dear Sage!

Boccioni staggers back half a step and nearly topples over, but the one who really reacts more strongly is the girl.

Apologies for my lapse, Yalin.

Seeing the mechanoid still rattled, Yalin relaxes a bit.

The mechanoid before her is remarkably polite, so unlike those crazed Corrupted she recalls from her memories.


As the mechanoid lets out a slightly sluggish murmur, she snaps back to reality.

Boccioni tries to gather up the blueprints he knocked to the floor, but for some reason ends up colliding with the table leg instead.

Hmm... I would be most grateful if you could offer me some assistance.

The girl just stands there, still not fully letting go of the struggle with her memories.

Is there something you came to ask me about?

Boccioni turns around to look at Yalin, his head swiveling a bit too dramatically before he clumsily steadies himself.

She lets out a sigh and walks over to help straighten up the once-tidy table.

Once everything is back in order, she picks up a blank sheet of paper from the desk and sketches an arch over a small sapling.

So... this is a shed? We've fixed the shed already, but the first batch of potatoes won't be ready for another month, and we'll only expand the farmland after the rainy season.

Yalin nods, then shakes her head. She lifts the tent flap and points toward the slope in the distance.

Then she circles the sapling in her drawing and adds the pointed leaves of a pine tree.

If I may take a wild guess, you've planted pine trees on that hillside.

A shed can help speed up sprouting. Are you looking to grow pine saplings?

Yalin nods vigorously in agreement, pointing at herself, then at the mechanoid in front of her.

Help? I can't help right now.

The girl looks at Boccioni with confusion.

This is my work shift. Planting trees isn't a higher priority than my other tasks.


...What about off-duty hours?

The mechanoid calculates at lightning speed.

This is a practical hobby that might spark new ideas for my other projects.

Yalin approaches the mechanoid and solemnly extends her bent pinky.


This is how humans seal a promise, right?

Because Boccioni's arms differ from a human's, he simply taps her pinky with his own "hand."

Several days later

After spending several days learning about the camp members, you and Hanying assign each person's role. Now, the camp operates without a hitch.

Hanying raises the teapot and pours the freshly steeped tea into a porcelain cup.

A delicate wisp of steam drifts up from the teacup, merging with the already fragrant air.

The third cup offers the most refined taste of the entire brew.

Commandant, please.

Hanying hands you the teacup, and the light, elegant aroma greets your senses.

This morning, when the sunlight is subdued, Hanying takes out her tea set and brews a delicate pot of tea at home.

After two cups, the tea's aroma fills your senses. Then, with a single sip, a gentle cinnamon sweetness unfolds in the aftertaste.

Before long, your fatigue melts away.

It's been quite a busy morning, hasn't it?

Please accept this pot of premium oolong tea as my thanks.

Commandant, make sure you don't push yourself too hard from now on.

How about we do something we've both been longing to do?

Hanying smiles gently. She's poised and skilled as she brews tea, yet shows a hint of carefree abandon when she drinks it all in one go.

The girl who's here to help Hanying make lunch taps the corner of the table.

(I want some too.)

You're still too young to drink tea, or you'll stay awake all night.

(I sleep just fine.)

After a last-minute study session, you've picked up enough sign language to finally communicate with Yalin on a basic level.

Outside, a swallow glides low and disappears into its nest beneath the eaves.

Yalin takes one look at the weather outside, revealing a subtle concern that no one else seems to notice.

(I need to go out to find Boccioni.)

Huh? Boccioni?

(It's a secret!)

Hanying sets down the teapot, takes her rain cape from a cabinet, and places it over Yalin's shoulders.

It may rain later, so make sure you don't catch a cold.

Yalin nods and then pours the fourth cup of tea for Hanying before heading out in a hurry.

She used to be terrified of mechanoids.

A satisfied smile appears on Hanying's face.

Ever since you came, she hasn't been nearly as timid around others...

Come to think of it, you're really popular with kids, Commandant.

Judging by what I just saw, it must be a pretty intriguing secret, huh?

Now that I think about it, Boccioni hides it well. You'd never guess he and Yalin have struck up a friendship.

You sip another cup, letting the warm tea chase away the lingering dampness of the rainy season.

Okay, let's begin.

Hanying neatly puts away the tea set and turns down the flame on the small burner.

You two push two shipping containers together and slide the bookshelf into one corner, creating a makeshift "bedroom."

The couple who usually watches over Yalin is on night duty, so Yalin is staying with you tonight.

The heavy clouds outside show no sign of dispersing, though you can just make out the sunlight trying to shine through.

Since you can't tell the time, you use the clock on your terminal and only then realize you haven't looked at its screen for days.

Commandant, what do you feel like eating tonight? We still have some bamboo shoots left, and there's also that package Pulao sent...

Hanying steps into the kitchen, rummaging around to find what she needs.

Oh, I couldn't let you do that!

I've got it covered. You traveled all this way, Commandant...

Hanying turns her gaze on you, and a subtle, indescribable emotion stirs in her clear eyes.

It's almost like she's shrugging off a heavy burden, letting it melt into a gentle smile.

Her ability to conceal her emotions is so refined that no one ever gets the chance to read what's really going on inside.

Then, how about I help you out?

The stove's warm glow fills the room, but a sudden crack of spring thunder cuts through the calm, disrupting the moment.

A moment later, raindrops begin to fall outside, their gentle patter audible from within.

They tap against the windowsill and glass in a steady beat, but quickly shift into a frenzied, irregular drumming.