The next day brings clear skies. By the time the two of you make it back to the old town, the Rain Flower Festival is already in full swing.
Having spent the night camping in the forest, with no chance to change clothes, you and Wanshi have to borrow festival attire from Zhongjing and Wan.
The two of you change into the town's traditional attire, while Zhongjing looks on with a delighted smile for quite some time.
Someone from Kowloong came to help out before, right when the Rain Flower Festival was happening. They borrowed clothes from our clinic, too... They fit so perfectly, so perfectly indeed.
Something looks familiar though... Ah, never mind. My memory is probably messing with me again... Wan! Where are you? Where is she?
Leaning on his cane, Zhongjing ambles out the door to look for his granddaughter.
...Commandant, you seem to be in a good mood.
Because you're not even trying to hide it.
I'll take your word for it.
Phew... Good thing the weather's nice today. Doesn't look like it's going to rain.
See, they put so much work into putting this festival together, and the last thing you want happening is...
You know what, let's not jinx it. It does remind me of this saying, though...
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
While chatting, the two of you slowly make your way to the plaza at the heart of the festival.
The square is packed with townspeople gathering for the "Flower Pole" event. Recently recovered researchers have arrived after hearing the news, and crowds of people flow endlessly along the cobblestone paths. The venue is as vibrant as it can be.
Dr. Wanshi, Commandant, you are here!
Wan comes running over with a flower crown on her head, carrying a small wooden basin filled with water.
Happy Festival!
Hehe... Let me share some Rain Flower Festival blessings with you all!
Before the two of you could react, Wan raises the basin ready to splash you with the water in it.
Ah... here's a little crash course on the festival. We take freshly picked flowers, soak them in spring water from the mountain, and then splash the water all over people. This is the blessing from the Rain Flower Festival!
I heard some people aren't too fond of this kind of blessing... As in, you know, they don't want to get their clothes wet and all...
Let me know if you're worried about getting your clothes wet. There's no need to force yourselves.
Wanshi glances over and shows no particular opinion. He wants you to make the call.
Wan sprinkles water and flower petals over both of you, then places two vibrant flower garlands in your palms.
We picked these flowers together this morning! They wanted to personally give these flowers to you guys, but they asked me to do it instead, since they're a little shy.
Thank you, Commandant! Thank you, Dr. Wanshi! Thank you both for everything you've done for Nanyun!
Standing behind Wan, the children break into shy smiles upon hearing her mention them.
Wanshi dips his hand into the wooden basin and, with solemn care, sprinkles the blessed water over Wan and the children.
May you all be blessed, too.
Usually outgoing, Wan grows a little sheepish at Wanshi's gesture.
Th-thanks for the blessing... Gotta go now! Make sure you both have a blast today, yeah?
Wan waves goodbye to the two of you, then skips away with the wooden basin in her arms.
...So this is what a festival is like.
I'm quite interested in Kowloong's customs, so I made a point to learn about them.
I've never actually taken part in this festival... but I imagine the dancing and celebrations go on until late into the night?
Everyone stays until the torches burn out, then makes their way home...
Woah... that sounds extremely tiring.
...Yeah, but I still want to enjoy this festival together with you.
Wanshi takes the flower garland from his palm and gently fastens it around your wrist.
It suits you perfectly.
I knew it—you needed to see this festival with your own eyes.
Wanshi gestures at the lively festival scene.
Nanyun is the perfect place to rest. Remember how you once said, "There are things we just can't do now"? Well, I've been thinking about that since I got here.
I've never dwelt too much on the distant future. It's a waste of energy. I'd rather focus on people who are right by my side.
You don't have to wait until you retire to see the future you want to see.
That peaceful, tranquil life you envision already exists in this world... and if not, I'll find a way to make it happen.
Wanshi tilts his head up, gazing at the "flower pole" in the center of the plaza. Countless bouquets and ribbons adorn its glossy, plant-oiled surface as a fresh floral fragrance drifts on the breeze.
I'm lucky that it didn't take me too long to find a place like that, and I've played my part in putting this wonderful scene together.
With her prosthetic newly adjusted by Wanshi, Wan runs around carrying water basins with a group of children, their laughter filling the air.
Zhongjing and the rest of the group slowly follow behind, gathering towards the center of town.
Joy radiates from everyone's faces as they splash water around, immersing themselves in the rhythm of blessings.
Such a scene is a miracle rarely seen these days, yet here it exists in their present reality.
Everyone casts aside their worries for the past and future, throwing themselves wholeheartedly into the festivities with joy and passion, as the gleaming silver ornaments catch the sunlight and chime in gentle harmony.
Sing your hearts out, and dance with joy!
Come to the heart of this beautiful square.
Far from disaster's reach, step into bliss with the most passionate dance.
This is what you catch coming out of your mouth by the time you come to your senses.
Wanshi nods as a gentle breeze stirs the loose strands of hair around his cheeks.
—It's all right here before you.
Just as Wanshi tries to speak up for once, a flower ball comes flying from afar and hits him in the back.
