Commandant... we...
Not that we don't trust Watanabe, Commandant, but you should at the very least notify us before you travel to Forsaken territory by yourself...
Pardon me, Commandant, but that was really unwise.
Hmph. Going there all by yourself without bringing anyone of us...
This call would have been your obituary just a few months ago!
So? What are the coordinates?!
We'll head over immediately. Commandant, please stay safe in the meanwhile.
We have to get to Commandant before Oasis retracts its dome.
Doesn't matter how Oasis react—your safety is still our responsibility, Commandant.
Now we're your squad, huh?!
I've located Commandant's location... Massive Corrupted activity sighted in the area!
Let's go help the Forsaken for Commandant's sake.
But... what should we say if the people up top ask about it?
Monitor Corrupted signals at all times. Send reinforcement to A-1. Stay in position, C-3.
Why the hell are you here? Get back!
How is an unarmed human going to help?!
So just get...
Corrupted on the west side are clear. No sign of them converging again.