Story Reader / Affection / No. 21: XXI Scene / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

No. 21: XXI Scene II


Central Command — Outside the Training Operations Hall

After routine firearm training, you rub your wrists, now slightly numb from holding a gun for so long, and open the tactical terminal to confirm your next destination.

Walking to the corner of the hall, you bump into an unexpected person.

[player name].

I smelled something familiar, so I came to look for it.

Like this.

No. 21 rummages through her pocket, takes out a somewhat dirty object, then raises her hand up toward you.

A broken nameplate rests in the palm of her hand.

It's the same nameplate No. 21 had discovered earlier. You're surprised to see that she had taken it with her.

No. 21 nods, then shakes her head.

They smell similar, but it's not the same person.

There's only a subtle difference, but I can tell. They're from the same team.



Why would it be important?

Alright. I want to know.

No. 21 walks around the Task Force base like a small animal foraging for food, then finally stops at the door to Nighthawk's break room.

A young Construct looking at his tactical terminal notices the strange visitor. He scratches his head in doubt.

...Who are you?

Following this, No. 21 holds up the nameplate.

...We found this in battle.

It's "something important," so I wanted to bring it back.


That nameplate... Ah! T-that's... Reynold's!

Seeing the thing in No. 21's hand, the Construct jumps out of his chair and rushes over. The chair makes a loud screech as it lurches back.

How did you find that? What about Reynold? He's been missing since the last battle. I thought...

This is all I found.


As if the last ounce of hope the Construct had clung to while waiting had vanished, he holds the nameplate firmly in his hands, falls to his knees, then begins to sob.


This expression... Seems like you have lost something important.

No. 21 awkwardly holds her hands at her chest. The Co-Bot seems to share her bewilderment and runs around in circles.

No. 21 looks at you in hesitation.

After some time, she kneels down before the Construct as if suddenly thinking of something...

D-don't... cry...

As she tries to comfort him clumsily, her face distorts into an awkward, indescribable expression.

It appears to be a disastrous attempt at a "smile." All you can see is No. 21 try to force the corners of her mouth up in a vague crescent.


W-what's... with that look on your face?

Do you think losing a comrade is funny?!

Oh, right... That symbol. You're with Cerberus, aren't you? I heard you all are a bunch of freaks!

The flustered Construct stands up and points at you.

Are you Cerberus' commandant? Shouldn't you keep your teammates in line?

Or... Are you just here to get a kick out of our misery?!

You cold-blooded monsters... No wonder you're on the same team.

You're not welcome here. Please leave.

The Construct wipes his face on his sleeve, then pushes you and No. 21 out.

The door slams in your face with a loud "BANG!"

No. 21 looks disappointed as she walks down the corridor.

My frame is operating at 100%.

He lost something important. He was "sad."

I wanted to "comfort" him.

I've learned from the speaking terminal that "smiling"" is a kind expression. So I deduced that this was the appropriate time to ""smile."

That's what you would do, Commandant.

When you smile, Commandant, I feel warm here.

She points to her chest.

I am learning how to converse with humans.

But when I "smile," everyone is afraid.

When I would smile in battle, the enemy was afraid. That's what Vera and Noctis did as well.

Later, I learned that smiling can be "kind."

But... I failed. My smile only makes people afraid.

Recalling Vera and Noctis' behavior, you instantly realize why No. 21 smiled like this.

If she wants to learn how to talk with humans, Vera and Noctis aren't ideal teachers.

...Is it because I have no emotions?

I can only "imitate." Is that wrong?


...I don't understand. I don't have my own emotions.

I only have the "emotions" of others in here.

No. 21 points at her head.

But now they are gone.

I don't know what I should do.

But now I know not to do that when someone is sad.