The flower ball was thrown gently, causing Wanshi to flinch only slightly.
Dr. Wanshi, Happy Rain Flower Festival! The pole-climbing contest is about to begin, and we'd definitely love to see the two of you in it!
Hey, count us in, too!
Heey—?! For real? Wanshi's a Construct though. That's not exactly fair, is it?
The researchers, now up and running again, bubble with playful energy once.
Well, anything goes—doesn't matter if you're a mechanoid or a Construct. First one to climb to the top and grab the prize wins it.
Two burly men approach while muttering among themselves, seemingly trying to convince Nanyun's most popular celebrity nowadays to join the competition.
Wanshi hands the bouquet back to the man.
I'll have to pass. As the doctor filling in for Zhongjing, I need to stay alert for any medical situations. Plus... it wouldn't be fair to other participants if a Construct joined the competition.
And you, Commandant?
While Wan and the other townsfolk wear looks of disappointment, the researchers are already rolling up their sleeves with barely contained excitement.
We're totally okay if you don't want to be part of it. I mean, we just might have a real shot at winning without you in the competition!
What's the prize for the first person making it up there?
I didn't look too closely, but I think there's tea, alcohol, and meat? I guess you're supposed to pick whichever ones you like.
Woah... these things are sure uniquely Kowloong...
A spark of interest stirs in you as you listen to their conversation.
And that's not it!
And there are lots of candy blocks, too! They're wrapped in rice paper—they taste amazing when you chew them together...
Wan and the other kids look at you with excitement.
C'mon, Commandant, it's gonna be fun!
The festival's lively atmosphere mingles with the children's excitement, washing over everyone present.
As the children surround and swarm their target, Wanshi stands at the side, watching, with a hint of a smile on his face.
You look to Wanshi for help, and he responds with a slight nod.
Are you gonna go?
I'll be waiting for you down there if you're going.
Surrounded by children, you approach the two tall poles at the plaza's center and give them a pat—they're coated in oil, making it clear that it's going to be quite a challenge even just trying to climb a few inches up.
The prizes at the top of both poles are clearly visible—whoever retrieves them first will be crowned the winner.
Is everyone at their starting positions? Great! We'll begin as soon as the countdown ends!
The researchers sent out their fitness enthusiast—the one who drank the most mushroom soup that day. Word is they're still dizzy even now. Who knows if he's going to make it to the top in this state.
Let me say this again: false starts are invalid, getting help will disqualify you, and don't even think about trying any funny business.
People are practically bursting with eagerness, ready to show off what they're made of.
Only Wanshi, sitting on the sidelines, appears particularly composed—even closing his eyes at times. He stands out in stark contrast to the excited crowd beside them.
Get down if you're not feeling well, yeah?
You take a deep breath to calm yourself down.
Three, two, one—
At the signal, two groups gather around the poles—one side cheering for the researcher from Babylonia, while on the other, Wan leads the children and townspeople in rooting for you...
Surprisingly, having slipped down a few times, you've already figured out the hang of it. Making your way up gets easier after that.
With a final bit of clever maneuvering and a few simple steps upward, you finally reach a spot where the silver flask is just within arm's reach.
Looking down, the crowd below has become tiny dots in the distance—looks like victory might really be within reach now.
Just as you reach out to grab the prize, the flower pole starts to wobble ominously, and the world around you starts spinning.
When you turn to face the other flower pole, you see the researcher who had a little too much mushroom soup to drink the other day with a pale face. When you turn to look down to the ground, though, you see people staring up at you in fear.
You struggle to keep your balance, but things are clearly beyond your control. A fall seems imminent—
As you fall, you catch sight of Wanshi on the sidelines in your inverted vision. Wanshi's eyes widen in alarm as he jumps to his feet.
He hops over the railings into the arena, raising both arms high in your direction.
In this crucial moment, you make up your mind right away.
With one last shout to the crowd below, you leap off the pole.
[player name]—
Whoa! Why in the world did the pole fall?! And the researcher dude over there... Is he still under the influence?
The colorful silk at the pole's peak comes down with you. They wrap around the wine flask as both trace an arc through the air and fall together with your silhouette.
The researcher, still experiencing hallucinations, falls into the crowd below, where the townspeople catch him together.
On the other side, Wanshi stands firmly below and catches the falling human all by himself.
—It is a soft and familiar embrace, one that seems capable of enveloping the sharpest of knives in the world.
The flower pole crashes to the ground. As you regain your bearings and look up, you find Wanshi's face hovering over you, tinged with concern.
Thank God I caught you... I knew you'd jump this way.
...Can't argue with that.
But what's with these poles? That was close.
Wanshi's words sound like a complaint, yet there isn't a trace of actual reproach in his voice.
You try to get up to retrieve the dropped prizes and torn ribbons, but Wanshi stops you.
I saw it.
Wanshi picks up the cold silver wine flask and places it in your palm.
I've been watching the whole time. I saw everything clearly.
You made it up there first, and that's beyond a shadow of a doubt.